Crime & Fraud

The pile of parts man is accused of stealing from restaurants (St. Petersburg Police Department)

Cops Bust Man Accused Of Pilfering The Plumbing From Burger King, Cracker Barrel And More

You know what’s annoying? Heeding the call of nature at a restaurant, only to find that the thing that makes the toilet flush is missing, and the necessary plumbing to tote away what needs toting is gone as well. Who would want to steal pieces of toilets? Police in Florida say a man has been accused of visiting local eateries and pilfering the plumbing for his own gain. [More]

John Kittelsrud

7 Habits Of Highly Obnoxious Travelers

Traveling is supposed to bring joy and relaxation into one’s stressed-out life, but not all of us can fly in private planes with only those people we know we won’t want to beat senseless with a swim noodle before the jet lands. Since we all want to land without resorting to fisticuffs or threats of forcible early deplaning, there are certain behaviors from which we’d all be wise to abstain while traveling. [More]

Comcast Sat By As ID Thieves Set Up Multiple Accounts, Ran Up Thousands In Charges

Comcast Sat By As ID Thieves Set Up Multiple Accounts, Ran Up Thousands In Charges

A local news report in Nashville about a local man whose ID was stolen and used to open up two bogus Comcast accounts hundreds of miles away in Louisiana has uncovered numerous additional complaints from consumers in the area who say they have also been sent to collections for fake Comcast accounts opened in the same city. [More]

Fake Travel Agent Allegedly Scammed Customers Out Of $130,000

Fake Travel Agent Allegedly Scammed Customers Out Of $130,000

People instinctively trust others more if we have something in common with them, and that instinct led some people of Fijian origin who live near Modesto, California to a scammer. A man who was originally from Fiji set himself up as a travel agent and accepted money to book flights, then gave customers phony paperwork without making reservations, or canceling return tickets while travelers were out of the country. [More]


Florida Man Accused Of Humping A Stuffed Animal At Walmart, Putting It Back On The Shelf

In a move that will cause me to forever give the toy aisle the side-eye, a Florida man is accused of getting it on with a stuffed animal at Walmart and then putting it back on the shelf after he’d had his way with it. [More]


Mountain Dew Doesn’t Make DWI Go Away After Cops Turn Down Soda Bribe

When you’re in a tight spot, it’s natural to take a quick look around and assess the tools at your disposal. While MacGyver could change his fate with a piece of gum and a 1993 issue of TV Guide, one DIY wannabe thought he’d be able to disappear a DWI charge with Mountain Dew. [More]

(C x 2)

Cops: Teen Wiped Himself With Cash In The Bathroom, Used It To Pay Restaurant Tab

While it’s up to you how you waste your money, putting feces on your money and giving it to someone as payment is not only totally disgusting, but also could lead to a charge of “battery by bodily waste.” [More]


Everyone Wants To Know What Thieves Are Planning To Do With 18 Tons Of Crisco

A ginormous biscuit? Lubing up hundreds of thousands of rusty locks? What use could anyone possibly have for 18 tons of stolen Crisco? That’s what everyone in St. Petersburg FL, and now likely the entire world is wondering after someone swiped a semi-truck carrying tons of shortening. [More]

(Tina Kugler)

Woman Claims A Stranger Stole Her House Using A Fake Deed, Moved In

You can’t pick it up, shove it in your jacket and walk away with it, but a house can still be stolen, it seems. A senior citizen in New York says an ex-convict faked the deed to her family home in Queens and moved in, effectively stealing her house. [More]


Here’s What It Looks Like After Someone Shouts “I Have Ebola, You’re All Screwed!” On A Plane

You know the saying about how you should never yell “Fire!” in a theater? Let’s bring that maxim up to date, and amend it to add that you should also refrain from shouting, “I have Ebola, you’re all screwed!” on an airplane. Because that will result in the hazardous materials folks showing up and generally spoiling an entire planeful of people’s plans for an uneventful flight. [More]


A Bad Idea Gets Even Worse When Lit Candle In Car Sparks Fire At Gas Station

Riding around in a car with an open flame is a bad idea all on its own: Any unexpected movements or sharp turns and that candle you lit for ambiance or use when your interior lights are out is going to go flying. Flying fire is bad, but it’s perhaps an even worse idea to have a flickering flame when your car is sitting still at the gas station. And yes, someone has definitely done this. [More]

The scammy notices sent out to consumers look like bills and give you multiple ways to pay, but the small print indicates that it is "not a bill."

Newspapers Warning About “Readers Payment Service” Subscription Scam

All around the country, people are receiving subscription renewal notices from a company called Readers Payment Services (or various other names) for any one of dozens of newspapers. The invoices, which ask for your credit card and personal information, may look legitimate, but the newspapers are warning their subscribers to not fall for this scam. [More]

Restaurant Responds To Negative Yelp Review With Role-Playing Exercise

Restaurant Responds To Negative Yelp Review With Role-Playing Exercise

When a ticked-off consumer goes on Yelp to unleash a nasty rant about your restaurant, what’s the best way to respond? For one eatery in Kansas City, it was to flip the tables on the Yelper with a bit of dramatic role-playing. [More]


Hero Nurses Save Grandparents From Wiring Thousands Of Dollars To Scammers

Visiting nurses can make the lives of their patients easier and healthier, but “stopping scamsters who prey on the elderly” isn’t in their job description. Yet that’s exactly what two visiting nurses in Connecticut did in the last few weeks, both on their own time and while they were working. They weren’t afraid to butt in and save the near-victims thousands of dollars. [More]

(a. s p i t e r i)

Man Eschews Comment Cards, Flushes Nails Down The Toilets At Subway & Starbucks

There’s leaving a comment card to express any dissatisfaction for a retail establishment, and then there’s flushing several pounds of nails down to the toilet to let a restaurant know you are ticked off. Let’s think about which one will get the police on your tail. [More]


Saks Fifth Avenue Workers Accused Of Running Identity Theft Ring That Made $400K

While the idea of working in close proximity to luxury goods bearing designer tags might make the average shopper simply drool and move along, authorities say the temptation of all those high-priced bags and shoes simply proved too great for some Saks Fifth Avenue employees. [More]

(Mary T)

Police: Woman Scammed Victoria’s Secret Out Of $53K Using Stolen Underwear

There’s absolutely no problem with making money from selling underwear. Unless, of course, those frilly, fancy underthings never belonged to you in the first place, in which case you’ll be in a whole lot of hot water. Police in Florida say one woman managed to bilk Victoria’s Secret out of $53,000 by basically selling the store’s own lingerie back to itself. [More]

(Studio d'Xavier)

Police: Grocery Store Worker Walked Out With $1,200 Worth Of Meat Stuffed In His Pants

There are often questions involved in shoplifting incidents — why that particular product? Or what makes a store employee steal from his or her place of employment? And how come meat seems to be the most popular product one can shove down one’s pants (and again, though sometimes it’s puppies)? More mysteries remain to be solved, I’m afraid. [More]