Food & Personal Care

Burger King Brings Back 15-Cent Chicken Nuggets In Price War With McDonald’s

Burger King Brings Back 15-Cent Chicken Nuggets In Price War With McDonald’s

If you have a massive craving for chicken nuggets, great news out of your local fast-food outlets: the nugget price wars have begun. Kind of. After McDonald’s launched its inexplicable deal featuring a box of 50 nuggets for $9.99, Burger King has fired back, offering the more reasonable quantity of ten nuggets for $1.49. It’s all about attracting foot traffic as fast-food outlets try to get American consumers to come back. [More]

The USDA has recalled more than 48,000 pounds of beef and pork because it might contain pieces of metal.

More Than 48,000 Pounds Of Beef, Pork Recalled Because Pieces Of Metal Aren’t Edible

Finding a piece of metal in your frozen pork or beef might be enough for you to rethink your dinner plans. To ensure that doesn’t happen in your kitchen, a Los Angeles company is recalling more than 48,000 pounds of frozen meat that may be contaminated with metal. [More]

(Mic Video)

Watch What Happens When A Woman “Manspreads” On A Crowded Subway

No one likes the person sitting on a crowded train or bus with their legs flung as far apart as possible in an exhibition of the behavior commonly known as “manspreading,” as it is most often the male of our species who decides he can take up three dang seats by himself. But how do people react to a woman indulging blatantly in seat domination with nary a care for her fellow commuters? [More]

(Paxton Holley)

McDonald’s Japan Serves Up Food Containing Plastic Shards, Human Teeth

Here in the United States, McDonald’s is busy assuring us that their chicken nuggets are definitely made out of chicken. Over in Japan, the company has a different challenge: assuring the public that their food does not contain pieces of vinyl or human teeth. That’s in addition to the ongoing fry shortage due to a potato shortage in Japan. [More]

(Chris Rief aka Spodie Odie)

CVS Customer Accused Of Taking Naked Nap On Dog Beds In Store’s Bathroom

There are unwanted guests, and then there are customers who overstay their welcome and get a bit too comfortable in their own skin. A CVS customer in Florida falls into the second category after cops say he stripped down naked and dragged some dog beds into the store’s bathroom, where he proceeded to take a nap atop his new resting place. [More]


Third Candy Apple Maker Recalls Treats For Possible Listeria Contamination

Earlier this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned consumers to avoid some caramel apples after at least 30 people in 10 states have been infected with Listeriosis due to Listeria monocytogenes. This week a third candy maker is recalling caramel apples, the government said, out of concern that its apples may be tainted with Listeria as well. [More]

Police photo.

Pizzeria Robbery Mystery Solved After Cops Trace Toilet Paper Note Back To Suspect’s Roll At Home

Sometimes, the scene of the crime isn’t the only place police can pick up a few clues about the actions of bad consumers. Consider the lowly toilet paper roll — seems innocent enough, and yet it was the missing piece for cops seeking to solve the mystery of whose idea it was to try to rob a pizzeria using a note demanding money. [More]

Snoqualmie Recalls All Ice Cream Made This Year Due To Possible Listeria Contamination

Snoqualmie Recalls All Ice Cream Made This Year Due To Possible Listeria Contamination

Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream distributes its ice cream, gelato, custard, and sorbet in some states in the western half of this country. That sounds delicious, but the company has issued a surprisingly extensive recall: it is recalling all of the tasty frozen desserts that it has produced this year. Yes, from the beginning of 2014 until December 15. [More]

(Andy Jones)

FDA To End Full Ban On Blood Donations From Gay, Bisexual Men

As things currently stand, any man who has had sex with another man at any point in the last three decades is generally forbidden from donating blood in the U.S. But the head of the Food and Drug Administration announced today that it will begin updating the restrictions so that gay and bisexual men who’ve been celibate for a year will be allowed to donate. [More]


Family Sues Safeway After Mother’s Death Linked To Listeria-Contaminated Caramel Apple Sold At Store

Last week officials with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned consumers to avoid eating prepackaged caramel apples left over from the fall following reports that 29 people fell ill and three died after consuming the sweet treats that may be contaminated with the potentially deadly bacteria listeria. Now, a California family has filed a lawsuit against Safeway claiming their mother died after eating the desserts purchased from the store. [More]

(Bill Binns)

Your First Drink At Starbucks Doesn’t Matter, If You Want Refills

As people who like to loiter in coffee shops most likely know, you can get refills of brewed coffee or tea at Starbucks for only fifty cents, and the refills are free once you’ve bought five drinks with the shop’s payment app or a registered gift card. What you may not know, though, is that your first drink doesn’t need to be a plain brewed coffee: it can be a fancy espresso-based concoction. [More]

(Carbon Arc)

Today In Sad Food News: 80,000 Pounds Of Bacon Recalled For Misbranding

Let’s all pour out a little bacon grease on the ground for our fallen pork comrades, delicious bits of savory umami that will never reach the lips of consumers: More than 80,000 pounds of bacon have been recalled after a Florida company says the products were misbranded. [More]

(Adam Fagen)

Starbucks Ditches Square, Will Cease Accepting Wallet Mobile Payments In Coming Months

The two-year long partnership between Starbucks and mobile payment system Square is coming to an end, as the coffee company had decided to ditch the mobile payment company’s upcoming new system in favor of its own mobile ordering solution. [More]

(Jason Childs)

CDC: Listeria Contaminated Pre-Packaged Caramel Apples Linked to Four Deaths, 28 Illnesses

The holidays are full of sweet treats and fresh-baked goods. But if your snacking plans included finishing off those prepackaged caramel apples from fall, you better come up with different plans. That’s because federal officials say the desserts may be the source of a multi-state listeria outbreak that has been linked to at least five deaths. [More]

(Great Beyond)

Shell Gas Stations Turn To Hot Dogs For Financial Comfort As The Price Of Fuel Drops

I’m no stranger to falling into the loving embrace of encased meats, but who knew that gas stations are also seeking comfort from hot dogs these days? While it’s good news for drivers that gas costs less, for oil companies those cheaper prices at the pump means sales that slump (sorry sorry I had to). [More]

Aspiring McDonald’s Customer Falls Asleep In Drive-Thru, Arrested For Drunken Driving

Aspiring McDonald’s Customer Falls Asleep In Drive-Thru, Arrested For Drunken Driving

The woman in line at the drive-thru at a McDonald’s near Cleveland simply wanted to order some fast food and be on her way. Presumably that’s what she wanted, anyway: she was in the drive-thru line. Restaurant employees called police when she was unable to order due to slurred speech, then fell asleep at the wheel, blocking the drive-thru. [More]

(Marcos de Madariaga)

FDA: Going To The Mall For Your Ultrasounds Probably Isn’t A Good Idea, Even If It Comes With A Keepsake Gift

Any expectant parent would likely jump at the chance to see their developing bundle of joy. But while commercial ultrasound businesses might seem like the perfect place to catch a glimpse, the Food & Drug Administration is once again warning consumers that non-medical ultrasounds and heartbeat monitors aren’t exactly safe.  [More]

Taco Bell Might Be Trying That Whole “Chips As A Taco Shell” Thing Again, This Time With Fritos

Taco Bell Might Be Trying That Whole “Chips As A Taco Shell” Thing Again, This Time With Fritos

As the saying goes, when at first you succeed at feeding people taco fillings inside a shell made from a popular brand of chips, try it again and see if you can get more people to buy your food. At least, that must be a motto at Taco Bell, which could be following the success of the Doritos Locos line of taco fare with a new Fritos shell. [More]