When you buy a sack of potatoes with dirt still clinging to the spuds, you know they’ll need a wash before going into your dinner. But those completely clean-looking apples, peaches, and strawberries may carry a less-visible danger in the form of pesticide residues. [More]

Facebook Mobile Users: Beware The Autoplay Videos Eating Up Your Data Plan
Perhaps you didn’t even mean to check out Maddie’s Amazing 3rd Birthday Party!!! footage on Facebook, maybe you were just scrolling along on your phone and stopped to read a post below that one. Nevertheless, if you haven’t turned the video autoplay feature off on your mobile devices, that sucker will start playing and could eat into your data allotment big time, as many users are finding out the rough way. [More]

Instagram’s New Hyperlapse App Turns Anyone Into A Professional Videographer
There’s something new lurking over at Instagram. The social site unveiled its latest project app that allows consumers to take professional-quality video with their smartphones: Hyperlapse. [More]

If You’re Going To Follow Shopper Around A Store, Don’t Walk Into Video Of You Following Them
The key to being a stealthy follower is remaining undetected. So if the person you’re following around the convenience store is repeatedly able to catch you on camera behind him, pretending to do busy work, then you need to brush-up on your sneakiness skills. [More]

Airline Apologizes For Baggage Handlers Caught Dropping Luggage From Height Of 20 Feet
As airlines crack down on passengers’ attempts to shove too-large and overstuffed carry-on bags onto planes, a growing number of travelers are forced to gate-check their luggage, meaning it’s collected at the gate and put straight into the plane’s underbelly. But some baggage handlers don’t feel like carrying luggage down all those steps from the jetway to the ground and are just dropping passengers’ bags from heights of around 20 feet. [More]

Visit The Place Where Old Airplane Seats Go To Be Resurrected
While some jets may stay in service for decades, it seems like the seats inside those planes are constantly changing — being shuffled around, rebranded, removed, replaced. Thus, someone out there is making a living off this continual turnover of those seats you hate to sit in. [More]

Watch A GameStop Employee Go Apes&*t About Annoying Customers
The Internet has given new life to a nearly 4-year-old video of a GameStop employee’s screaming, box-tossing, not exactly ethnically sensitive rant, in which he loudly vents about those pesky customers that make his job such a pain in the rear-end. [More]

McDonald’s McResource Help Line Tells Worker How To Get Welfare Benefits
A recent study showed that 52% of non-management fast food workers in the U.S. are receiving some sort of federal benefits to supplement their wages, and that McDonald’s employees alone account for an estimated $1.2 billion (with a “b”) in annual payouts. And when employees call the McDonald’s hotline for workers looking to improve their financial position, operators direct them to various welfare programs. [More]

Introducing The Gooder Version Of The KFC Go Cup: The Wheel Meat
KFC’s recently launched Go Cup, which combines the thrill of eating fried foods with the exhilaration of being stuck in traffic on the way home, is just the latest from the attention-seeking food-marketers at Yum! Brands who brought you the Double Down, the Doritos tacos, and cheese on donuts. But Stephen Colbert thinks KFC could still make it even more convenient to clog your arteries while clogging the intersection. [More]

Here Are Some Short Videos Of People Being Morons At Walmart
There are a lot of Walmart stores out there, many of them open all hours of the night, and some of them located in towns where the temptation of late-night buffoonery inside of a Walmart might be the most entertaining thing you can do at 3 a.m. Thankfully, we live in an age where such acts of sheer idiocy can be caught on camera and shared with the world. [More]

Dear Facebook: Please Do Not Start Running Video Ads
Ever since Facebook went public in 2012, the pressure has been on for the social networking site (if one considers posting baby photos and Buzzfeed links to be “social networking”) to start leveraging its massive audience for ad revenue. And back when its stock price was around the cost of lunch at a diner, auto-play video ads seemed inevitable. And even after recent upticks in Facebook’s value, it looks like the company wants to drive y’all away with these ads that consumers avoid like the plague. [More]

Videos: Golden Corral Employee Claims His Bosses Store Food Out By Dumpsters
Buffet chain Golden Corral is feeling the heat after this holiday weekend, when a man claiming to be an employee at a GC in Florida posted a YouTube video showing food allegedly being temporarily stored by the dumpsters while the restaurant was undergoing an inspection. [More]

30 Rock Gets In One Last Comcast Dig Before Going Off The Air
The final episode of 30 Rock aired on NBC last night, and whether you enjoyed the series or not (we did), you had to admire how it was never afraid of biting the hands that fed it for seven seasons. [More]

How Far Off Were The Predictions Of 1967’s Home Of The Future?
Faced with an amazing array of new technology, post-World War II America was obsessed with “the future” and how, within decades, we’d be living in geodesic colonies in the desert with self-sustaining farms. Not all of that has come true. [More]

Man Tries To Rob Cash Register, Opts To Put A Puppy Down His Pants Instead
What sets a quality retail thief apart from your run-of-the-mill shoplifter is their ability to adapt. Take for example, the man in NYC who, realizing that he couldn’t crack open the cash register, saw possibility for profit by stashing a pricey puppy in his pants. [More]

Want Chick Fil-A Taste Without The Controversy? There’s A Recipe For That
Lots of people love the taste of Chick fil-A chicken sandwiches. Not all of them are thrilled with some recent comments made by the company’s president. For those who want the Chick fil-A taste without having to deal with the controversy — or maybe you just don’t live near a Chick fil-A — someone has apparently cracked the code on the recipe. [More]

Hundreds Of Teenagers Crash Walmart For Late-Night Food Fight
Imagine you’re browsing the aisles at your local Walmart on a quiet Saturday night, when suddenly the store is overrun by about 300 teenagers who decide it’s time to stage an impromptu food fight in the produce section. Luckily, you don’t have to imagine it because it’s all been caught on camera. [More]

You Are Watching More TV And More Internet Video, Too
Americans spend 146 hours and 20 minutes parked in front of TVs, according to new data from Nielsen. And almost half of all consumers — 48% — now watch videos on the Internet. Typical Internet viewership is 4 hours and 26 minutes per month, up 15% from a year ago. [More]