Food & Personal Care

Renee Rendler-Kaplan

Price Of Salmon Spiking Amid Recent Sea Lice Outbreaks

The next time you’re looking to add some lox to your bagel or perhaps make salmon en papillote, you may have to fork over a bit more cash than before. Salmon populations are down amid recent “acute” outbreaks of sea lice, driving prices upstream. [More]

Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Issues Beer Recall In 35 States Because Glass Is Not Part Of An IPA

Whether or not you like an India Pale Ale or a hoppy beer is a matter of personal taste, but glass is never supposed to be part of a cool beverage. Unfortunately, thanks to a manufacturing defect, it’s possible that some could end up in a variety of Sierra Nevada beers, and so the company has issued a massive recall of recently-bottled beer spanning 35 states and DC. [More]

Dodge County Sheriff's Department

Skittles Scattered Across Highway Were Destined For Cattle Feed: Mars Investigating

Mars Inc. has a number of very distinct businesses under its sizable umbrella, covering everything from its well-known candy brands to pet food to veterinary clinics. But that doesn’t explain why a load of Skittles spilled all over a Wisconsin highway were on their way to become cattle feed. [More]

Jeepers Media

McDonald’s & Other Fast Food Giants Battling For Siberian Customers

When you picture Siberia, you probably imagine a vast, frozen landscape, tucked away in the coldest corner of the globe. You probably don’t picture the Golden Arches lighting up the frigid night, but now even Siberia has several McDonald’s locations — and it’s got plenty of competition for customers. [More]

吉姆 Jim Hofman

“Ghost Restaurants” With No Tables Thrive On Delivery Apps

What is a “restaurant”? If an establishment that serves food has no tables and no storefront, is it a restaurant at all? Thanks to delivery apps, in expensive large cities, restaurants can launch with only a kitchen, a menu, and a delivery driver. [More]


After Years Of Complaints, Why Are People Still Having Trouble Getting A McDonald’s McFlurry?

For a lot of people, dessert isn’t an everyday thing, so when you finally are in the mood to treat yourself, the last thing you want to be told is that the one thing you’re hankering for is not available. Yet, for years, ardent fans of McDonald’s McFlurry have complained about being denied their favorite frozen treat. [More]

Kevin Cardosi

USDA Definition Of “Organic” Meat Revised To Include Considerations Of Animal Welfare

The current USDA requirements for “Organic” meat involve restrictions on what the animals are fed and when they can be provided antibiotics, but newly finalized rules will expand the criteria for earning an “Organic” label to include considerations of animal welfare. [More]

H. Moser & Cie.

A Watch Made With Swiss Cheese Exists

There are many forms of protest out there, from songs to marches to sit-ins. But crafting a timepiece out of cheese? That’s one we’ve never heard of — until today: a Swiss watchmaker has created a watch made out of Swiss cheese as protest to show how easily the “Swiss-Made” label can be earned. [More]


Arby’s Has Just Enough Venison Left To Bring Sandwich To Nebraska For 1 Day

During hunting season this fall, Arby’s introduced a lean red meat that doesn’t normally make the lineup at fast food restaurants: it sold venison steak sandwiches in a few locations in states where deer hunting is popular. After that limited-time offering, the chain apparently has just enough venison left to serve the sandwich for one day in Nebraska. [More]

Packaging Vs. Reality: Udi’s Gluten-Free Italian Sausage Lasagna

Packaging Vs. Reality: Udi’s Gluten-Free Italian Sausage Lasagna

As our gluten-impaired readers know, prepared foods can be pricey for people with food restrictions. Reader Gary tried some frozen lasagna from the brand Udi’s, and found that what was in the box didn’t resemble what was shown on the box. [More]

Jack Daniel’s Now Sells Whiskey-Flavored Coffee

Jack Daniel’s Now Sells Whiskey-Flavored Coffee

There are all kinds of flavors of coffee out there: vanilla, caramel, peppermint, the list is fairly extensive. Now, customers will have another option: whiskey. [More]

4 Reasons Amazon Is Willing To Accept Food Stamps For Grocery Delivery

4 Reasons Amazon Is Willing To Accept Food Stamps For Grocery Delivery

This year, some Americans participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, aka “Food Stamps”), will be able to pay for groceries online through Amazon, FreshDirect, and some supermarket chains. Given that food delivery services have thus far tended to cater to higher-income consumers, why are these companies — and in particular, Amazon — eager to accept SNAP payments? [More]

Eric Spiegel

Americans Are Drinking Less Milk, But Can’t Get Enough Cheese

Over the last few decades, Americans have been drinking less milk alongside our meals. Dairy farmers aren’t worried, though, because our glasses of water, juice, or soda sit next to plates piled high with cheese. [More]

Bob Reck

East Coast Chuck E. Cheese’s Locations Hosting “Sensory-Free” Sundays For Autistic Kids

Visiting Chuck E. Cheese’s can be a very heady experience for a kid — what with the singing animatronic animals, flashing lights, rambunctious kids, hot pizza (and occasional all-out brawls among the adults). For a child with autism it can be more than exciting — it can be overwhelming, which is why some Chuck E. Cheese’s locations will host a series of monthly “Sensory-Free” events. [More]

Olis Olois

Science Says You Aren’t Alone: Drinking Booze Gives Mice The Munchies

Have you ever found yourself informing anyone who would listen after a long night out at the bar, “I could totally take down an entire pizza right now,” and meaning it with your entire heart? You aren’t alone: science says even mice get the munchies when they’re drunk. [More]

Alan Rappa

Armed Robberies Of Delivery Drivers A Growing Problem In Chicago

Delivery drivers have trucks full of valuable, brand-new merchandise, and don’t have a lot of visible security protection. That may be the reason why delivery drivers for the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, and Amazon have recently been the targets of burglars, armed robbers, and even carjackers on Chicago’s South Side. [More]

Carbon Arc

Here’s Why Your Packaged Coffee Might Cost More Soon

If you’re the kind of person who can’t handle interacting with other humans — much less leaving the house — before you’ve had your first cup of coffee in the morning, brace yourself: the price of some packaged java products will likely be going up soon as a result of a spike in the price of raw coffee. [More]

Fried Chicken Shell Chalupa Dropping At Taco Bell Jan. 26

Fried Chicken Shell Chalupa Dropping At Taco Bell Jan. 26

Less than two weeks into the new year and fast food restaurants are already preparing to top all of the stunt food that debuted in 2016. First up: Taco Bell’s national release of a fried chicken shell chalupa.  [More]