Up here in New York’s hinterlands, our Target stores have snack bars with Pizza Hut pizzas, or maybe a Starbucks if they’re really classy. At a planned store in Manhattan’s Tribeca neighborhood, they plan some classier offerings in the snack bar. Target has partnered with yogurt brand Chobani to open a cafe featuring “Chobani’s signature Greek yogurt and hand-selected, artisanal ingredients.” [More]

Chobani Can’t Run Ads Claiming Other Greek Yogurt Products Contain Bug Spray, Chlorine
A federal court has ordered the makers of Chobani Greek yogurt to stop running a series of new ads that claim similar products from Dannon and Yoplait contain insecticides and chlorine. [More]

General Mills Sues Chobani For Advertising That Yoplait Contains “Bug Spray”
If you’re going to casually advertise that your competitor’s product contains an insecticide, you should probably expect to get sued. Just ask the lawyers at General Mills, who are none to happy about Chobani ads claiming that Yoplait’s competing yogurt contains a product used to “kill bugs.”

FDA: Idaho Knew About Chobani Mold Issue Before Yogurts Started Exploding
Last year, fungal contamination in yogurt made in Chobani’s new plant in Idaho led to problems with their products distributed nationwide. These problems ranged from “this yogurt tastes funny” to in-fridge explosions to dozens of illnesses that consumers attributed to the yogurt. Now, the Idaho plant’s local newspaper has learned that the state government may have known about the mold contamination long before any yogurts were pulled from stores. [More]

Scientists: Recalled Moldy Exploding Chobani Yogurts Could Make Consumers Sick
Hey, remember when Chobani recalled a wide variety of yogurts in the fall of 2013 because fungal contamination made them taste terrible and occasionally explode? About that: a new study published today in a journal of the American Society for Microbiology indicates that the fungus found in contaminated yogurt cups was a strain that can make animals, including humans, sick when it’s eaten. [More]

Author Suing Chobani Over Claim That It Ripped Off His Book For “How” Marketing Campaign
While there’s no way one person can have the sole rights to using certain words, like “how,” for example, one author going to battle with Chobani contends that the way those words are put together for marketing purposes should be protected from ripoffs. [More]

Chobani Yogurt Meant For Olympic Athletes Will Go To Food Pantries Instead
The brave, chilly athletes representing the United States at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia certainly need their protein. That’s why Chobani, maker of tasty strained yogurt products, was sending a large shipment of the stuff to Team USA in the Olympic Village. U.S. officials and Chobani lost their standoff with Russian bureaucracy, though, and the yogurt will not be allowed to enter the country. [More]

Senator Desperately Trying To Get Yogurt To Our Brave, Yogurtless Olympic Athletes
It’s not only the media in Sochi that are finding Russian reality a harsh one ahead of the Winter Olympics. Imagine you’re a world-class athlete, with a lean machine of a body that is finely tuned to the highest degree of athleticism. What that body wants, it gets. Unless it’s Greek yogurt. [More]

Is Greek Yogurt Still Greek If It’s Made In America?
We label all sorts of products with country names — Italian ice, French dressing, Swedish meatballs — regardless of where they were made, or even if they have any actual ties to the country being name-checked. But a court in the UK has ruled that Chobani can’t label its product as “Greek Yogurt” because it is made in the U.S. [More]

Breakfast Shrink Ray: Chobani Yogurt, Special K Shave Off Weight
When food companies need to work on their profit margin but don’t want to raise prices, they deploy the Grocery Shrink Ray. The Shrink Ray lets them charge the same amount for fractionally less food. Today, we have most of a Shrink Rayed breakfast: it’s been deployed on Kellogg’s Special K Protein cereal and Chobani yogurt cups. [More]

Whole Foods Reportedly Ditching Chobani Over GMO Concerns
If Chobani’s recall woes weren’t enough, the maker of the Greek-style yogurt may also be losing an important retail partner with Whole Foods reportedly planning to stop shelving the stuff in the coming year over concerns about genetically modified content. [More]

What Should I Do If No One Accepts My Chobani Recall Coupons?
Remember the Chobani yogurt recall this past fall, when fungal contamination led to sour-tasting, occasionally-exploding yogurts distributed nationwide? Chobani made it up to their customers by sending coupons so they could replace their contaminated products. The problem with that is that some grocers won’t accept these coupons. [More]

89 People Reported Illnesses From Moldy Chobani Yogurt To FDA
We have good news and bad news regarding the fungus-related recall of a large amount of Chobani brand greek yogurt. Affected products were distributed nationwide, causing reactions among consumers that ranged from “that tastes a little weird” to “HONEY, THE YOGURT EXPLODED!” The company has named the mold, but according to the FDA 89 people so far have reported becoming sick from the yogurts. [More]

Chobani Declares ‘Voluntary Recall’ Of Exploding Moldy Yogurts
Chobani’s recall of mold-contaminated yogurts has been promoted to a voluntary recall. “Over 95% of the units in question have already been identified and removed from retailer shelves,” claims the company. [More]

Chobani: Exploding Yogurts Caused By Mold At Idaho Plant
The “quality issue” that has led Greek yogurt maker Chobani to pull products from stores has an explanation: mold. Customers who ate the affected yogurt aren’t thrilled to hear this news, since the company continues to call the funny-tasting yogurt plague a “quality issue” rather than a food safety problem. Customers who claim that they or their children got sick from Chobani products are not pleased. [More]