The $107 billion (with a b) merger of beer titans Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller has cleared a major hurdle today, with the U.S. Justice Department signing off on the merger — under the condition that Miller divest itself of all its remaining U.S.-based businesses. [More]

Anheuser-Busch/SABMiller Mega-Merger Gets Justice Dept. OK, After Miller Agrees To Sell All U.S. Brands

Budweiser & Miller Inch Closer To Altar With Agreement On $104.2B Deal
Last week, leadership at beer giant SABMiller was not thrilled with Anheuser-Busch InBev’s official marriage proposal, saying it “substantially” undervalued the company. But today Miller announced that the boards of both companies had reached an agreement on principle for a merger valued at $104.2 billion. [More]

Anheuser-Busch InBev Asks Miller To Consider Taking Its Hand In Merger Marriage
It’s a mega-merger that’s been hinted at for years, but today it moved out of the realm of “people close to the situation” and into an an actual confirmation from Anheuser-Busch InBev that it has talked to the folks at SABMiller about combining the two beer giants into an even larger beer titan. [More]

People Really Think Miller Lite In Vintage-Style Cans Tastes Better
Logic tells us it’s impossible for the label on the outside of a container to affect how that product tastes. Human thought processes don’t always follow logic, though. That’s why sales of Miller Lite have increased after the company introduced 80’s-retro cans and bottles last year. They don’t just look cool: some consumers say that the old-school brews even taste better. [More]

4 Beers That Americans Apparently No Longer Want To Drink
Walk into a lot of bars in this country and there’s a decent chance you’ll see the taps that once belonged to big brands increasingly being taken over by smaller operations (even if some of those “craft” brands also happen to be owned by one of the mega-brewers). This shift, along with a general decrease in beer sales, have cut some brands’ orders by more than half in just the last few years. [More]

Yuengling Is Now America's Largest Brewer
Did Yuengling suddenly get bigger than Miller or Bud? Nope. Both are now foreign-owned. According to AdAge, Yuengling has recently surpassed Sam Adams’ Boston Beer Company as the largest U.S.-owned brewer that manufactures all its beer in the U.S. [More]

Minnesota Govt. Shutdown Also Resulting In Beer Shortages
We’re doubling down on news related to the Minnesota government shutdown today. A red tape snafu has could potentially leave all Minnesotans without easy access to Coors Light, Miller, Olde English 800 and dozens of additional beers. Meanwhile, bars across the state are running dry because they can’t buy more booze. [More]

FDA: Convince Us That Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages Are Safe And Legal
The FDA says that companies have 30 days to convince them that caffeinated alcoholic beverages are safe and legal, because they don’t seem to remember approving them.

Miller High Life To Show 1-Second Ads During Superbowl
Blink and you’ll miss it. Miller High Life has bought up 1-second slots advertising to air during the Superbowl. The spots feature a boisterous Miller High Life (MHL) truck-loader named Wendel shouting out phrases and doing silly things inside a MHL loading dock. “Happy can,” “Cham-pagne of beers,” “pigskin gravy,” “Frugal bugle,” are some of the things says in the preview spots posted on

Beer T-shirts For Teenage Girls Bad For America?
The Center for Science in the Public Interest has its knickers in a twist over Forever 21 selling “beer shirts,” because the clothing retailer is “popular with teenage girls.”

Attorneys General Investigating Anheuser-Busch And Miller Over Energy Drink Marketing
Attorneys general in several states have subpoenaed documents from A-B and Miller as part of an investigation in to the marketing of caffeinated alcoholic energy drinks, says the AP.

Important Beer News: Miller Will Merge With Coors
The venture was originally announced Oct. 9. Miller Brewing Co. and Molson Coors Inc. proposed the deal as a way to sell more Coors Light, Miller Lite and Miller Genuine Draft in the United States. The operation would target No. 1 Anheuser-Busch Cos. (NYSE:BUD) , which has nearly 50 percent of the market with products such as Budweiser, Michelob and Bud Light.

Attorneys General Are Not Pleased With Alcoholic Energy Drinks
In a letter to John Manfreda, the administrator of the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, the attorneys general of 28 states and Washington, D.C., and Guam say aggressive — and possibly fraudulent — marketing of energy drinks mixing alcohol and caffeine targets teenagers and young adults who buy nonalcoholic energy drinks.

Miller: You Won A Million Dollars. No, Just Kidding.
A man from south suburban Chicagoland was hanging out in an Orland Park bar when a promotional team from Miller started handing out what appeared to be prize tickets.