In the crowded arena of online shopping, speed is of the essence if you want to keep up with your competitors’ prices: If you aren’t quick enough, your rival could undercut you. A new report claims that Walmart is trying its hardest to automatically track Amazon’s prices, but it’s not having much luck. [More]
get outta here

Georgia Gas Station Refusing To Sell Samuel Adams Beer Leading Up To Super Bowl
Samuel Adams may be the beer brand most closely associated with Boston, which is why one Georgia gas station is not stocking the brew — at least until after the New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons have faced off in this year’s Super Bowl. [More]

Pokémon Go Creators Removing Some Locations In Effort To Be “Respectful” Of Reality
Since Pokémon Go launched earlier this month, the mobile game has sent out into the world in droves, seeking Pokemon, as well as “Pokéstops,” where they can stock up on Pokéballs. But those stops and gyms are all real life locations — and some of the people who live or work there aren’t exactly pleased with the new crowds. [More]

Woman Claims A Stranger Stole Her House Using A Fake Deed, Moved In
You can’t pick it up, shove it in your jacket and walk away with it, but a house can still be stolen, it seems. A senior citizen in New York says an ex-convict faked the deed to her family home in Queens and moved in, effectively stealing her house. [More]

Apparently UPS Will Send A Package Back If Anyone Nearby Chimes In And Refuses It
There can be a lot of obstacles the United Parcel Service needs to overcome in its efforts to deliver packages — no one is home, the address is wrong — but one might think there’s some kind of policy regarding who can send a package back where it came from. One might think that only the intended recipient can return a package to sender, but as Consumerist reader Kathryn found it, that isn’t always the case. [More]