Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton may be a star on the football field, but he’s infamously prickly with the press. Now, a day after implying that it was “funny” that a female sports reporter might actually understand basic football terminology, Newton will no longer be in ads for the official yogurt of the NFL. [More]

Grocery Shrink Ray Makes Yogurt Smaller, Salt Slightly Bigger
When food companies shave a little bit of their product off to save money and avoid a price hike, that’s called the Grocery Shrink Ray. We’ve followed how it’s been blasting through food products for over 100 years now, and it made two small hits in Dannon brand yogurt and Aldi’s store-brand sea salt. [More]

Drinkable Yogurt Is What Happens When We Get Tired Of Other Trendy Ideas
If you have a problem with the idea of chugging liquid yogurt, gird your stomachs, folks. Because it’s a thing that is happening, now that the Greek yogurt trend is losing its luster. [More]

Dannon Looking To Cut Sugar In Yogurt
Earlier this year the Department of Agriculture and Department of Health and Human Services released the eighth edition of Dietary Guidelines that included the suggestion that Americans limit their consumption of added sugar to no more than 10% of one’s dietary calories. In response, French Yogurt giant Dannone is looking at ways to reduce the amount of sweet stuff in its products. [More]

New Target Store In Manhattan Will Feature A Chobani Yogurt Cafe
Up here in New York’s hinterlands, our Target stores have snack bars with Pizza Hut pizzas, or maybe a Starbucks if they’re really classy. At a planned store in Manhattan’s Tribeca neighborhood, they plan some classier offerings in the snack bar. Target has partnered with yogurt brand Chobani to open a cafe featuring “Chobani’s signature Greek yogurt and hand-selected, artisanal ingredients.” [More]

Chobani Can’t Run Ads Claiming Other Greek Yogurt Products Contain Bug Spray, Chlorine
A federal court has ordered the makers of Chobani Greek yogurt to stop running a series of new ads that claim similar products from Dannon and Yoplait contain insecticides and chlorine. [More]

General Mills Sues Chobani For Advertising That Yoplait Contains “Bug Spray”
If you’re going to casually advertise that your competitor’s product contains an insecticide, you should probably expect to get sued. Just ask the lawyers at General Mills, who are none to happy about Chobani ads claiming that Yoplait’s competing yogurt contains a product used to “kill bugs.”

We’re Not Quite Sure How To Feel About The Fact That Yogurt Liqueur Exists
While there are surely some tasty dairy-based alcoholic beverages out there, there’s just something about drinking boozy yogurt that seems a bit… off-putting. But hey, different strokes for different folks. For those who like mixing food with their drinks, there’s a yogurt liqueur out there just for you. [More]

McDonald’s Adding Go-Gurt Option To Happy Meals
In an effort to further change its image, McDonald’s announced today that it will soon be adding a yogurt option to its kids meals in the form of Yoplait’s kid-friendly Go-Gurt. Whether or not this is actually a healthier choice all depends on what you substitute the yogurt for. [More]

Don’t Put Your Bread In The Fridge & Other Important Food Storage Tips
We’ve all got a somewhat innate sense of where to store the foods we eat in our modern cultures — you’re not going to stick your ice cream in the pantry and expect it to stay frozen, or freeze your fresh apples. But what about butter — countertop or refrigerator? Should I really use that “eggs” slot on the inside of my fridge door? Answer us, oh kitchen gods! [More]

Breakfast Shrink Ray: Chobani Yogurt, Special K Shave Off Weight
When food companies need to work on their profit margin but don’t want to raise prices, they deploy the Grocery Shrink Ray. The Shrink Ray lets them charge the same amount for fractionally less food. Today, we have most of a Shrink Rayed breakfast: it’s been deployed on Kellogg’s Special K Protein cereal and Chobani yogurt cups. [More]

Whole Foods Reportedly Ditching Chobani Over GMO Concerns
If Chobani’s recall woes weren’t enough, the maker of the Greek-style yogurt may also be losing an important retail partner with Whole Foods reportedly planning to stop shelving the stuff in the coming year over concerns about genetically modified content. [More]

89 People Reported Illnesses From Moldy Chobani Yogurt To FDA
We have good news and bad news regarding the fungus-related recall of a large amount of Chobani brand greek yogurt. Affected products were distributed nationwide, causing reactions among consumers that ranged from “that tastes a little weird” to “HONEY, THE YOGURT EXPLODED!” The company has named the mold, but according to the FDA 89 people so far have reported becoming sick from the yogurts. [More]

Yoplait Cosmopolitan Yogurt: Never Choose Between A Drink Or Live Active Cultures Again
Consumerist reader Bethany spotted something a bit unusual at her local Target recently: Cosmopolitan flavored yogurt by Yoplait. What? A boozy beverage incorporated into a snack? “I’m not exactly sure why anyone would want Cosmopolitan-flavored yogurt, but apparently the folks at Yoplait disagree,” she writes. “At least for a limited time.” [More]

Chobani Pulls Gross Yogurts Off Store Shelves, Not A Recall
Have your Chobani yogurts tasted kind of weird recently? You aren’t alone. Yogurt lovers all over the country have reported oddness that ranges from “that tastes a little off” to “AAAAH WHY IS MY YOGURT CUP BULGING?!” After receiving (and deleting) a lot of complaints on their Facebook page, the company quietly pulled affected batches from stores, but there’s no official recall on. [More]

Just Because It’s Got The Word “Yogurt” In It Doesn’t Mean Fro Yo Is A Health Food
It’s not like anyone is walking into a frozen yogurt shop and shouting, “Bring me my vegetables!” but even the mere presence of the word “yogurt” might connote healthiness to some of us. And hey, it’s not ice cream, which everyone knows isn’t healthy, so it must be kinda good for you, right? All those yogurt cultures (depending on the store) and inherent dairy goodness? Alas, dear fro yo eaters, the word “yogurt” does not a health food make. [More]