If you were planning to resell tickets to a New York Yankees game in the future you’ll need to visit StubHub instead of Ticketmaster, as the Major League Baseball team reached a deal this weekend to transfer its resale business, Yankees Ticket Exchange, to StubHub. [More]

Contract Dispute Blacks Out Yankees’ Network For New York Area Comcast Subscribers
Two of the entities America most loves to hate — Comcast and the New York Yankees — are now duking it out in the Big Apple, as a cable contract carriage fee dispute results in yet another channel blackout. [More]

Yankees Cut Me Great Deal: 5 Tickets For The Price Of 6
A Yankees fan who is so hardcore that he buys actual tickets to physically go to games, Scott not only has to deal with the failure to land Cliff Lee but also a missing ticket from his six-pack order. The screw-up is thanks to a mailing snafu he can’t seem to get the club to address. [More]

Yankees And Mets Among Baseball's Biggest Online Ticket Fee Gougers
A new study released by Rep. Weiner shows that Yankees and Mets fans are bleeding more than just their team colors, they’re also getting gouged with some of the highest online ticketing fees in baseball. [More]

Do New Stadiums Really Give Back All They Get From Taxpayers?
Are new stadiums, like Citi Field, the new Yankees stadium, and the proposed new Nets stadium/Atlantic Yards project, really worth the oodles of public dollars, tax breaks, and the hundreds of residents displaced, their land seized under eminent domain? Stadium Status is an awesome new 20 min documentary by the Internets Celebrites that examines the issue and has come to a firm “Nahhhh” as its conclusion. [More]

Don't Bring Firearms, Knives or iPads To Yankee Stadium
When the Yankees lost two out of three games to the Mets last week at New York’s Citi Field, iPad owners could have tweeted about it, watched replay videos or switched to another game (an option many Yankee fans would have liked) using the device’s big, bright screen. When the two teams have their rematch next month at Yankee Stadium, iPadders will have to settle for an iPhone or other small-screen device; iPads are welcome at Citi Field, but have been declared off-limits at the House That George Built. [More]

Yankees Fans Celebrate Championship By Giving Away Your Private Information
In case the unlimited payroll, overpriced stadium, and everything else weren’t enough, here’s another reason to dislike the Yankees: their celebratory parades are havens for white collar crime.

Yankees Cut Premium Ticket Prices From "Exorbitant" To "Expensive"
For some reason, the New York Yankees are having trouble selling the most expensive seats in the new Yankee Stadium. Especially the ones in the front rows that are noticeably empty on TV. The New York Times has a rundown of the pricing changes.

Pepsi Yankees Promotion Leads To Fans Chanting "Pepsi Sucks!"
It’s probably never a good idea to offer Yankees fans free tickets for showing up and forming a crowd, because then you’ve got a crowd of Yankees fans with nothing to do, and that’s not going to end well. In this case, after the fans found out that Pepsi over-promised the number of free tickets it was giving out, they turned hostile.

Whoops, You Paid $1,200 For Crappy Obstructed View Yankee Tickets
Thinking of buying some “secondary market” tickets? Well, you might want to do a little research before you open your wallet, according to the New York Times. Apparently, the new Yankee Stadium has some seats that are so godawful that they only cost $5 — unless you buy them from a scalper who charges you hundreds.

Yankees Fan Sues: Steriods Are Almost "Consumer Fraud"
A longtime fan is suing the New York Yankees over some players’ reported use of performance-enhancing drugs, saying he wants repayment for $221 in tickets and a public response from his once beloved team.