One thing Droid doesn’t do is stream Netflix, making the platform the object of ridicule to cackling, finger-pointing iPhone owners. Sobbing Androidites who wonder why they can’t stream 30 Rock episodes like the cool kids can only shake their fists to the heavens and scream “Why?” [More]
these aren’t the droids we’re looking for

Verizon Replaced My Broken Droid With An Even More Broken Droid
Jack thought he might get his Droid with a wonky GPS system replaced with one that worked, but instead he got a nasty refurb with a host of new issues. Now he seems to almost wish he’d kept his original messed-up phone. [More]

Droid User Says Says Verizon Double-Charged Him For Service Plans
Victor, who picked up Verizon’s new iPhone competitor, the Droid, says Verizon billed him for $40 a month in redundant charges.