You might think that with 74 Chick Fil-A restaurants already in the Houston area, the chicken chain wouldn’t need another one. Apparently, you would be wrong: one franchisee is taking advantage of the continuing popularity of food trucks and creating a rolling restaurant with a limited menu to bring chicken sandwiches to people who don’t already have them. [More]
faster food

McDonald’s Testing Guaranteed 60-Second Drive-Thru Lunch Service (Sort Of)
Surveys show that the average service time at a McDonald’s drive-thru is longer than three minutes, but some McDonald’s in Florida believe they can cut a chunk of time off of that time — or your next meal is free. [More]

Taco Bell Continues Tradition Of Wrapping Food In Other Food With “Quesarito”
In its quest to make sure that every food item is encased not just within a wrap of some sort, but in a wrap made from another food item, Taco Bell says it is currently testing an unholy hybrid of burrito and quesadilla, which is of course called a Quesarito. [More]

Introducing The Gooder Version Of The KFC Go Cup: The Wheel Meat
KFC’s recently launched Go Cup, which combines the thrill of eating fried foods with the exhilaration of being stuck in traffic on the way home, is just the latest from the attention-seeking food-marketers at Yum! Brands who brought you the Double Down, the Doritos tacos, and cheese on donuts. But Stephen Colbert thinks KFC could still make it even more convenient to clog your arteries while clogging the intersection. [More]

Yes, This Is A Hands-Free Whopper Holder
Forget the HAL 9000, Skynet, or Cylons… the next step in human evolution is already here, and it’s a hands-free way to eat fast food. [More]