You may remember our post about a month ago of a home on the market that captured an era so perfectly that it just stunned the Internet. We were in love with “the ’80s house,” as we called it around the office. Now anyone can own a piece of what makes the house so stunning, because tomorrow and Saturday, the owners are having an estate sale. [More]

United, American Airlines Also Announce Bans On Shipping Exotic Animal Trophies
Following Delta Air Lines’ announcement yesterday that it wouldn’t allow lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo trophies as freight on its planes, both United Airlines and American Airlines have joined in to say they’re also banning big game trophies. [More]

Delta Air Lines Bans Shipments Of Big Game Trophies
UPDATE: United Airlines and American Airlines have also announced bans on shipping the “big five” of wild animal trophies as freight. [More]

Yellowstone Park Officials Reminding Visitors Not To Get Too Close To Animals Just To Get A Good Selfie
That question your parents asked you at least once in your life is coming into play now at Yellowstone National Park: officials are warning visitors not to get too close to wild animals to get a good selfie, even if everyone else is doing it. [More]

This Glorious ’80s Time Capsule House Is Real, In Living Primary Colors
In the suburbs of Buffalo, New York, there is a house that until recently was for sale. From the front and from the back, the exterior looks like any ordinary upscale house built in the late ’80s. Inside, however, it looks like the sets from “Saved by the Bell” collided with sets from “The Golden Girls,” then somehow became attached to a mall food court from 1988. Then nothing ever changed. [More]

Debt Collection Is A Great Line Of Work For Ex-Cons
When a debt collector calls you, there’s a good chance that he or she might be an ex-convict calling you from a strip mall in Buffalo, New York. Buying and collecting debt is a lucrative business, and some people who had a rough upbringing have a real gift for it. Learn about the “Buffalo Talk-Off” and the Excel Spreadsheets of Doom. [NPR] [Planet Money] [More]

Lululemon Tries To Inspire Buffalo Sports Fans, Enrages Them Instead
What does it take to get the attention of an athleticwear company that has offended an entire region? A Twitter campaign, perhaps along with a slow news week. Lululemon installed what they thought was an inspiring mosaic at the entrance to their store in Buffalo, NY. Instead, they learned that dredging up near misses is actually quite upsetting to sports fans. [More]

KFC Wants Your Dog To Tinkle On Its New Ads
As we recently reported, KFC (nee Kentucky Fried Chicken) has a bit of an image problem these days. So how does the company want to get its name back in the public consciousness? By advertising where your dog pees. [More]

Target Unfires 7 Workers For Buying Zhu Zhus Before Customers Could
7 Buffalo Target employees fired for buying Zhu Zhus, this year’s hot robotic rodent toy, during their shifts have been reinstated. A failure to communicate seems to have been the culprint: [More]

NBC Stations Will Ditch Time Warner Cable Unless They See Some Cash
Cable companies compensate most of the channels they offer, sharing a portion of the money they get from subscribers with the individual stations– but apparently Time Warner Cable doesn’t share the wealth with broadcast networks — and Austin, TX NBC affiliate KXAN is having none of it. They want some money!

Computer Glitch Renders Thousands Of HSBC Accounts Inaccessible
HSBC’s core banking system has been hosed for almost a week, preventing thousands of customers from knowing how much money is stashed in their accounts. The widespread problem is limiting access to HSBCDirect accounts, and at least 8,000 Catholic Health System employees up in Buffalo are still waiting for their direct deposit payments to materialize.

Buffalo, Where The Debt Collectors Do Roam
Who would’ve guessed that credit card debt and the subprime meltdown would be the saving grace for one of New York’s decaying cities? Buffalo now hosts over 100 collection agencies that employ 5,200 people who spend their days prodding delinquent consumers to pay their bills. The cottage industry relies on the “strong work ethic [and] even-handed temperament” of Western New Yorkers, who once powered long-departed industrial giants like Kodak and General Electric.

Vacant, Abandoned Housing Is A Blight On Cities
In Cuyahoga County, Ohio there are 17,000 vacant, foreclosed properties. In Baltimore, there are 16,000. These properties sit, unmaintained, with boarded up windows, affecting not just their own value, but the values of homes nearby.