time warner cable

Time Warner Shuts Off Heavy User's Account With No Warning

Time Warner Shuts Off Heavy User's Account With No Warning

While they’ve temporarily shelved metered broadband plans, Time Warner is cutting off, with no warning, the accounts of customers who they deem have used too much bandwidth. One such customer lives in Austin, TX, one of the original markets slated for metered broadband. Stop The Cap has the story, and an excerpt is inside.

Time Warner Cable Cannot Possibly Compete With The Small City Of Wilson, NC

Time Warner Cable Cannot Possibly Compete With The Small City Of Wilson, NC

The city of Wilson, NC was tired of high internet, cable, and telephone prices, so they decided to do something about it. They started their own, city-owned, ISP. Now Time Warner Cable and Embarq have teamed up to convince North Carolina‘s legislature to propose bills outlawing community owned ISPs because the big guys cannot possibly compete.

TWC Delays Metered Broadband Test So They Can "Educate" A "Vocal Minority"

TWC Delays Metered Broadband Test So They Can "Educate" A "Vocal Minority"

Anti-metered broadband advocates are rejoicing today as TWC admitted defeat and delayed its plan to expand metered broadband to Rochester, NY.

Time Warner Cable Caps Metered Broadband Overage Fees At $75

Time Warner Cable Caps Metered Broadband Overage Fees At $75

Time Warner Cable, sensitive to the public outcry about metered broadband, has tweaked its policy — capping overage fines at $75. Does this make it all better?

New York Representative Goes After Time Warner's Metered Broadband

New York Representative Goes After Time Warner's Metered Broadband

Rochester, NY is one of the expanded test areas for TWC’s new metered broadband program, (along with Austin & San Antonio, TX, and Greensboro, NC.) The people of Rochester are especially upset about the change, including their representative, Eric Massa, who had strong words for Time Warner.

Worst Company In America: Ticketmaster VS Time Warner Cable

Worst Company In America: Ticketmaster VS Time Warner Cable

A cable company moving toward metered broadband — or the master of concert tickets… you make the call.

Time Warner Cable Getting Slammed By Denial Of Service Attack

Time Warner Cable Getting Slammed By Denial Of Service Attack

Time Warner Cable wants you to know that if you’re one of their customers — the slow speeds you’ve been experiencing are the result of a denial of service attack by nefarious hacker-types.

TWC Apologizes For Botched 1-Cent-Movie Weekend, Offers Coupons

TWC Apologizes For Botched 1-Cent-Movie Weekend, Offers Coupons

We totally exceeded the number by 3-times the amount. It was hugely successful. But a lot of people used it at peak times, which overloaded the system. For any inconvenience we caused for customers, we do apologize.

Time Warner Cable's 1 Cent Movie Weekend Just Annoys Customers Even More

Time Warner Cable's 1 Cent Movie Weekend Just Annoys Customers Even More

Update: TWC says sorry, offers coupons to affected customers.


Time Warner as a whole reported a 4th quarter loss of $24.2 billion today. The cable unit, which lost $8.16 billion, suffered as people canceled subscriptions due to the economy. Yowch. [NYT]

Reach Time Warner NY/NJ Regional VP Of Customer Care

Reach Time Warner NY/NJ Regional VP Of Customer Care

AIM: mmans0929

New Year's Surprise For TWC Customers: No More Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon…

New Year's Surprise For TWC Customers: No More Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon…

Update: A deal has been reached. Crisis averted. Viacom is demanding that Time Warner Cable pay more for the right to broadcast its networks, but TWC has refused. Tonight at midnight, 13.3 million subscribers in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, and Cleveland will feel the effects of the stalemate first hand when Viacom makes good on its threat to pull all of its networks from TWC. Translation: no more “The Daily Show,” “Dora the Explorer,” “The Colbert Report,” “The Hills,” etc. But hey, there’s always Hulu and BitTorrent, right?

I Lowered My Time Warner Bill In 4 Minutes, Just By Asking

I Lowered My Time Warner Bill In 4 Minutes, Just By Asking

Yet another success story for our “Just Ask To Pay Less Money” technique. Commenter tinyrobot was paying too much for Time Warner Cable, so he called them up and told them so. Now he pays less. It’s not a Thanksgiving miracle, you can do it, too.

Reach Time Warner Cable Executive Customer Service

Reach Time Warner Cable Executive Customer Service

If you’ve got a problem with Time Warner Cable…

Make Time Warner Pay For Shoddy Service By Demanding Free Premium Channels

Make Time Warner Pay For Shoddy Service By Demanding Free Premium Channels

According to a tipster, Time Warner Cable resets their complaint list every three months, allowing users with shoddy service to continually request perks like free premium channels year-round without reprisal.

NBC Stations Will Ditch Time Warner Cable Unless They See Some Cash

NBC Stations Will Ditch Time Warner Cable Unless They See Some Cash

Cable companies compensate most of the channels they offer, sharing a portion of the money they get from subscribers with the individual stations– but apparently Time Warner Cable doesn’t share the wealth with broadcast networks — and Austin, TX NBC affiliate KXAN is having none of it. They want some money!


“I ran out of the house with my baby in my arms,” said Joshua’s mom, Evelyn Rodriguez, 27, of Woodside. “I had to make it to the hospital.”

Time Warner Adds Big Ten Network, College Football Fans Rejoice

Time Warner Adds Big Ten Network, College Football Fans Rejoice

Time Warner Cable has reached a deal to offer the Big Ten Network on expanded basic cable in Big Ten states, says the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.