Food & Personal Care

Pizza Hut Takes Ads Featuring People Who Hate Its Products To Australia

Pizza Hut Takes Ads Featuring People Who Hate Its Products To Australia

A recent Pizza Hut ad that you’ve probably seen on TV features the chain purportedly bringing some of its new crusts and toppings to a small town in Italy, where old people hated everything. While pizza crust stuffed with Vegemite/Marmite isn’t new in Australia and New Zealand, this ad bragging about how much foreigners hate it is new. [More]

Conan O’Brien Visits Taco Bell Test Kitchen, Creates The Irish “O’Taco”

Conan O’Brien Visits Taco Bell Test Kitchen, Creates The Irish “O’Taco”

One of the staffers on Conan O’Brien’s show is an aficionado of the fine, authentic Mexican cuisine at Taco Bell, so using the “incredible power” he has in show business, Conan did what any good boss with a TV talk show would do — took the staffer to the Taco Bell test kitchen for a segment. [More]


Calling In A Fake Taco Bell Robbery Is Not An Effective Way To Get Out Of A Traffic Stop

There are a number of ways people might attempt to get out of a traffic ticket: crying, apologizing profusely, or politely requesting a warning, just to name a few. But one thing you definitely should never do is call in a fake robbery at the local Taco Bell, because that will only end with more tickets and a felony arrest warrant. [More]

Nabisco Finally Confirms That Red Velvet Oreos Are Real

Nabisco Finally Confirms That Red Velvet Oreos Are Real

Back in October, we evaluated the evidence for and against red velvet as a novelty Oreo flavor. It seemed plausible, but hadn’t been officially confirmed back in the fall. Now that we’re approaching Valentine’s Day, the holiday for which red velvet has been anointed the official flavor, Nabisco has announced that the cookies, featuring red cookie wafers and cream cheese flavored Oreo “creme,” will hit stores soon and stay on shelves for six weeks, or until we eat them all. [More]

Crowdfunding Page Seeking Tips For Pizza Delivery Guy Hits $20K In Donations

Crowdfunding Page Seeking Tips For Pizza Delivery Guy Hits $20K In Donations

He didn’t get the $7 tip he was forced to return for delivering pizzas, but now it seems a pizzeria worker who was stiffed the first time around by a Massachusetts car dealership will be doing just fine: A GoFundMe campaign set up by a stranger who saw the video and was outraged has hit $20,600 (as of Friday afternoon) in donations in just two days. [More]

(Chris Goldberg)

Couple Sues Caramel Apple Company, Supplier And Walmart Following Woman’s Listeria-Linked Illness

Less than a month after a California family filed a lawsuit against Safeway for selling caramel covered apples linked to an outbreak of listeria, a second California couple has filed a similar suit against one of the candy apple makers, Walmart and the producer where the apples came from. [More]


Health Officials: This Season’s Flu Vaccine Only 23% Effective

We were warned, and thus it has come to pass: After the Centers for Disease Control announced at the end of last year that this season’s flu vaccine might not do much to prevent people from getting sick, the agency released results today that show shots have only been about 23% effective. [More]

Car Dealership Workers Demand Pizza Delivery Guy Return His Tip, And The Internet Is Displeased

Car Dealership Workers Demand Pizza Delivery Guy Return His Tip, And The Internet Is Displeased

Everybody wants to go viral, but for workers at one car dealership in Massachusetts the dream of Internet popularity went totally awry after a video posted online appears to show employees stiffing the pizza delivery guy out of his tip. [More]


Pizzeria Lets Customers Donate Extra Slices To Homeless And Hungry Visitors

Back in 2013, we had some misgivings about a message spreading around Facebook that explained the idea of the suspended coffee, and urged people to spread the idea and the idea of donating free coffees to the needy all over the world. Since then, the idea has taken off in some places, including a pizzeria in Philadelphia where customers have bought more than 8,400 slices for homeless and hungry people who stop by. [More]


Throwing Rubbing Alcohol During A Robbery Constitutes Use Of A Dangerous Weapon

There are a number of things we couldn’t imagine a would-be thief using during an attempted robbery. One of those things is rubbing alcohol. But that’s exactly what police say a man used to rob a Oklahoma Walgreens on Monday. [More]

The original Taco Bell opened in 1962 in Downey, CA. It now stands empty and local preservationists hope to save it.

