If you have a Verizon phone, you’ve probably at one point accidentally hit a button that connects you to “Get It Now” or “Mobile Web.” Arg. And it’s double-arg when it turns out that even if you cancel right away, you still get hit with a $1.99 1MB data charge. According to a tipster, this is totally on purpose. [More]

Verizon Configures Phones So You Incur Erroenous Data Charges? (To The Tune Of $300 Million)

Verizon Customer Finds Upgrade Dates Can Be Flexible If You Want A Droid
Chris navigated Verizon Wireless’s troubled phone upgrade waters and came away with Droids for both himself and his wife, even though her upgrade date was still a ways off. Earlier, his wife had gotten a new Voyager with assurances that her contract renewal date wouldn’t be affected.

Droid User Says Says Verizon Double-Charged Him For Service Plans
Victor, who picked up Verizon’s new iPhone competitor, the Droid, says Verizon billed him for $40 a month in redundant charges.

Verizon Wireless Relegates iPhone To Island Of Misfit Toys
As a whimsical follow-up to AT&T’s lawsuit concerning their “There’s a map for that” ads, Verizon Wireless released their Christmas-themed set of AT&T/iPhone bashing ads today. They’re harsh, but also pretty funny.

Verizon Wireless To Hike ETFs On "Advanced" Devices
Are you looking to get a smartphone on the Verizon network anytime soon? Make sure that you like it before you sign a contract, since starting November 15th, Verizon will be imposing a higher early termination fee—up to $350—on contracts for “advanced” devices. That means smartphones.

AT&T Sues Verizon Over "There's A Map For That" Ads
AT&T has had it with Verizon’s “there’s a map for that ads” and have filed a lawsuit. The big blue death star says that the ad is misleading because while the blank spaces in Verizon’s map actually show places where there is no Verizon service at all — the blank spaces in the AT&T map may still have voice and data coverage — just not “3G” coverage.

Chart Compares Total Cost Of Ownership For Popular Smartphones
You may think that buying an iPhone with AT&T service is an expensive commitment, and you’d be right. But as this chart from BillShrink shows, your total cost of ownership (TCO) for any of the latest smartphones is going to exceed 2 grand over a 24-month period. In fact, the highly-praised new Motorola Droid on Verizon works out to exactly the same TCO as the latest iPhone.

Meet the DROID, the Latest Chance For Verizon Owners To Express Their iPhone Envy
Motorola and Verizon revealed the mystery device behind its iCan’t ad campaign — the DROID, a 3G phone with a 5 megapixel camera, its own app store, a 16gb memory card packed in and a QWERTY keyboard.

T-Mobile Launches Unlimited Everything For $79.99 Plan
Codenamed “Project Dark,” Tmobile has launched a $79.99 unlimited plan with no annual contract.

Verizon Keeps On Billing Guy Who Canceled Service
Gregory canceled Verizon, but Verizon didn’t cancel him. The company kept on billing him every month, and every month he’d call to get the charges wiped away, which the CSR promptly did.

Verizon Won't Give Elderly Couple Their $600 Back
Bonnie’s elderly parents switched from Verizon dial-up to Verizon DSL, but Verizon didn’t turn off their dial-up account when switching them to DSL. They somehow failed to notice when they continued to be charged for dialup. For two years.

Verizon Snatches Away Divorced Man's Unlimited Broadband Plan
They say that for people going through a divorce it can feel like you’re losing half of yourself. As if it that wasn’t bad enough, Verizon Wireless has taken away William’s unlimited broadband plan on the account he used to share with his wife.

Couple Signs Up for $77.99 Verizon Bundle, Charged More Than Double
An Oregon couple signed up for $77.99 Verizon-Qwest bundle that included phone, internet and TV service, and were surprised to see the actual bill come to $158.49.

Verizon, NYPD Don't Care About Fires
Once again, Verizon has been caught leaving its vans parked in front of fire hydrants.

No Palm Pre For Verizon Wireless?
If you’ve been holding out on a phone upgrade or carrier switch until the Palm Pre comes to Verizon, you may need to give up the dream. The carrier has “reportedly ditched plans to offer the Palm Pre early next year,” says PC World. Apparently poor sales of the device at Sprint, combined with Verizon’s interest in upcoming Blackberry devices, killed any enthusiasm the carrier once had. Update: The no-Pre rumor may be false, according to these two analysts.

How To Stop Verizon From Sharing Your Info
Digging through Verizonwireless.com legal notices, Steve found that the company has gone ahead and given itself permission to share your personal information:

FCC Proposes New, Awesome, Net Neutrality Rules
The FCC today proposed new rules to protect and preserve “net neutrality,” the idea that ISPs must treat all users the same and not prejudice against different types of customers. In a speech, Chairman Julius Genachowski supported adopting the “Four Freedoms” first articulated by the FCC in 2004 (PDF) not just as principles but as formal rules, and adding two more: “non-discrimination” and “transparency.” The big networks are, naturally, incensed.