
(Adam Fagen)

Craft Breweries Run Out Of Good Names, Sue Each Other

If you like beer, it’s great news that there’s a proliferation of craft breweries opening up across the American beerscape. There’s a problem with this entrepreneurial fervor, though: breweries are running out of names for their businesses or their brews. [More]

(New England Brewing Company)

Brewery: Sorry We Put A Gandhi Robot On A Beer Label

In yet another example of companies seemingly unaware that using a culture/religion’s symbols to peddle a product is likely to cause controversy whether the intentions were ill or not, a United States brewery is busy apologizing to anyone offended by a Gandhi robot on its beer labels. [More]


Budweiser To Waste Money Trying To Convince 20-Somethings To Drink Bud

By its own admission, nearly half of American beer-drinkers between the ages of 21 and 27 not only don’t drink Budweiser, but have never even tried the self-crowned King of Beers. That’s why we will all have to endure months of young and edgy ads attempting to target this demographic (before the company goes inevitably back to its default flags/horses/baseball marketing). [More]

(Hammerin Man)

Is Seattle Seahawks Stadium Watering Down Fans’ Beer?

Even though a lot of overpriced beer that football fans buy ends up on the stadium floor (or on other fans), you should get what you pay for, right? One news report out of Seattle claims that the beer at CenturyLink Field — home to the Seahawks — is serving beer that doesn’t live up to the advertised alcohol content. However, the beer makers deny they are watering down their product, and there are several unanswered questions about the accuracy of this study. [More]

Finnish Brewery Stallhagen plans to sell a reproduced 1842 beer.

Finnish Brewer Set To Sell Recreation Of 172-Year-Old Beer Found In Shipwreck

Typically you wouldn’t dream of consuming the things found in a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean. But if you’re a historical buff or a beer connoisseur, a 172-year-old beer found off the coast of Finland – or more accurately its reproduction – might whet your appetite. [More]

(Labatt USA)

Labatt Turning 100-Foot Grain Silos Into So-Called “World’s Largest Six-Pack”

What’s that, in the distance, looming over the horizon like the answer to all of Homer Simpson’s hopes and dreams? It’s a ginormous six-pack of beer, or so six 100-foot grain silos near Buffalo, N.Y. will appear after Labatt is done wrapping them in blue vinyl. And though the owner is calling it the largest six-pack in the world, that claim is debatable. [More]


Medieval Belgian Town Installing A Beer Pipeline Because — Wait, A Beer Pipeline?!

Colin “My Waggling Eyebrows Are Hypnotizing” Farrell’s character was so wrong to be cranky about being stuck in Bruges in the movie In Bruges (pronounced “Brooooszh” in my head) — that city is about to be the first in Belgium to install its very own beer pipeline. I repeat: A beer pipeline. [More]

(Great Beyond)

Study: Raising Cigarette Prices Means People Drink Less Beer & Booze

For those who drink and smoke, it’s no surprise that often, the more you smoke, the more you end up drinking, and vice versa. So it follows that when state taxes make cigarettes more expensive, you might be inclined to smoke less, and as such, you might end up drinking less beer and whiskey as a result. That’s the effect rising cigarette prices have on alcohol consumption (except for wine), say researchers in a new study that looks at consumption habits of smokers and drinkers. [More]

What Do You Mean, This German Beer Was Brewed In Missouri?

What Do You Mean, This German Beer Was Brewed In Missouri?

You can’t really blame reader Nathan for thinking that Beck’s beer comes from Germany. Until just a few years ago, it was an import. Then InBev, the brand’s owner, acquired Anheuser Busch, and with that lots of breweries in the United States. Breweries where they might as well make InBev-owned brands, since most consumers won’t be able to tell the difference. Or so they thought. [More]


Beer Cruise Ends In Disappointment For 121 People After Boat Runs Aground Near Statue Of Liberty

While the Statue of Liberty is definitely a prime tourist attraction, 121 beer enthusiasts were likely not too happy to be run aground near the Green Lady over the weekend, when their booze cruise as unexpectedly cut short. [More]

Scott Lynch

AB InBev Getting Drunk On Idea Of Buying SABMiller For $122 Billion

It’s late at night and Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller are the only two beer companies left in the bar… mostly because these two have merged with everyone else in town. So what’s the harm in a couple of acquisition-tipsy beer biggies getting together? That’s why AB InBev has reportedly been texting its banking buddies for advice on hooking up with Miller. [More]

(The Daily Mirror)

Waiter Earns Eternal Bragging Rights By Carrying 27 Full Beer Mugs At Once

Everyone has their “party story” — you know, the one you tell to a group in a social setting to make the whole gathering less awkward and relate to those around you, priming everyone to bond and grow closer. But one German man has earned himself maybe one of the most unique cocktail tale by carrying 27 mugs brimming with beer at one time, setting the world record for beer-carrying in the process. [More]


Feds Pushing States To Lower The Drunk Driving Threshold To 0.05 BAC

Having a glass of wine with dinner and thinking about driving? That might be a bit more of a gamble in the future, as the National Transportation Safety Board is lobbying states to reduce their thresholds for drunk driving from the national standard of 0.08 blood alcohol concentration to 0.05. [More]

Tractor-Trailer Tips Over, Spills Beer Across Freeway

Tractor-Trailer Tips Over, Spills Beer Across Freeway

Early this morning in Houston, an 18-wheeler and a sedan collided on a freeway. Both vehicles spun out, and the 18-wheeler tipped over, severely injuring the driver and spilling the trailer’s contents on the road. What was inside? Beer. Dozens and dozens of cases of beer. The beer spilled across the highway, and the driver remains in serious condition in the hospital. [KPRC] [More]

People Really Think Miller Lite In Vintage-Style Cans Tastes Better

People Really Think Miller Lite In Vintage-Style Cans Tastes Better

Logic tells us it’s impossible for the label on the outside of a container to affect how that product tastes. Human thought processes don’t always follow logic, though. That’s why sales of Miller Lite have increased after the company introduced 80’s-retro cans and bottles last year. They don’t just look cool: some consumers say that the old-school brews even taste better. [More]

Corona Extra Beer Recalled Because Glass Particles Don’t Go Down So Smoothly

Corona Extra Beer Recalled Because Glass Particles Don’t Go Down So Smoothly

That’s not an extra unripe lime interrupting a smooth pull of the beer — the makers of Corona Extra say some 12-ounce bottles of the brew have been recalled for having small glass particles in them. [More]


A Booze Burglar Is Stealing Beers From Town’s Refrigerators For Second Summer In A Row

Residents of a Texas town are clutching their cans and bottles of beer closely, as the city’s residents are being plagued once again by a mysterious booze burglar. Someone is breaking into garage refrigerators and even homes simply to swipe beer, for the second summer in a row. IS NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE?!? [More]

Dear Walmart: Your price may not be beatable, but some would rather shop at a store that doesn't treat them like criminals. (photo: Alex Nobunaga)

Walmart Says Dad Can’t Buy Beer Because He’s Shopping With Teen Daughter

Back in college, I’d to the grocery store with friends and we always had to separate the beer from the other items being purchased because anyone chipping in money (yes, this was a time when most people paid by cash or check) had to be of legal drinking age. But if anyone under 21 just happened to be standing in line near the beer, no one cared. This is apparently not the case at Walmart, where a dad was told he couldn’t purchase beer and booze because he was shopping with his teen daughter. [More]