
No Car Will Escape This "Future Now" Speed Cam

No Car Will Escape This "Future Now" Speed Cam

Most photo radar systems can’t keep track of more than one car at a time. But the descriptively-named “Cordon multi-target Photo Radar System” can. If these bad boys get deployed across America, people who pride themselves on their speeding skills better cool their jets. [More]

Drone Helicopters Used To Sell High End Real Estate

Drone Helicopters Used To Sell High End Real Estate

Helicopter drones looking for work outside the military might look well to apply at their local real estate office for a job. Turns out they’re not just good for conducting unmanned aerial strikes against insurgents, drones can also be used to sell mansions, via in-depth tour videos made with cameras mounted to their frames. [More]

Man Who Drank Glass Of Fat Walks Off Can Of Soda

Man Who Drank Glass Of Fat Walks Off Can Of Soda

The same guy who drank a glass of fat to demonstrate the lard-inducing effects of soft drinks is back. This time he shows how long you have to walk to burn off the calories from a can of soda. It takes three miles! That’s the distance from Union Square to Brooklyn in New York. [More]

Travelers Would Actually Pay Attention To Pre-Flight Safety Instructions If They Were More Like This

Travelers Would Actually Pay Attention To Pre-Flight Safety Instructions If They Were More Like This

Airlines should take a cue from this sketch video and incorporate more dance moves into their pre-flight safety instructions if they really want passengers to start paying attention. [More]

Make A Fog Machine For $5

Make A Fog Machine For $5

Forget tossing down the sawbucks at Guitar Center, you can make your own fog machine at home for just $5 with stuff you get from the store. Nope, there’s no dry ice, smarty pants. This video shows you how to do it. [More]

Video: Meet Your Wall Street Occupiers

Video: Meet Your Wall Street Occupiers

The Internet Celebrities headed down to Occupy Wall Street to find out more about what was in the protesters’ heads and how they operate. Besides the colorful characters we’ve seen on the news, they found dedicated press relations volunteers, a chalk board listing the times for various working groups and direct actions everyone could participate in, and a free library. [More]

71 Drivers Cross A Defective Bridge In Chicago Every Second

71 Drivers Cross A Defective Bridge In Chicago Every Second

A new study says that 71 drivers in Chicago cross a structurally defective bridge every second. [More]

4 Suspects Arrested For Keeping People In "Dungeon" To Steal Their Social Security Checks

4 Suspects Arrested For Keeping People In "Dungeon" To Steal Their Social Security Checks

Four suspects have been arrested after being accused of a diabolical scheme where they locked up people in a basement and stole their Social Security checks. [More]

Dr. Pepper Ten: Naming Soda After Number Of Calories Add Up At Larger Sizes

Dr. Pepper Ten: Naming Soda After Number Of Calories Add Up At Larger Sizes

So “Ten” is Dr. Pepper’s new diet soda and it’s just for guys. But the small print with the calories on the side of the can seems puts the lie to the old trope that men are better at math… [More]

Protesters Arrested At Citibank For Making A Scene, Closing Their Accounts

Protesters Arrested At Citibank For Making A Scene, Closing Their Accounts

Video shot around the ‘net this weekend of a group of Occupy Wall Street protesters at a New York City Citibank who were arrested after they entered the bank with placards, began holding an open forum inside the bank where they talked about how they were saddled with debt, and then tried to close their accounts. At one point a woman wearing a suit is forcibly arrested after telling the police several times, “I’m a customer.” [More]

Flowbee Like A Pro

Flowbee Like A Pro

I’ve always been intrigued by the Flowbee, the hair cutting vacuum attachment heavily promoted on late 80’s late night infomercials, but I was never quite sure how it worked. Now a new, edited for maximum comedic impact, version of the original instructional video has surfaced and all my questions have been answered. [More]

Watch Now The Live Senate Hearing On Whether Forced Arbitration Is Fair

Watch Now The Live Senate Hearing On Whether Forced Arbitration Is Fair

Here’s a live webcast of the judiciary committee’s hearing on mandatory binding arbitration going on right now. The title of the hearing is “Arbitration: Is it Fair When Forced?” Arbitration clauses appear in all sorts of consumer contracts and they mandate that in order to use the product or service, you have to agree to give up your right to sue if anything goes wrong. Originally designed for businesses to expedite disputes with other businesses, binding arbitration clauses are now also a popular way for companies to strip consumers of their basic legal rights. Since the hearing is chaired by Senator Al Franken, you know there’s bound to be some good zingers. Pop the popcorn and sit back! [More]

911 Calls From Walmart Bleach Battle Released

911 Calls From Walmart Bleach Battle Released

911 calls from the altercation inside a Baltimore County Walmart where two women began throwing liquid bleach and ammonia at each other, leaving 19 hospitalized from the resulting toxic chemical reaction, have been released. [More]

Dr. Pepper Introduces Diet Soda "Just For Men"

Dr. Pepper Introduces Diet Soda "Just For Men"

In the jungle, a fist punches a snake. Lasers blast across the screen. A man in commando gear attempts and fails to pour a can of Dr. Pepper into a glass while hurtling through the bush in an ATV. Yes, it’s the new ad campaign rolling out for Dr. Pepper Ten diet soda being marketed at men, and women aren’t invited. [More]

Woman Sues "Drive" For Not Having Enough Driving

Woman Sues "Drive" For Not Having Enough Driving

A woman has filed a lawsuit against the movie Drive because she felt the moving didn’t have enough driving in it relative to what was promised in the movie trailer. [More]

How To Lock A Bike Properly

How To Lock A Bike Properly

Bicycle mechanic for three decades Hal Ruzal shows you how to lock up your bike properly, so while the cops are using bait bikes to catch bike thieves, you can keep on riding high. [More]

Campus Cops Catch Bike Thieves With "Bait Bikes"

Campus Cops Catch Bike Thieves With "Bait Bikes"

With a high concentration of bicycles and larges crowds to hide in, campuses and universities have been a favorite target for bike thieves. Sometimes they take just one, sometimes a crew comes and cleans out a whole rack. Now campus police at the University of Minnesota are fighting back with “bait bikes.” [More]

Reader Saves $400 Using YouTube To Fix Her Washer

Reader Saves $400 Using YouTube To Fix Her Washer

The fable goes that the nice white-haired appliance guys are a dying breed and they’re way better than their outsourced, van-driving, retail store counterparts. But sometimes the local guy is just as bad as the guy in the store wearing the official colored shirt. When her Kenmore model 417 front-loading washer went bust-o, Jane discovered she was able to save $400 in repair costs by learning how to fix it herself from Youtube videos. [More]