
This Is A Picture Of Comcast's Headquarters In Philadelphia

This Is A Picture Of Comcast's Headquarters In Philadelphia

The above picture of the huge video screen in the lobby of Comcast’s headquarters in Philadelphia pretty much sums up everything you need to know about Comcast as a company.

Time Warner Cable Expands Metered Billing To Four More Cities

Time Warner Cable Expands Metered Billing To Four More Cities

If you live in Rochester, NY, Austin or San Antonio, TX, or Greensboro, NC, your broadband access from TWC is about to be capped. The company is expanding its trial run from Beaumont, TX to these additional four cities, where TWC broadband customers will have to choose one of the company’s tiers of service—anywhere from 5GB to 40GB per month. DSL Reports notes that all five markets lack Verizon’s FiOS as an option, and TWC faces little to no competition from other providers.

Comcast Spends 3 Months, 26 Days Trying To Fix Your Cable, Fails

Comcast Spends 3 Months, 26 Days Trying To Fix Your Cable, Fails

After spending almost 4 months trying to get Comcast to fix the signal problems with his cable, reader William, who lives in an apartment building that only allows Comcast, has decided to just cancel his his account and go without.


A bunch of different technological options to help you eliminate cable — from Apple TV and the XBOX 360 to just hooking a computer to your flat screen. [CNET]

Comcast Installer Also Installs Mud, Body Odor, In your Apartment

Comcast Installer Also Installs Mud, Body Odor, In your Apartment

He is actually still here I as I e-mail you — I hate to be mean, but the BO is so bad, I am seriously choking. He left to get some parts out of the truck and the smell is so strong in my apartment I am going to need to open all of my windows for the rest of the afternoon just to get this smell out.

Comcast Using Free Wi-Fi To Keep You From Switching To FiOS

Comcast Using Free Wi-Fi To Keep You From Switching To FiOS

Comcast is testing WiFi service at about 120 NJ Transit rail stations in an effort to retain broadband customers who might otherwise be tempted to switch to FiOS. Will it work?

Comcast's Official Make A New Pot Of Coffee Policy

Comcast's Official Make A New Pot Of Coffee Policy

From the archives, Aug 29, 2007 : In today’s go-go economy, savvy companies know it’s important to draft official policies for a variety of circumstances and surprises that can crop up in the middle of a busy workday, and ensure they are clearly communicated and readily available. [More]

A Day In The Life Of Comcast's Frank Eliason

A Day In The Life Of Comcast's Frank Eliason

Ever wonder what it’s like to be Comcast’s resident Twitter wizard, Frank Eliason, for a day? BusinessWeek did, so they sent a reporter to watch Frank, described as a “maverick,” spend a day responding to scorned customers.

Cancel Cable Without Losing Your Favorite Shows

Cancel Cable Without Losing Your Favorite Shows

Cable is one of the first things you should cut to keep expenses down, but that doesn’t mean you should ditch your favorite shows. J.D. over at Get Rich Slowly cut his cable bill from $65.82 to $11.30 without missing a single harrowing plot twist. Here’s how he did it…

Subscriber Sues Comcast For Requiring Customers To Rent Cable Boxes

Subscriber Sues Comcast For Requiring Customers To Rent Cable Boxes

Hate renting set-top boxes from Comcast? So does one San Francisco Comcast subscriber. He’s suing, claiming that the rental fees are far in excess of what the boxes would be worth on the open market.


Charter Cable has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, but said operations will continue as normal. [Marketwatch] (Thanks to CaptZ!)

FBI Now Investigating The Comcast Porn Bowl

FBI Now Investigating The Comcast Porn Bowl

Comcast says their investigation shows that their systems were functioning properly, so they’ve turned the case over to the FBI.

Ten Ways To Take $100 Off Your Cable Bill

Ten Ways To Take $100 Off Your Cable Bill

Adam from Free Press sent us his tips for lowering his cable bill. Using these strategies, Adam reduced his monthly bill from $190 to $90, and added three movie networks, a sports package, and two additional boxes.


Time Warner as a whole reported a 4th quarter loss of $24.2 billion today. The cable unit, which lost $8.16 billion, suffered as people canceled subscriptions due to the economy. Yowch. [NYT]


After failing to get the required two-third majority on Wednesday, the House is expected next week to pass legislation delaying the digital television transition to June 12, according to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. The Senate has already voted to extend the deadline, and President Obama has indicated he will sign the bill.

Reach Time Warner NY/NJ Regional VP Of Customer Care

Reach Time Warner NY/NJ Regional VP Of Customer Care

AIM: mmans0929

Comcast Installs Cable In Your Gutter, Across Your Driveway

Comcast Installs Cable In Your Gutter, Across Your Driveway

For more than a year, says the Baltimore Sun, there were Comcast cables laying in the gutters, and across the driveways of a neighborhood in Hanover, MD. Why were they laying there? Because that’s where Comcast installed them.

Comcast Installer Dangles From Water Tower For 1.5 Hours Before Rescue

Comcast Installer Dangles From Water Tower For 1.5 Hours Before Rescue

You thought you were having a bad day? Meet Chris. He was installing some equipment for Comcast (by way of a subcontractor) on a water tower in Payne, Ohio. His rigging broke and left him dangling by his safety harness for over an hour.