If you’re looking for a treat this afternoon, you can get a free junior soft-serve cone if there’s a Carvel store near you from 3 PM to 8 PM. The cones are free, and vanilla, chocolate, and Oreo flavors are available. Customers who stop by can get a special coupon book if they make a $1 donation to the American Red Cross. [Carvel] [More]
red cross

When Tornado Takes Your House But Leaves Your PS4, You’ve Just Gotta Smile
It was a horrible weekend for many people in parts of the Midwest who are the victims of devastating tornadoes that destroyed homes and property… but not this guy’s spankin’ new PS4. [More]

Oklahoma Tornado Survivors Need Your Help, Scammers Don’t
24 people are confirmed dead, and many are still missing after a massive tornado destroyed homes and lives outside of Oklahoma City. Don’t let yourself become an indirect victim of the natural disaster by giving money to a fake charity or social media account set up to take advantage of well-meaning and generous people who want to help. [More]

10 Examples Of Why Companies Should Just Avoid Twitter Altogether
People talk about the risk posed by the immediacy of the Internet. Items can be posted with little thought about consequences, or made public by accident, and no matter how much deleting or editing you might do, the truth — as the kids say — is out there. Nowhere is this danger more evident than the Twittersphere. [More]

TWC Tech Saves Boy From Drowning
Usually just getting a cable to tech to show up at the right time is worthy of a trophy, but last week a Time Warner Cable went above and beyond the call of duty and saved a 7-year old’s life. [More]

Red Cross Offers Prizes In Attempt To Spark Blood Donations
Want to donate some blood to the Red Cross to help sick, possibly dying, patients? No? How about for the chance to win a trip to Disney World? Facing the lowest donor levels in more than a decade, the Red Cross is hoping drawings get people into more of a blood-giving mood. [More]

A Days Inn in Cleveland, Ohio, has bedbugs, a mother of four found out when the Red Cross put her family there for the night after her house burned down. Yes, it’s another bedbugs-in-hotels story, but this time there are pictures! [WKYC.com]

Johnson & Johnson Sues The American Red Cross Over "Red Cross" Symbol
The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in New York, marked the breakdown of months of behind-the-scenes negotiations and prompted an angry response from the Red Cross.

Citibank Thinks Donating to the Red Cross is “High-Risk Activity”
We recently bought a computer with a credit card and received a call confirming that we did, indeed, want a computer. We thought this was slightly annoying but nice, and appropriate because we don’t go around buying computers every day. The credit card company (not Citi) didn’t, however, stop the charge from going through. They just called us later. Not so for the blogger at Fivecentnickle.com. He tried to donate to the Red Cross with his Citi credit card. They stopped the charge, didn’t inform him right away that it hadn’t gone through, and, since it was the last day of the year, now Mr. Nickle might not get his charitable deduction for 2006.

Bloody Oil Makes Blood Boil
Eagle-eyed reader Billifer von Raptor spotted the following sign in a local Wahoo’s Fish Taco in San Diego, CA and was disturbed by its promise, what with something in Afghanistan and Iraq going on.

The Red Cross Gave Me HIV/AIDS
“Although you can no longer donate blood, the American Red Cross will continue to provide for the blood needs of you and our loved ones.”