It’s 8 A.M on the East Coast as this post goes up, and James’ wife has been up for an hour. That’s because she’s getting a 7 A.M. wakeup call on her mobile phone every day from Time Warner Cable. No, this isn’t an exciting new Digital Phone service they’re offering: for some people, a wakeup call would actually be useful. No, their cable has already been installed and everything is fine. Everything is fine except for the 7 A.M. phone call that comes to remind Mrs. James of an appointment with the cable guy that doesn’t exist. [More]
wakeup calls

ADT’s Nightly 1 A.M. Wakeup Alarm Is Getting Tiresome
Reader Skruff gets a wakeup call every day, and he really, really does not appreciate it. It’s not on his phone: oh, no. It’s his ADT alarm system. Every day, it goes off at 1 A.M. Could be worse: it was 2 A.M. before Daylight Savings Time began. [More]

Good Morning! It’s OnTrac With Your Amazon Package Wakeup Call
It’s 8 A.M. Consumerist Standard Time. Time to get up! Don’t worry if you’re still feeling groggy, though. If you live in an area where OnTrac delivers Amazon packages, put some pants on. It’s entirely possible that your local delivery person could be at your door any minute now. At least that’s what happened to Richard. Today, that’s not much of a problem: you might even be on your way to work by then. The problem is that OnTrac stopped by and pounded on his doorbell on Saturday morning, rousing him and his neighbors. [More]

Hey, Companies! Want Good Survey Ratings? Don't Call At 5:30 AM
Miss M. called T-Mobile customer service last night around midnight. She was happy with the customer service she received, and went to bed with her problem solved. When the company called her back to ask her to answer a survey about the call, she would have been happy to give them a nice evaluation….except that the call came at 5:30 in the morning. [More]