Reporters Arriving For Sochi Olympics Are Less Than Pleased With Nonexistent Hotel Rooms

Yahoo Sports’ Greg Wyshynski shared this photo on Twitter of the hotel room toilet that does not accept toilet paper.
The Washington Post has a pretty hilarious roundup of Tweets from numerous reporters who have reached Sochi only to find inadequate, incomplete, or nonexistent hotel rooms.
Here are some of our favorites from that story, along with some updates from those reporters:
The Globe & Mail’s Mark MacKinnon‘s Sochi hotel isn’t quite finished yet…
Stacy St. Clair of the Chicago Tribune isn’t drinking the Sochi Kool-Aid just yet… and certainly not with the yellow water coming from her hotel bathroom tap.
CNN sports producer Harry Reekie and his team arrived to find that months of preparation can go down the drain when the hotel rooms you booked don’t exist.
Reekie Tweeted the issue to Sochi Organizing Committee President and CEO Dmitry Chernyshenko:
For what it’s worth, the CEO’s hotel room isn’t just in good order, it also has an awesome view:
Meanwhile, BBC Moscow bureau chief Kevin Bishop has this lovely decor in his unfinished accommodations:
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