Law enforcement has long used tattoos as a way to identify people (“The suspect has the name ‘Marge’ on his forearm”), or as an indicator of group membership (“All members of the gang had the same exact tattoo on their forearms”), but the FBI’s in-development tattoo recognition program seeks to create an algorithm to make instant inferences about a person’s behavior based on their tattoos.

FBI Wants Computers To Scan Your Tattoos To Learn All About You

Would You Get An IRS Tattoo If It Meant Never Paying Taxes Again?
You might love your mother enough to get her name tattooed on your arm, but what about the Internal Revenue Service? Though it’s unlikely that your average taxpayer would permanently ink the agency’s name on their dermis out of sheer love, some Americans say they’d get an IRS tattoo if it meant they would never have to pay taxes again. [More]

Whole Foods’ New 365 Stores Might Include Tattoo Parlors Because Millennials
Everyone knows how annoying it is when all you want is a bunch of carrots, some celery, crusty bread, and body art that will never come off your skin without an expensive, painful removal process, and you just can’t find a one-stop shop for it all. Here comes Whole Foods with its new “365 by Whole Foods Market” stores, which may include in-house tattoo parlors, because that makes complete and total sense. [More]

Lawsuit Claims NBA 2K16 Violates Copyright For LeBron, Kobe Tattoos
When you put a real, living human being’s likeness in a video game, you need their permission. But do you need an okay from that person’s tattoo artist — or a company that claims to have purchased the copyright for that design — to digitally recreate their body art? [More]

Court Says Tattooing Is Protected Speech, Mocks City For Misrepresenting “Margaritaville” Lyrics
The city of Key West, FL, has an ordinance restricting tattoo parlors in its popular Historic District, meaning anyone who wants to open a tattoo shop on the island has to do so in a designated commercial zone. But a federal appeals court has ruled that the city’s rules are too restrictive of tattoo artists’ right to free expression. It also chided Key West for not understanding the lyrics to a Jimmy Buffett song. [More]

Apple Confirms: Tattoos May Mess With Apple Watch
Following last week’s launch of the Apple Watch, some tattooed users of the device complained that their new smartwatches weren’t working properly when worn on heavily inked wrists. Apple has now updated its website to explain that there is indeed the chance that a user’s tattoo may interfere with the sensors on the Apple Watch. [More]

Wrist Tattoos May Be Messing With Apple Watches
Do you have a tattoo on your wrist? If so, you might want to think twice about splashing out a few hundred dollars on a new Apple Watch — or at least try one at the store to see if your ink might interfere with some of the device’s functionalities. [More]

Man Claims Restaurant Told Him To Leave Because He Has Facial Tattoos
A Houston man says he was refused service at a local restaurant because the establishment has a policy barring people with facial tattoos, linking the ink with gang activity in the area. But he says he’s just a person, same as everyone else. [More]

New York Makes It Illegal To Tattoo Or Pierce Pets
If you live in New York, your pet’s body is no longer allowed to be your canvas under the steely eyes of the law. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law that goes into effect in 120 days, making it illegal to pierce or tattoos animals for cosmetic purposes. Yes, that includes tattooing Mr. Grobblesworth Wrinklefoot with your name in a heart pierced by a rose’s thorns. [More]

FDA Warns Consumers, Tattoo Parlors To Be On The Lookout For Contaminated Ink
Not all tattoo ink is created equal. Some brands come in a variety of colors, and apparently others come with loads of bacteria that can cause painful skin infections. [More]

Teen Will Have Fun Explaining To Grandkids Why He’s Got A Tattoo Of A McDonald’s Receipt
We can picture it now: A cozy scene in front of a blazing fire, 50 years hence. “Gather round, children. It’s time your Grandpa finally explained why he tattooed a McDonald’s receipt on his arm at the tender young age of 18.” Because yes, that happened. [More]

Would You Get A Tattoo Of Your Employer’s Logo?
Some tattoo fans (not all, obviously) believe that tattooing the name of your beloved on your body dooms your relationship. It’s the same with matching tattoos. But what about your relationship with your workplace? Does getting matching tattoos with your colleagues doom your career and guarantee a layoff? One New York City real estate brokerage hopes not. They offered agents a 15% raise if they got a company logo tattoo. [More]

Penis Tattoo Gives Man A Permanent Erection
Thinking of getting a penis tattoo? Apparently, they come with the risk of a permanent erection. Let’s see if we can get through this one without a Jason Stackhouse joke… Nope! [More]

Ecko Is Totally, 100% Serious About The Discounts-For-Tattoos Deal
Because of the timing, some people (including us) wondered whether Ecko’s widely publicized deal where customers can receive a 20% discount for life by having the company logo tattooed on their bodies was an April Fool’s prank. Marc Ecko Enterprises reached out to media outlets to assure us that no, it is not, and sent along some photos to prove their point.

Tattoo Yourself With The Ecko Logo And Get 20% Off For Life
This could be a premature April Fools joke, but the folks at Ecko have launched a new marketing campaign that offers customers a lifetime discount of 20% off in-store purchases at Ecko Unltd. and Marc Ecko Cut & Sew… if they get either of the stores’ logos permanently tattooed on their skin. [More]

Louis Vuitton Tattoo Sleeve Takes Brand Loyalty Too Far
This is a picture of some cool guy who got a Louis Vuitton tattoo sleeve (that’s what it’s called when you have tattoos all up and down your arm and ending at your wrist, like a sleeve might). Apparently he decided he never wants to be the number one term life insurance salesman. It’s a sick day when people give their bodies up for free advertising for shallow brands, hoping they’ll be able to embed some of the brand’s cachet into their flesh. Why doesn’t anyone ever tattoo pages from Watership Down on their body, huh? [More]