
Time Warner Calls You In Another Dimension, Or Something

Time Warner Calls You In Another Dimension, Or Something

Kushal wants to know how Time Warner verifies the call logs for its installer technicians, because when they say they call, his phone doesn’t ring.

New Year's Surprise For TWC Customers: No More Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon…

New Year's Surprise For TWC Customers: No More Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon…

Update: A deal has been reached. Crisis averted. Viacom is demanding that Time Warner Cable pay more for the right to broadcast its networks, but TWC has refused. Tonight at midnight, 13.3 million subscribers in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, and Cleveland will feel the effects of the stalemate first hand when Viacom makes good on its threat to pull all of its networks from TWC. Translation: no more “The Daily Show,” “Dora the Explorer,” “The Colbert Report,” “The Hills,” etc. But hey, there’s always Hulu and BitTorrent, right?

DirecTV Installer Tips Himself By Stealing Your Roll Of Quarters And Gun

DirecTV Installer Tips Himself By Stealing Your Roll Of Quarters And Gun

Reader Angel writes that a DirecTV installer in Oklahoma added a cable to her house, and subtracted $10 in quarters and a nine millimeter.

Ex-TV Service Installer Explains It All, Tells You How to Fight Back

Ex-TV Service Installer Explains It All, Tells You How to Fight Back

Consumerist TaterTom explains the process behind Television Service Installation, and gives us a few great ways to make sure your dollar is going somewhere well deserved. You rock, Tatertom. His in-depth letter after the jump.

A Very Simple Flowchart Explaining The Digital TV Transition

A Very Simple Flowchart Explaining The Digital TV Transition

There has been some demand among readers for a flowchart that explains how you will be affected by the digital TV switch that will happen this February. Your wish is our command.

Some Digital TV Advice In Plain English

Some Digital TV Advice In Plain English

You know, the coming switch to digital TV isn’t exactly rocket science, but we’re betting plenty of people are still going to end up feeling confused and angry come February of next year.

How To Cancel Cable/Satellite TV Without Being Miserable

How To Cancel Cable/Satellite TV Without Being Miserable

CNet has an article about a couple who saw the writing on the wall, recession-wise, and canceled their satellite TV package. Surprisingly, they are, in fact, still alive and not at all depressed.

Comcast Says FiOS HD Is "Mundane," Verizon Says They Kick Comcast "In The Teeth"

Comcast Says FiOS HD Is "Mundane," Verizon Says They Kick Comcast "In The Teeth"

The Philadelphia Inquirer says that Comcast is upset that more than 250 of Verizon’s HD “choices” are “mundane” and to count them is “misleading and irrelevant to consumers.”

Comcast Raises Prices, Disconnects Complaint Line

Comcast Raises Prices, Disconnects Complaint Line

Reader Benjamin is pissed because Comcast in his town of Richmond, VA they raised his rates, and justified it by saying they have to pass on the cost of rising gas, technology, and health care. He writes “Gas is a Buck’ 69, they haven’t improved the technology in my area, and health care… Really? They might as well of added a $5 fee to restock the candy bowl in the break room of the service center while they are at it.” If that’s not fun enough, see what happens when he tries to file a complaint about it. They try to route him to the complaint line…but it’s been disconnected!

How Many Hours Does It Take To Tell Comcast That You Can't Make Local Calls?

How Many Hours Does It Take To Tell Comcast That You Can't Make Local Calls?

Reader Brad forwarded some links to chat transcripts in which he tries to tell Comcast that he can’t make local calls, during which he alternates from incredulity to despair then back to incredulity again. He even sings to the CSR.

I Lowered My Time Warner Bill In 4 Minutes, Just By Asking

I Lowered My Time Warner Bill In 4 Minutes, Just By Asking

Yet another success story for our “Just Ask To Pay Less Money” technique. Commenter tinyrobot was paying too much for Time Warner Cable, so he called them up and told them so. Now he pays less. It’s not a Thanksgiving miracle, you can do it, too.

Reader Saves $230 On Cable And Phone Bills By Rocking The Cancellation Threat

Reader Saves $230 On Cable And Phone Bills By Rocking The Cancellation Threat

Here’s how Stephanie saved $230 on her cable and phone bills after following the tips in “3 Ways To Lower Your Out Of Control Cable, Internet And Phone Bills

Reach Comcast's Office Of The President

Reach Comcast's Office Of The President

If you would like to reach the immediate clutch of minions encircling Comcast CEO Brian Roberts for some reason (say for instance you tried working with Comcast Customer Service Czar Frank Ellison (email: We_Can_Help at cable dot comcast dot com) and for some reason that didn’t work out or you weren’t happy with his solution – or you just really want to give his executive assistants a piece of your mind and want to increase your chances it will reach his ears) – here’s the phone number for the Comcast Office of the President: 215-286-8960.

Consumer 101: 3 Ways To Lower Your Out Of Control Cable, Internet And Phone Bills

Consumer 101: 3 Ways To Lower Your Out Of Control Cable, Internet And Phone Bills

How much to spend on cable, internet and telephone is something nobody had to worry about only a few generations ago. Today, the Pew Research Center says that after housing, cable and satellite TV service was most frequently cited as a regular household expense (78%), followed by cell phones (74%) and internet service (65%). By contrast, just four-in-ten adults (42%) say they make a car payment. If you’re looking for a way to cut the amount of money you spend on these “information age” expenses, we’ve got three of them to choose from.


Does Comcast love Obama? Or do they just really, really, really hate FCC Chairman Kevin Martin? [DSL Reports]

FCC: Why Are Cable Customers Paying The Same Amount For Fewer Channels?

FCC: Why Are Cable Customers Paying The Same Amount For Fewer Channels?

The WSJ says that the FCC has sent letters of inquiry to 11 cable companies asking why their customers are paying the same amount each month, even as the companies move channels to digital cable.

Reach Time Warner Cable Executive Customer Service

Reach Time Warner Cable Executive Customer Service

If you’ve got a problem with Time Warner Cable…


Wired offers money saving tips for “geeks.” Most of them involve buying and renting fewer dvds and/or canceling cable. [Wired]