Retail Services

Sony 3D Television Promotion Goes Wrong, And No One Can Fix It

Sony 3D Television Promotion Goes Wrong, And No One Can Fix It

Chris’s 3D television was supposed to come with a voucher from Sony for four free PlayStation Network games. It didn’t. Now he’s stuck in that rarest of situations: a problem involving multiple companies where Best Buy is the most helpful and cooperative. [More]

Hyundai Edges Out Target & Best Buy To Win Worst Holiday Ad Title

Hyundai Edges Out Target & Best Buy To Win Worst Holiday Ad Title

Of all the ads nominated by Consumerist readers for the title of Worst Holiday Ad of 2010, the Hyundai spots featuring Pomplamoose have been the most vociferously defended in the comments. Alas, it looks like the spots still had enough detractors to push Hyundai into the winner’s circle. [More]

Get A Gift From Target? Guard The Receipt Carefully

Get A Gift From Target? Guard The Receipt Carefully

When giving or receiving gifts from Target, keep careful track of the gift receipt. If you don’t, the store’s policies might cause you to lose some money, then feel some rage. That’s what happened to Chris when he exchanged a set of sheets that were the wrong size. Even though he swapped them for a smaller (and thus cheaper) set, he had to pay Target extra for the privilege. [More]

Lots Of "[BofAExec Name] Sucks" Sites Getting Bought Up

Lots Of "[BofAExec Name] Sucks" Sites Getting Bought Up

Over at Domain Name Wire they noticed that starting on December 17th, someone has been going around buying up all the various permutations of sites. So sorry folks, you won’t be able to start your new,, or blog. You were going to use it host your lookbook of clever Lawrence, KS fashions, right? [More]

Why It Sucks To Be Sears Right Now

Why It Sucks To Be Sears Right Now

Five years after their merger, how are Sears and Kmart faring? Not so well. The company faces deteriorating stores in near-abandoned malls, fierce competition in nearly every category, locations that were prime retail space in about 1974, and snarky consumer bloggers that mock the company at every turn. Oh. [More]

In Foreclosure Bungle, Banks Accused Of Illegally Breaking Into Homes, Stealing All Your Stuff

In Foreclosure Bungle, Banks Accused Of Illegally Breaking Into Homes, Stealing All Your Stuff

A new batch of lawsuits are accusing banks of essentially burglarizing people’s homes, reports the NYT. Before a foreclosure has been properly filed and processed, people behind on their payments have come home to find their locks changed and some or all of their possessions gone, taken by contractors working for the bank. [More]

Pick The Right HDMI Cables Without Getting Ripped Off

Pick The Right HDMI Cables Without Getting Ripped Off

Savvy Consumerist reader know that you don’t need to shell out big bucks for the monstrously expensive HDMI cables some blue-shirted guy is pushing on you in order to get a good hi-def video signal. In fact, as long as you need less than 50 ft, cheap cables you can get at places like Monoprice, Newegg, PCH Cables, or Blue Jeans Cable will do the job just great. But for those friends and loved ones who don’t quite get it, you might want to show this them clip done in cheezy instructional video style to help drive the message home. [More]

Looking For A Stocking Stuffer? Try This $4 Million Stove

Looking For A Stocking Stuffer? Try This $4 Million Stove

Most of us don’t like to spend a penny more than $3 million on our kitchen appliances, but Iron Dog has an oven that might make you dig just a little deeper into your pockets. The Iron Dog 05 Huraxdax is a $4 million gold-plated, wood-fired range that looks like something out of Austin Powers rival Goldmember’s kitchen. [More]

Target Cashier Didn't Charge Me For DVD. Should I Tell Them?

Target Cashier Didn't Charge Me For DVD. Should I Tell Them?

Reader Steve had every intention of paying for the two DVDs he purchased at Target the other day. Problem is, the cashier only rang up one of them and now he doesn’t know what to do. [More]

Here's One Gift For That Child You Hate And Want To Scare The Bejeezus Out Of

Here's One Gift For That Child You Hate And Want To Scare The Bejeezus Out Of

Be glad it’s 2010 and not 1890, if only for the fact that your child (or niece/nephew, or precocious sidekick) will not be asking for one of Thomas Edison’s talking dolls. [More]

The Easter Bunny Continues To Creep Into Father Christmas' Candy Territory

The Easter Bunny Continues To Creep Into Father Christmas' Candy Territory

While most of us are in the full throes of dancing sugarplum dreams and peppermint bark binges, it seems the Easter Bunny (or at least Cadbury) is not to be deterred in his efforts to overthrow the Christmas candy season — a seasonal creep we have come to call “Premature Resurrection.” [More]

Vote Now For The Worst Holiday Ad Of 2010

Vote Now For The Worst Holiday Ad Of 2010

Last week, we asked you to vent your frustrations by nominating the most annoying, repetitive holiday-themed commercials of the year, and we heard you loud and clear. [More]

Is "Geek Squad Buy Back" How Best Buy Plans On Revolutionizing Retail?

Is "Geek Squad Buy Back" How Best Buy Plans On Revolutionizing Retail?

A few weeks ago, we wrote about Best Buy’s claim that whatever news it was going to announce during its Super Bowl ad would “revolutionize retailing.” Many of you took a guess at what that could possibly mean, and now we think me might have the answer. [More]

Would You Use Best Buy's No-Restocking-Fee Policy To "Rent" Electronics?

Would You Use Best Buy's No-Restocking-Fee Policy To "Rent" Electronics?

Over the weekend, we broke the news that Best Buy had quietly repealed its policy of charging up to 15% restocking fees on almost all electronics purchases. But as some readers have pointed out, this could lead to a surge in the number of customers who “rent” new products from the retail chain. [More]

Best Buy Puts An End To Tyrannical Restocking Fees

Best Buy Puts An End To Tyrannical Restocking Fees

For years, Best Buy customers have complained about the 15% restocking fee on most electronics (10% on iPhones). So in the spirit of the holidays (and because they are afraid of losing anymore customers than they already have), Best Buy has very quietly announced that as of today, almost all restocking fees are no more. [More]

Arizona Sues Bank Of America Over Home Loan Modifications

Arizona Sues Bank Of America Over Home Loan Modifications

The attorney general for Arizona is none too pleased with Bank of America. Earlier today, he filed a lawsuit against BofA, alleging the bank misled customers about its home loan modifications. [More]

Walmart Manager Opens Up His Own Business… With $250K Worth Of Allegedly Stolen Items

Walmart Manager Opens Up His Own Business… With $250K Worth Of Allegedly Stolen Items

As avaricious as Walmart is, we’re sure that the company would be at least mildly amused at the idea of one of its store managers taking the initiative to begin his own business selling similar products. But we’re guessing that Big W isn’t exactly thrilled if said manager uses $250,000 worth of stolen Walmart property as his inventory. [More]

Sears, Don't Make Me Give My Dad A Box Of Air Filters For Christmas

Sears, Don't Make Me Give My Dad A Box Of Air Filters For Christmas

Robert found an amazing Black Friday deal on a cordless drill/driver/saw kit, and ordered it as a Christmas gift for his dad. Unfortunately, he ordered it from the notorious anti-capitalist pranksters at Sears, a company whose apparent mission it is to not successfully sell anything to anyone, ever. Sears shipped Robert a giant box of air filters instead of his backordered drill set. Fair enough: he arranged to ship the air filters back. Sears refused delivery of the package. He’s stuck with the air filters, and has no gift. He wants to know whether other readers have had similar experiences with their Black Friday orders from Sears. [More]