American Airlines:  A Big Bucket of Suck

American Airlines: A Big Bucket of Suck

Somehow sensing that things were not going to go well, a Livejournaler by the name of Ovid liveblogged his travails in trying to go from JFK to the emerald isles. His travels are undercut by American Airlines’ inability to change a tire, which causes a chain reaction of unfortunate events not unlike a butterfly flapping its wings in Tokyo and causing global warming.

Ogling the Complainosphere

• Volkswagen likes to sponsor concerts by wives of convicted war criminals, and no, we’re not just talking Hitler’s Youth Army Dance Party this time. GENOCIDE! LIVE! AND IN CONCERT! Will the Jetta’s superior side-crash safety rating protect us from the pangs of conscience? [Report from a concert by a Serbian war-criminal]

Bitchin’ Round the Blogosphere

• This billboard contains a logical fallacy and we mean that in the most non-sexual possible. [ANIMAL]

Blog Hugs of Death

Blog Hugs of Death

• Dovetail on the Vicodin reporter story: The company he bought the drugs from didn’t like his story so they posted his yahoo email address and password and told people to fuck with it. People did. [Romenesko]

Verizon is Dyslexic

Verizon is Dyslexic

Mass Schadenfreude

Mass Schadenfreude

• The thing about car dealers is that they can refi their soul at anytime. [Copyranter]

Vroom-Vroom, Putt-Putt: Edelman Drives the Blogosphere.

Vroom-Vroom, Putt-Putt: Edelman Drives the Blogosphere.

Bitchin’ Heard Round the Blogosphere

Bitchin’ Heard Round the Blogosphere

Insert your blogged complaint here. Why should these folks get all the traffic?

Edelman’s Breath on Our Neck. Verdict? It Tickles!


Marketers Still Hate Blogs, Thankfully

Marketers Still Hate Blogs, Thankfully

Good riddance: — this article in Ad Week claims that only 13% of marketers are using blogs or social networks in marketing. Not only that, about half say they won’t be stinking up our comments section in the next year.

The News is Tasty Like a Taser

The News is Tasty Like a Taser

• School doesn’t like student complaining on Xanga that the school is a bully, proves him wrong with a 10 day suspension. [Sun Times]

Pith and Vinegar

This lady just doesn’t get it, people don’t buy M&M’s on the subway for the peanuts OR the plain, it’s for the pity. Mmm…pity, it fills the hole inside.



From Gaping Void:

Hot Hot Kotaku on E3 Man Machine Love Association

Hot Hot Kotaku on E3 Man Machine Love Association

If you lovvvvvvvvve video games, go to Kotaku. They’re covering the E3 game conference with reckless abandon, fanboy intensity and of course, Gawker Media Network’s trademark wit and panache.

What Would Jesus Do in a Suit?

What Would Jesus Do in a Suit?

What’s the most unethical thing you’ve ever done in business? There’s a new blog, Ethics Crisis, asking just that and the responses are starting to get interesting. And If the business people aren’t honest with each other, they just might not be honest with their customers, doncha think? Here’s the best one so far:

Smell of Discount Designer Duds Like Sweet Puke

The prospect of crazy fashion deals is usually considered “sick” as in “sweet” as in “bad like early Michael Jackson good.”

Southwest Launches Corporate Blog, But Where’s The CS?

Southwest Launches Corporate Blog, But Where’s The CS?

Southwest Airlines have launched a pretty respectable example of a half-decent, minimally-manipulative, somewhat-entertaining corporate blog. If you know what we mean. This isn’t McDonald’s stupid “Horse Whsiperer” Corporate Responsibility nonsense. For example, we got a kick out of the entry about a bee hive that was found in the tail of a plane that was being repaired and the bee keeper who was brought in to deal with the problem.

A McDonald’s Malfeasance Fairytale

From the San Jose Mercury News on McDonald’s new campaign to improve its image