Back in February prank callers preyed on fast food restaurants like Jack in the Box, Burger King, and Wendy’s, instructing workers to break every window and door or face certain disaster. The prank hit again in Minnesota over the weekend, when employees of a Burger King smashed the store’s windows, following directions from what they thought was a fire department official. [More]

Class Action Claims Wendy’s Negligently Exposed Customer Payment Info In January Breach
Back in January, Wendy’s confirmed that it was looking into a data breach, adding later that it had found malicious software designed to steal customer information on computers that operate its payment processing system. As one might imagine, that didn’t go over well with some customers: a new class action claims the fast food chain was negligent in exposing its customers’ credit and debit card information to attackers. [More]

Angry Wendy’s Customer Arrested For Biting Manager For Mixed-Up Order
Fast food restaurants occasionally mix orders up; that’s why most of us spot-check our food before leaving. And while it’s acceptable to be a little perturbed when your order is wrong, it’s not acceptable to express your discontent by biting the manager.

Arizona Wendy’s, Jack In The Box Hit By Prank Calls Instructing Workers To Break Restaurants’ Windows
If you work at a restaurant, or any other business with windows, take note: don’t listen to anyone who calls and tells you to break every window and door you can lay your hands on. We already heard about Burger King workers in California who fell prey to that prank recently, and now it seems the staff at both an Arizona Wendy’s and a Jack in the Box have played Simon Says, demolition version, as well. [More]

Report: Wendy’s May Be Latest Victim Of Credit Card Data Breach
A burger and some chili or a baked potato seems like a great meal idea in this miserably snowy winter weather so many of us are having. Unfortunately, reports are saying that if you bought that tasty treat from Wendy’s with a credit or debit card recently, it may come with an unwanted side of fraud. [More]

Wendy’s Customer Says She Found Bugs In Baked Potato; Restaurant Says They Are Sprouts
Yet another fast food customer is claiming she was served up a little unwanted something extra with her meal, while the restaurant says it only looks like she was served up some bugs with her order.

Burger King Introduces 5-Item Value Meal For $4
In an effort to attract new customers and bring old ones back, fast-food restaurants are bringing back value menus. Don’t call them dollar menus, though, even when the items do cost a dollar each. Or, in the case of a new value meal deal from Burger King, 80¢ each. [More]

Wendy’s Pledges To Use Only Eggs From Cage-Free Hens By 2020 In North American Locations
Wendy’s might be a little bit tardy to the cage-free egg party, but it’s showing up now with a plan to get in line with its competitors: the chain says it’ll switch to sourcing 100% cage-free eggs by 2020 in all U.S. and Canadian locations. [More]

Wendy’s Brings Back Pulled Pork Sandwich To Close Out Summer Of Fast-Food Pulled Pork
For a while, it looks like this might be the Summer of Pulled Pork. Or like pulled pork would be the new bacon. There would be some very headline-friendly thing that would happen with pulled pork. Some regional chains picked up the trend, but now Wendy’s is only jumping on the porkwagon at the end of the traditional barbecue season, bringing back their pulled pork sandwich and fries. Yes, fries. [More]

Two Vehicles Crash Into N.J. Wendy’s In Second Car Accident At Restaurant In 3 Months
They say lightning never strikes twice, but no one ever said cars can’t come crashing through the window of a single Wendy’s more than once. To wit: two vehicles collided with each other in Paramus, N.J. yesterday, sending them both into a Wendy’s that was hit by a car in June. [More]

Experimenting With New Ingredients Isn’t So Easy For Fast Food Chains
When I want to make a kale salad, I go to the grocery store and buy a bundle of kale. When McDonald’s wants to make some kale salads in their restaurants, they have to set up an entire supply chain for millions of pounds of kale. As fast-food customers are demanding that restaurants use recognizable, pronounceable ingredients, that makes it difficult to mass-produce food that doesn’t seem mass-produced. [More]

Wendy’s Finally Begins Testing Antibiotic-Free Chicken
More than a year after Chick fil-A began its transition away from drugged-up chickens, and months after McDonald’s announced its plans to eventually go the antibiotic-free route, Wendy’s — the one major burger chain with ads that tout its better, more natural ingredients — is finally dipping its toes into the no-antibiotics pool. [More]

More Free Iced Tea To Celebrate Nonsense Holiday At Wendy’s And Walmart
We learned about some other ways you can celebrate National Iced Tea Day: participating Wendy’s restaurants are giving away small Blueberry Pineapple iced teas in certain states for most of the day. You can also print out a coupon for a free Snapple iced tea that can only be redeemed at Walmart. [Saving Advice] [More]