Hey, Where Did All The Eggo Waffles Go?

Kimberly’s life just isn’t the same. Something is missing. That something: Eggo waffles. She wants to know where they have gone, and whether they will ever return to her.

I was wondering if y’all knew what the hold up at the eggo plant is. I ran across the attached signs while at the grocery store the other night, then tried to follow up on the eggo website which linked me to an error page. What is the world without mass produced waffle goodness?

What, indeed?

Since Kimberly wrote in, Kellogg’s has fixed their site’s FAQ, and it now tells waffle seekers:

Several recent events have lead to supply issues for Eggo waffles. We want to apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you, our loyal consumers. We are working hard to return to business as usual as quickly as possible. Please be assured that Kellogg is committed to continuing to deliver the high-quality products that our customers and consumers know and trust.

What are those “recent events?” Well, there was September’s recall of a few thousand cases of Eggo waffles due to listeria contamination.

We checked with Kellogg’s to see if they can give us any updates on waffle production, and will pass on any information we get.

Contact Us/FAQs [Kellogg’s]