Are you planning to sign up for Verizon FiOS service? If you wait until this Sunday to sign up, you’re going to be liable for a higher early termination fee. The fee for ending a two-year contract will more than double, from $179 to $360. [More]

Verizon Hold Times Inspire Song On M.I.A.'s Next Album
According to Rolling Stone, when M.I.A.’s new album comes out later this year, there will be a track on it called “I’m Down Like Your Internet Connection”–and it will feature “Filipino Verizon workers singing the hook.” [More]

Verizon Charges You $2 Extra For Detailed Bill
Bob stumbled onto Verizon’s dirty little non-secret — if you want a detailed billing statement with your calls listed, you’ll have to pay $1.99 more a month. [More]

Verizon Customer's DSL Upgraded, House Still Not On Fire
Remember Michael? When he tried to upgrade his Verizon DSL, a customer service rep helpfully told him that 7 mbps was not only unavailable at his address, but it would burn his house down. After this slightly surreal exchange was featured on Consumerist, Michael reports that Verizon’s executive customer service got in touch with him and figured out the situation. Guess what? He could get the blazing fast DSL that Verizon had repeatedly refused him. [More]

Verizon Tried A TV Service Bait-And-Switch On My Parents
Corey, who is trying to help his Brooklyn parents improve their TV setup, feels his folks were baited and switched by Verizon, displaying a cheap deal on its site that went away after he entered his parents’ address. [More]

Verizon Reportedly Forces Smartphone Users To Exclusively Search Via Bing
Readers and news reports say Verizon has pushed out a smartphone update that has made Bing its exclusive search application thanks to a rumored half-billion dollar deal between Microsoft and Verizon. [More]

FCC Commissioner Says She's Not Happy With Verizon's ETF And Billing Explanations
At least one official with the FCC is not impressed by Verizon’s latest explanations of its Early Termination Fees (ETFs) and Mobile Web billing practices. Commissioner Mignon Clyburn released a statement (pdf) last night where she called Verizon’s explanation “unsatisfying” and “troubling,” and she closed with the fighting words, “I look forward to exploring this issue in greater depth with my colleagues in the New Year.” [More]

Verizon Denies It Charges You $2 Each Time You Mistakenly Press A Certain Button On Your Phone
Last month, David Pogue at the New York Times published a tip from a self-described Verizon employee. The employee accused Verizon of deliberately rigging its system to trap customers whenever they accidentally press the “Get It Now” or “Mobile Web” buttons on their phones–even if they cancel the operation immediately, they’re charged a fee of $1.99 each time. Both Pogue and the FCC asked Verizon to explain why this happens. Verizon’s response: it doesn’t, and Pogue and the hundreds of people who wrote in to confirm this practice are all crazy. [More]

This Verizon Store Provides Weird Repair Services
Some Motorola Droid phones are having problems with the battery cover coming off too easily. That’s what was happening to Chris’ Droid, so he and his girlfriend brought it into a Verizon store in Pleasant Hill, CA. His girlfriend brought along her defective enV Touch for service as well.
When they left, Chris had a sticker stuck to the back of his Droid, and his girlfriend was told to stop wearing makeup because makeup ruins the enV Touch.

Teen Runs Up $22,000 Verizon Bill
After a man added his 13-year old son to his Verizon plan, his cellphone bill rocketed to nearly $22,000. [More]

Verizon Won't Verify Calls On My Bill
Brad can’t bring himself to drop his landline because he sees it as a security blanket, but Verizon is making it a tough choice for him, because it’s charging him more than he thinks he owes on his pay-per-call plan. He’s asked Verizon for an itemized bill, but the company refuses and says it would only give up the information if subpoenaed. [More]

New Droid Ad Goes For iPhone Jugular, Misses
A new ad for the Verizon Motorola Droid tries to savage the iPhone for being more concerned with looking good than working great. Does it work? [More]

AT&T Sends Monster After Verizon Subscribers In Threatening New Ad
Happy Halloween from AT&T! The maligned cellular carrier’s latest ad doesn’t seem to be as concerned with getting Verizon to stop picking on it. Instead, a headless Luke Wilson staggers around the screen, roaring silently and searching for someone to kill. Stick to AT&T or who knows what might happen to you. [More]

It's Official, Everybody Hates AT&T
There’s a new Consumer Reports survey out that ranks cellphone companies by customer satisfaction, and to pretty much no one’s surprise, AT&T comes in last in all 19 cities surveyed. (Verizon came in first.) As AllThingsD notes, the survey “suggests that AT&T’s shortcomings are more widespread than the carrier would have us believe and not simply the product of a high concentration of iPhones in the country’s larger cities.” [More]

Verizon Stuck Me With A Contract I Didn't Sign And Phone I Don't Want
When David’s phone broke, he bought a stopgap device from Verizon, emphatically telling the salesperson he didn’t want to renew his contract.

Judge Refuses To Pull Verizon's "There's A Map For That" Ads
As you probably know, AT&T is currently suing Verizon over the “There’s a map for that” ad campaign. The big blue death star says that the maps depict different things, whereas Verizon says the maps are truthful and “the truth hurts.” A federal judge says the ads can stay up — for now.

Verizon's Response To AT&T's Lawsuit: "The Truth Hurts"
Awhile back AT&T sued Verizon over their “There’s a Map For That” advertisements, claiming that the maps were misleading because the empty areas on the maps represented different things. Now Verizon has responded to the lawsuit with some fightin’ words.