The evening rush hour proved to be a bit more titillating than usual for commuters at Washington, D.C.’s Union Station on Monday, when an advertising screen suddenly started showing explicit porn videos. [More]

Court Orders Pornhub To Identify Potentially Thousands Of Users
Just like any other copyright holder, porn studios can — and do — exercise their rights under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to force X-rated “tube” sites (think YouTube, but with more genitals) to take down infringing videos. One company has apparently gotten tired of this game of Whac-A-Mole and gotten a court order that could lead to legal threats against thousands of people who uploaded videos to one popular tube site. [More]

Kiosk-Hogging Complaints Drop 82% After NYC Blocks Porn At Free WiFi Spots
Now that New Yorkers can no longer “inappropriately” use the city’s free WiFi kiosks while web browsing, the agency that runs the program says reports of people monopolizing the spots has dropped 82%. Weird. [More]

Starbucks Joins McDonald’s In Blocking Porn Access On Free WiFi
You won’t be able to watch a skin flick with your morning latte at Starbucks anymore: the coffee chain says it’ll join McDonald’s in adding a pornography filter to its in-store WiFi. [More]

McDonald’s Starts Blocking Porn Access Over Free WiFi
If you’ve been using McDonald’s free WiFi to check out the latest porn while eating a McGriddle, we’ve got some bad news for you.

Comcast Charges Family For Porn Rentals Made After They Canceled Service
You know those hacky crime novels and movies where a suspect is locked up because everyone is convinced he’s the killer — only to later be vindicated when the murders continue while the suspect is behind bars? This story is like that, but with porn instead of dead bodies. [More]

Judges Tell Porn Copyright Troll That Geolocation Tools Aren’t Enough To Pinpoint Pirates
Malibu Media — online porn producer and copyright troll — has filed more copyright lawsuits than most of the other trolls combined, most of them against anonymous “Doe” defendants whose identities are currently nothing but IP addresses for their Internet service. Malibu and others have tried to use geolocation tools to more precisely identify these alleged porn pirates, but two judges recently told Malibu that this simply isn’t good enough. [More]

Verizon Tells Judge: Porn Copyright Troll Is Wasting Everyone’s Time With “Defective” Subpoenas
Porn producer Malibu Media, which has filed more than 4,000 copyright lawsuits since 2009 — several times more than any other company — is currently trying to compel Verizon to reveal the identities of Internet users Malibu believes are illegally sharing its movies. But lawyers for the telecom titan are telling the court they’ve had enough of Malibu’s “defective” and “unenforceable” subpoenas. [More]

One Porn Copyright Troll Has Filed More Lawsuits Than All The Other Trolls Put Together
Malibu Media, the porn company known more for its litigious leanings then for its flesh-filled films, has filed more than 4,000 lawsuits since 2009 against people who allegedly shared Malibu porn online illegally. A new report that compares Malibu’s legal actions to those of other lawsuit-happy copyright defenders helps to put into perspective just how out-of-the norm Malibu’s behavior is. [More]

Pornhub Censors Commercial Likening Video Service To Parmagiano-Reggiano After Cheese Group Complains
Although dairy lovers might compare a beautifully shaped, delicious, hard cheese to food porn, an Italian cheese group says an ad that likened a streaming porn service to its famed Parmagiano-Reggiano cheese is basically blasphemy. [More]

Noted Porn Copyright Troll Asks Court To Block Use Of Terms Like “Porn” & “Copyright Troll”
We’ve told you before about Malibu Media, the porn company that has filed more than 3,500 lawsuits against alleged illegal online sharers of its adult content, thus earning its “copyright troll” badge with ease. But the company doesn’t want that term being used against it in court. [More]

Oculus Won’t Block Virtual Reality Porn On Headsets
While demos of virtual reality headsets have thus far stuck to immersive games and interactive clips that let you experience things like flying over a city or race through a jungle, some people are thinking about how the tech could be employed for more intimate purposes. And the folks at Facebook-owned Oculus VR are just fine with that. [More]

No More Posting Of Nude Photos For Operator Of Revenge Porn Site
My co-workers tell me that there are plenty of websites out there with images and footage of naked people who agreed to be photographed in such revealing conditions. But there are also so-called “revenge porn” sites that post intimate personal photos and videos of people who didn’t consent. Facing a lawsuit from federal regulators, the operator of one such site has agreed to get out of the revenge porn business. [More]

Appeals Court: Forcing Porn Stars To Wear Condoms Doesn’t Violate First Amendment
Even though many adults in non-monogamous relationships are using condoms, the porn industry has long held that using the prophylactic devices in sex scenes is a buzzkill. And in recent years porn auteurs have argued that laws mandating the use of condoms on XXX sets is a violation of the First Amendment. But yesterday, a federal appeals court said a rubber requirement isn’t enough to claim restriction of free expression. [More]

Air Canada Pilots Warned To Stop Sneaking Porn Into The Cockpit, Because Seriously?
Perhaps there’s something about the name that makes it a tempting locale to stash porn, but Air Canada pilots have been warned to stop sneaking porn into the cockpit, after several incidents where the airline found explicit content on planes. Because you know, there are other things to concentrate on when you’re flying a ginormous piece of metal through the sky, thousands of feet above the ground. [More]

Porn Copyright Trolls Trying To Use “Six Strikes” Warning System To ID Pirates
After years of outrageous lawsuits with 6- and 7- figure penalties thrown at people who illegally shared some music or movies online, the cable industry’s Copyright Alert System (better known as “Six Strikes”) was supposed to represent a happy middle ground, where Internet Service Providers sternly warn alleged violators that they’re onto your file-sharing ways and could you please stop so this doesn’t have to go to court? But folks who make a lot of money off of the threat of copyright lawsuits are hoping to use Six Strikes info to identify pirates. [More]

Porn Company Labels Anti-Troll Blog A “Fanatical Internet Hate Group”
The nation’s largest source of “pay us or we’ll sue and tell everyone about the porn we say you downloaded” legal threats doesn’t like being talked about on a website for those opposed to so-called copyright trolls, and has gone so far as to describe that site’s users as a “fanatical Internet hate group.” [More]