Taco Bell Suggests Fans Tweet #SaveTacoBell To Preserve Original Bell Building

Earlier today, we told you how the original Taco Bell building in Downey, CA, now faces possible demolition after its most recent tenant left the place empty in December. We asked Taco Bell corporate for comment on the story and its response is apparently to start a social media campaign — though we’re not exactly sure to what end. [More]

(Morton Fox)

McDonald’s And Cargill Say They Didn’t Put Plastic In Japanese McNugget

Things aren’t going well at McDonald’s Japan recently. From the incident where a human tooth turned up in a customer’s food to the shards of plastic found in nuggets and ice cream to the French fry shortage that caused the chain to airlift a metric ton of fries into the country, it’s not surprising that consumers are staying away. Now there’s news about that nugget incident that blames either McDonald’s or the customer for the plastic nugget incident. [More]

The original Taco Bell building on Firestone Blvd. in Downey, CA. The Seafood and Tacos Raul restaurant that had been located here closed in December and local preservationists believe it may be headed for demolition.

World’s First Taco Bell Building Facing Possible Demolition

If you drive past 7112 Firestone Blvd. in Downey you’ll see the shuttered remains of a restaurant called Seafood and Tacos Raul that seems like it may have been trying to ape look of an old-school Taco Bell. What a lot of people don’t know is that this building is the fountainhead from which flowed decades of gorditas, chimichangas, chalupas, and Dorito-shelled tacos — and now it faces an “imminent threat of demolition.” [More]

The Bausch + Lomb product on the left actually contains the eye health formula detailed in the NIH studies. The CVS product on the right mentions the formula, but lacks many of the essential components.

Lawsuit Against CVS Claims Label On Advanced Eye Health Supplement Is Misleading

Often when you see a drugstore-brand version of a brand-name product, it’s essentially the same thing just less expensive and with less-flashy packaging. But a new lawsuit alleges that CVS is not only trying to mislead shoppers by comparing its Advanced Eye Health supplement to products with different ingredients, but that the lack of those components make the CVS supplement less effective. [More]


Chipotle Pulls Carnitas From A Third Of Restaurants After Supplier Violation

Hungry customers bellying up to the line at Chipotle with a hankering for carnitas may be disappointed in the days and weeks to come, as the eatery says a third of its restaurants — a number in the hundreds — won’t be carrying carnitas after suspending a supplier that violated its standards. [More]

(Eric Verspoor)

Shrinking Soda Cans Mean Fewer Calories For You, More Profits For Beverage Companies

If you’ve taken a trip down the soda (pop, Coke, soft drink) aisle at your local supermarket in the last year you’ve probably noticed an increase of miniature cans being shilled by beverage makers. Although the diminutive cans might look like a novelty, they’re actually Pepsi and Coke’s revenue-producing answer to American’s latest health kick.    [More]

(Adam A. Koch)

Coors And Pizza Hut Announce Gluten-Free Options So Everyone Can Enjoy Pizza And Beer

What goes together better than pizza and beer? Nothing, that’s what. Sure the combination might not be readily available for everyone – specifically consumers who are allergic to gluten – but two companies are looking to change that. MillerCoors and Pizza Hut each announced today that they will soon offer gluten-free versions of the gastronomical staples, albeit in small sections of the U.S. [More]

(Andy Jones)

California Apple Plant Issues Recall After Tests Find Link To Deadly Listeria Contamination

Federal investigators have confirmed a connection between a California apple processing plant and a strain of listeria bacteria responsible for killing seven people and sickening more than 30 others, prompting the producer to recall an undetermined number of Gala and Granny Smith Apples from retailers. [More]