This Is What A Ghost Looks Like

This Is What A Ghost Looks Like

Someone with enough money to shell out for a Nielsen “BuzzMetrics” account is watching The Consumerist for Walmart mentions.


• Freezing Conan O’ Brian? Bad customer service we can understand, Comcast, but that’s just vindictive. [Kevin Green]

Kroger Just Needs a Warm Body

Desirous of being a productive member of society and needing a way to subsidize his Marlboro Light addiction, Bill got himself hired at Kroger supermarkets. The strenuous application process required he walk up to the customer service desk, express his interet, fill out a form, take an oral drug test and be able to fit into a “cotton-poly blend Kroger polo shirt. “

Please Ignore the 800 Pound Guerilla Marketer in the Corner, Napster Frontmen Beg

Please Ignore the 800 Pound Guerilla Marketer in the Corner, Napster Frontmen Beg

We could have been the ones to get a bad PR flack fired. Two weeks ago, Nadine at Guerilla PR tried to airplane gaming blog Kotaku a big bowl of Napster payola:


• For some reason, we get a chuckle over the screen saying, “File System NAND Start.” It also rhymes with, “Gotta go K-Mart.” [Tim Ellsworth] “Don’t Buy Any Audiovox products”

Doteasy Wrongly Punishes Pixel Pusher

Doteasy Wrongly Punishes Pixel Pusher

The internet is often stigmatized for its tyranny of the crowds but just the reverse can be true when it comes to spam.



• When your MacBook is cooking, Apple prefers you sizzle blind. [Tuaw] “MacBook Pro heat problem heats up”



It’s the weekend, and time to party. Therefore, tonight’s dangling odds and ends are presented in scream format.

Dell’s Blog Has Hot, Sexy Girls 24/7!

Dell’s Blog Has Hot, Sexy Girls 24/7!



• This MickyDee’s didn’t realize that giving away free wi-fi didn’t mean just selling more milkshakes to kids playing Super Yoshi’s Disco Poophouse against each other, it also attracted homeless bloggers. You can’t have your honey-slathered butter biscuit and eat it too. [The Homeless Guy] “McDonalds: The Evil Empire Strikes”


• Buying a wedding dress on Craiglist is cheap, but you also have to factor in the cost of removing the boob padding. [Another Fucking Wedding] “Wedding dress redux” Pays You To Blog Shill Without Disclosure Pays You To Blog Shill Without Disclosure

As a professional blogger, I spend my mornings in my kitchen, visible smell waves oscillating off of me, typing out my morning posts at a make-shift desk made up entirely of old beer cans. A misanthropic shut-in, I have no real idea of how the outside world works, which I find to be the prerequisite to confidently usher forth my opinions to the same. Facts can only muddle up the purity of my platitudes. it’s really a lot like being an extremely well-paid ignoramus.



• It’s not just for Amy’s Ice Cream anymore, now the book Nazis are in on the fix. [Geek With the Family] “Public Library’s $10 Visa Minimum Ruins My Day”


• Don’t thank me. I SAID, don’t thank me. Do you pay my baby’s bills? DO YOU PAY my baby’s bills? Didn’t think so. Don’t make me cut you, AccessoryGenie! [YodaYid’s WackyWorld]

Best Comments of The Week

ModerateSnark: You mean the Oompa Loompas may have taken a Poompa Doompa in the Chocolate River?

Bloody Oil Makes Blood Boil

Bloody Oil Makes Blood Boil

Eagle-eyed reader Billifer von Raptor spotted the following sign in a local Wahoo’s Fish Taco in San Diego, CA and was disturbed by its promise, what with something in Afghanistan and Iraq going on.


• Didn’t like the ads before the Chappelle’s Shows he bought from iTunes, so he complained very very very diligently and became, perhaps the only person in the world who ever got an iTunes refund. And no, he didn’t support his claim by yelling, “I’m Rick James, bitch!” over and over again. [thewebguy]