Forget the Double Down or the McGangBang, the ultimate fast food burger has been found — the Frankenburger. And when I say “ultimate,” I literally mean this could be the final thing you ever eat. [More]

Do Not Tase Wendy's Clerk For Getting Your Order Wrong
A worker at a Wendy’s in Daytona Beach, FL, narrowly avoided being zapped with a taser after getting a customer’s order wrong. According to police reports, the alleged assailant, Melane Asia Reid, “brandished a pink stun gun” and chased Jason HIll around the restaurant, until the manager threatened to call the police. [More]

California County Wants To Take The Toy Out Of Your Happy Meal
If your kids pester you into purchasing McDonald’s Happy Meals, they could be severely disappointed the next time they visit Santa Clara County in California, where the county supervisors have voted to pass a law forbidding toys in Happy Meals and other fast food kids meals that don’t meet the county’s nutritional guidelines. [More]

10 Fast Food Items Worse For You Than The KFC Double Down
KFC’s Double Down — the bacon sandwich where two pieces of fried chicken replace the bread — has been catching a lot of flack lately; much of it deserved. But a quick comparison of the nutritional (for want of a better word) info between the Double Down and some items on the menus at other fast food joints shows that the “warped creation of a syphilitic brain” might not be as bad for you as a salad at Wendy’s. [More]

McSpaghetti & 14 Other Fast Food Failures
Have you ever had McSpaghetti? How about a basket of piping hot, deep-fried chicken livers from your local KFC? These are just a few of the not-so-popular menu items that made ChicagoNow’s list of the 15 Worst Fast Food Fails. [More]

Is Wendy's Looking To Hook Up With Carl's Jr.?
Fast food’s cutest redhead is wooing the burger business’s West Coast bad boy, as a new report says the parent company of Wendy’s is cooking up a last-minute bid to buy Carl’s Jr. owners CKE. [More]

Wendy's: If You Want Tomatoes You Will Have To Ask
Crappy freezing weather in Florida has resulted in a lack of acceptable tomatoes to put on your burger, says Wendy’s. So, if you want tomato, you will no longer get it automatically. You’re going to have to ask,and even then you might not get the sort of luscious tomato experience you are accustomed to at Wendy’s. [More]

Wow, Wendy's Really Does Take It Seriously
We’re always making fun of companies who overuse the phrase “taking it seriously,” but it looks like Wendy’s isn’t playing around. An anonymous tipster found a chicken bone in his Wendy’s sandwich, and got taken very seriously when he reported it.

Gee, Jay Leno Sure Does Like Talking About Products recently edited together all the moments of Leno & guests dropping product names. Yes, this is just one episode’s worth of product references.

Doctors Remove Plastic Wendy's Fragment From Man's Lung
For nearly two years, a 50-year-old man in North Carolina has suffered mysterious coughing fits, fatigue, and pneumonia. Now he’s back to normal after doctors removed a 1-inch piece of plastic from his lungs, which he apparently inhaled while enjoying a soft drink.

Rude Wendy's Manager Yanks Customer's Pigtails
Everyone who’s over the age of 3 and not a lifelong vegan has surely had a confrontation with a haughty fast-food manager. Danny and his family threw down with a Wendy’s honcho who tried to get all Studio 54 with them — resulting in a hastily filled-out free burger coupon and a near denial of its redemption — but it looks as though Danny gave as good as he received.

Consumer Reports Declares Wendy's & McDonald's Have Scientifically Superior French Fries
Our sister-publication Consumer Reports tested new trans-fat free french fries from Wendy’s, BK and McDonald’s and have declared that… yeah they basically taste the same as they used to only they don’t have trans fats.

The Poor, Misunderstood Wendy's Frosty
What, exactly, is a Wendy’s Frosty? Is it a beverage? Is it a milkshake? Is it soft-serve ice cream? Is it simply a vehicle for delivering diamonds to one’s digestive tract? More to the point, is it a beverage or a dessert? Reader Carl doesn’t know. Neither does his local Wendy’s.

Wendy's Employee Gets Prison Time For Putting Hair In Burger
Remember Thomas Bender? He was the Wendy’s employee in West Virginia who garnished a police officer’s sandwich with a ball of pubic hair earlier this year. He’s just been sentenced to 6 months in prison and 2 years probation.

McDonald's Remains America's Favorite Fast Food Restaurant
Consumer research company Experian Simmons (yes, owned by Experian), has released a new study of fast food industry covering the past 5 years, and it looks like we still love going to McDonald’s more than any other fast food restaurant.

Cops Find "Ball Of Pubic Hair" In Wendy's Sandwich, Act Surprised
A pair of West Virginia Wendy’s employees are facing misdemeanor charges after dropping a “ball of pubic hair” into a police officer’s sandwich. 32-year-old Thomas Bender admitted to garnishing the sandwich, and 20-year-old Joshua Monroe “admitted he encouraged Bender to do it.” The officer, though, saw this coming…