Food & Personal Care

Caramel Apple Oreos Arrive In Target Stores Today

Caramel Apple Oreos Arrive In Target Stores Today

Is caramel apple the new pumpkin spice? It could be: when Americans reach the level of pumpkin spice fatigue, they’ll be looking for new, non-orange but still fall-themed snacks. Starting today, you can pick up Caramel Apple flavored Oreos…only at Target. [More]

(Renee Rendler-Kaplan)

Starbucks To Test Out Coffee Trucks On College Campuses This Fall

Because heaven forbid you need to walk more than 50 feet to find a cup of coffee, Starbucks wants to try to bring its brews just a little bit closer. The coffee colossus has announced it will be dabbling in the food truck business this fall when it rolls out mobile versions of its stores on a trio of college campuses. [More]

Pumpkin Spice Oreos: This Could Really Be Happening

Pumpkin Spice Oreos: This Could Really Be Happening

If you’re looking for something to dip into your Pumpkin Spice latte, Nabisco might have you covered. Yes, it’s yet another novelty Oreo flavor, and yet another pumpkin spice flavored something-or-other. Of course you can have Oreos for breakfast. Stop looking at me like that. [More]

Taco Bell’s Dollar Cravings Menu Rolls Out Nationwide Today

Taco Bell’s Dollar Cravings Menu Rolls Out Nationwide Today

It seems like a faraway land in a far-off time when Taco Bell was working extra hard on its “We’re Healthy, Promise!” image with the Cantina Bell menu, doesn’t it? Which makes the nationwide rollout of cheaper, more Taco Bellish fare today feel inevitable, in a way. [More]

These puppies are neither sick nor underage to my knowledge. Just cute and puppies from The Shining. (ChrisGoldNY)

USDA Bans Imports Of Young, Sick Puppies

First of all, let’s all look at those puppies there on the left. Don’t they look like they’re from a really adorable puppy version of The Shining? Maybe The Barking? Anyway, those puppies* are unrelated to this story: The United States Department of Agriculture has a new rule banning the importation of puppies that are too young or sickly to be coming into the country. [More]

Salmonella Is Not A Flavor, So McCormick Recalls Ground Oregano

Salmonella Is Not A Flavor, So McCormick Recalls Ground Oregano

Oregano is a very tasty spice, but do you know what’s not so tasty? Potentially fatal foodborne illness. Routine tests at McCormick spice company turned up salmonella contamination, which may have affected as many as 1,032 cases of the ground herb. [More]

The Annual Obligatory Post About The Return Of Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte

The Annual Obligatory Post About The Return Of Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte

Perhaps it’s the (thankfully) unseasonable fall-like weather today in these parts, but there is a sense of autumn in the air. Or maybe it’s just that Starbucks has begun the annual ritual of dangling its Pumpkin Spice Lattes in front of everyone’s noses. [More]

(Ben Schumin)

Chain Storefronts With Slight Makeovers Continue To Not Fool Anybody

Last year, we lamented the long hiatus of one of our favorite sites, Not Fooling Anybody, which featured makeovers of former chain storefronts that were, as the name states, not fooling anybody. What we didn’t know was that the site has been revived, in the form of a community on Reddit. Let the yellow-painted Pizza Huts roll! [More]

Less satisfrying than Burger King had anticipated.

Burger King’s Satisfries Off The Menu In 2/3 Of Restaurants

Satisfries are dead. Long live Chicken Fries! Less than a year after they hit the menu, Burger King has given their franchisees a choice: they can keep Satisfries, a version of the chain’s French fries that have less fat and fewer calories, on the menu if they’re performing well, or ditch the fries if they aren’t. A little over a third of the Burger Kings in North America will keep them on the menu for now. [More]

Example of pizza showmanship. (Jeff Kubina)

Pizza Worker May Be Deported After 20 Years On The Job Because He Doesn’t Actually Toss Dough

What sets one pizza worker apart from all the rest, making that employee worthy of earning a visa to stay in the United States? Apparently, the ability to exhibit “showmanship,” by tossing pizza dough in the air. So after one restaurant admitted its employee couldn’t actually perform that skill, despite making that claim on a visa application, the worker in question might be deported. [More]


People Are Really Excited About Burger King Chicken Fries

Chicken fries are exactly what they sound like. They are long, thin strips of white-meat chicken that are shaped like French fries. Hence: chicken fries. Burger King introduced them in 2005 and took them off the menu in 2012. Some people were very upset about this. Their faith has been rewarded, since Chicken Fries returned to the menu today. [More]

(Consumer Reports on YouTube)

The Science Behind Those Never-Melting Ice Cream Sandwiches

If you find the idea of ice cream that doesn’t melt after sitting out for hours in 80-degree heat unsettling, you aren’t alone. And because you can’t believe everything you hear on the news, our knowledge-thirsty compatriots at Consumer Reports decided to test out those never-melting ice cream sandwiches for themselves. [More]

Your Wrapped Meat Leaks Bacteria-Laden Juice Everywhere

Your Wrapped Meat Leaks Bacteria-Laden Juice Everywhere

The poultry that you buy at the grocery store is securely wrapped up specifically so consumers don’t spread traces of chicken juice on everything that they touch, right? Well… about that. For a new study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the government agency in charge of making sure that our meat doesn’t kill us, scientists followed shoppers around and checked surfaces that they touched for poultry proteins. Guess what they found? [More]


Hot Sauce-Filled Soda Is Weapon Of Choice For One Taco Bell Customer

We’re pretty sure that throwing any beverage at a Taco Bell employee will get you booted and banned from the store. But since you’re at Taco Bell, why not include some hot sauce in the beverage bomb you toss in the Bell staffer’s face? [More]

Pizza Hut Is Losing Sales In U.S., Doing Awesome Everywhere Else

Pizza Hut Is Losing Sales In U.S., Doing Awesome Everywhere Else

Have Americans finally had enough cheese-stuffed crusts? That could be. We just aren’t flocking to Pizza Hut restaurants like we used to in past decades. Instead, competing chains like Papa John’s and Little Caesar’s are munching on slices of what used to be the Hut’s business. [More]

FDA Warns Consumers, Tattoo Parlors To Be On The Lookout For Contaminated Ink

FDA Warns Consumers, Tattoo Parlors To Be On The Lookout For Contaminated Ink

Not all tattoo ink is created equal. Some brands come in a variety of colors, and apparently others come with loads of bacteria that can cause painful skin infections. [More]

Coffee Rankings Are Personal, But In Wi-Fi Starbucks Beats McDonald’s And Panera Hands-Down

Coffee Rankings Are Personal, But In Wi-Fi Starbucks Beats McDonald’s And Panera Hands-Down

Heading out for some breakfast and a cup of coffee? Excellent. For quality food and drink, your choices are wide, wide open. But if what you really want is some sweet free Wi-Fi, you may want to skip that chocolate chip bagel from Panera and head across the street to Starbucks for a frappuccino instead. [More]

Jerk Or Genius: Burger King Customer Buys 23 Apple Pies Just So Loudmouthed Kid Can’t Get One

Jerk Or Genius: Burger King Customer Buys 23 Apple Pies Just So Loudmouthed Kid Can’t Get One

We’ve all had to stand in line next to some insufferable brat of a child who won’t stop shouting out his desires for the entire world to hear. But most of us don’t have the gall to do what one Burger King customer claims to have done. [More]