Guilt Starbucks Into Giving You Free Coffee
a href=””>Jake says that if you call 1-(800) 235-2883 and tell Starbucks what stinkers they are for not honoring the iced coffee coupons, they will send you a $5 giftcard.
Adweek Bilks Blogger
PR blog maven B.L. Ochman says Adweek screwed her over by charging her $19.95 a month for a magazine subscription she didn’t order.
Get Rid of Logos On Your Devices
According to this tutorial, with a bit of tape, persistence, and sugar cubes, you can easily remove logo stickers from your cellphone, PDA or whateva.
• Your address isn’t verifiable enough to apply for a credit card, but is valid enough for us to continue to send you solicitations. [ScottKidder]
• If you run an email promotion, Cingular, make sure the products are being offered for less than what people would pay by going to your very own website. [eCommerce Cache]
Pranking Solicitors Into Endless Telemarketing Loop
Creative Bastard blogger set up an extension on his phone line to route telemarketers to. It plays a loop of his voice being “highly interested” in the rep’s offer, with the goal being to keep the t-marketer on the line as long as possible.
Jane Loves Target
As sometimes happens when we are searching both for images on a topic as well as suffering from groggy brain cramps impinging our desire to dash off consumer affairs riffs, we stumble into something interesting. The subject is TARGET and the puddle is a Citizen of the Month entry, almost a year old, jazzing on one of the most gripping paradoxes of our time.
• Gateway breaks down, man charged with really long hold times. [A Shot of Southern Comfort]
• Such an ebullient profusion of toothpaste. Our mouth feels dirty after reading the litany of offerings. Time for a piece of Trident. [Lekowicz]
• Aetna doesn’t feel like paying for this baby’s Tay Sachs treatment. [Dear Aetna]
• This guy was way ahead on the milk is especially fantastic bandwagon. [Bunnyspatial]
UPDATE: Talking Points’ Car Stolen
After the Central Parking System attendants left the key in the ignition, Talking Points Memo’s Joshua Micah Marshall’s car was stolen. Now the the political blogger is performing a delicate dirty dance with the garage to get them to pay for it.
AOL Exec Chimes In About “The Call”
The Washington Post asked Jason Calacanis, an AOL exec and headmaster of Weblogs Inc, what he thought of the infamous AOL call. Here’s our responses, in brevis, to what he blogged.
• Ah, this is great, the wife of a Marriot employee, a smoker herself, chimes in on the hotel’s smoking ban. If only she didn’t have to say, “If a person wants to kill themselves they should bring innocent people down with them.” [HotelChatter]