time warner cable

(the birthday boy)

Time Warner Cable To Take Metered Broadband Offer Nationwide, Though We Have No Idea Why You’d Want It

Back in May, we warned you about the tempting-but-sketchy Internet Essentials plan being tested around the country. Now the plan, which offers discounts for customers willing to accept a strict data cap and possible overage fees, are set to roll out nationwide. [More]

(Carbon Arc)

Time Warner Cable CEO Says It’s Time To Thin The Cable Channel Herd

Time Warner Cable CEO Glenn Britt has made no secret of his distaste for the bundles of channels his and other cable companies are forced to accept in order to carry the few channels that customers actually watch. Now, says Britt, it’s time to actually do something about it. [More]


‘Six Strikes’ Anti-Piracy Program Delayed To 2013, This Time Because Of Hurricane Sandy

A long-in-the-works anti-piracy program from five major telecom players is probably not something you would think could be affected by a hurricane, but that’s apparently what is keeping the “Six Strikes” program from launching this week. [More]

TWC taketh and TWC giveth

Time Warner Cable Tells Me It’s Charging $3.95 Fee At Same Time It Reduces Bill By $3.95

While lots of Time Warner Cable customers are upset about the new modem rental fee — to the point of filing lawsuits about them — Consumerist reader Barry recently received this bit of good news/bad news. [More]

A friendly notice from TWC

Two Class-Action Suits Filed Over Time Warner Cable’s Modem Rental Fee

We had a hunch this would happen when Time Warner Cable unceremoniously gave customers two-weeks notice that they would soon be paying a monthly modem rental fee for equipment that was already installed — the cable company is now a defendant in two identical lawsuits filed earlier today. [More]


Cutting Only Part Of The Cord Could End Up Costing You More (At First)

A growing number of people are ditching cable and going Internet-only for their video entertainment. But cutting that cable cord could actually end up costing more for some customers — at least for the first six months to a year. [More]

Keep an eye on your cable bill.

Time Warner Cable Charged Me Rental Fee For Modem I Returned Months Ago

Since Time Warner Cable announced its controversial monthly fee for cable modems, the company has reassured customers they could avoid the fee by buying their own modem. Which would be great, if TWC actually kept track of whether or not you still have its equipment. [More]


Time Warner Cable Dangling Free Xboxes To Entice Customers To Sign Up At Best Buy

People want free stuff. Cable companies need new customers. Best Buy really, really needs shoppers to set foot in its stores. These three facts have all resulted in a promotion that has TWC offering up free Xbox 360s to new customers who sign up for its Triple Play package while visiting Best Buy. [More]


Time Warner Cable’s Modem Fee Officially Makes Absolutely No Sense

Time Warner Cable recently ticked off customers by announcing a new monthly fee for customers who continue using their TWC-supplied modem. In a head-scratcher of a twist, the company now says customers who have its phone service must keep the modem, but will have to buy a separate modem to handle Internet service to avoid the fee. [More]

A friendly notice from TWC

Time Warner Cable Tells Customers “Oh, By The Way, You Now Have A Monthly Modem Rental Fee”

Time Warner Cable is irking an awful lot of customers, who recently opened their mail to find out that they are now going to be assessed a $3.95 monthly fee for renting the modem that is already in their home. [More]

(Joshua B. Leners)

Time Warner, AT&T Miffed At Kansas City For Treating Google’s High-Speed Fiber Network So Much Better

The grass is always greener on the other side, and that’s so true when it comes to Time Warner Cable and AT&T in Kansas City, Kan. and Kansas City, Mo. Not only is the grass a brighter hue over on the side of Google, but its rivals are also turning that envious shade as well. TWC and AT&T are miffed because of the red carpet treatment the city is giving Google and the ultra high-speed fiber network it’s building there. [More]


Time Warner Cable Says Maybe Motorola Is Responsible For Customer Ordering 17 Porn Flicks In 4 Days

When a Time Warner Cable customer complained that she hadn’t ordered the $154.65 worth of pay-per-view porn on her cable bill, the company blamed everyone else — including Motorola, the manufacturer of the customer’s cable box — for the error. [More]

Time Warner Cable Saps Patrick Stewart's Will To Live

Time Warner Cable Saps Patrick Stewart's Will To Live

If you’ve ever thought that being a celebrity entitles you to a hotline that instantly fixes all those annoying problems that bother the rest of us, Sir Patrick Stewart has news for you. The actor, best known for managing to look authoritative in that silly outfit from Star Trek: The Next Generation, says that his ordeal with Time Warner Cable has taken away his will to live. [More]

How Consumerist Empowered A Consumer, Saved The Day

How Consumerist Empowered A Consumer, Saved The Day

Lenora isn’t a regular reader of this site, but somehow stumbled across it while trying to sort out a problem with Time Warner Cable. Her service had been shut off after she and her husband spent five months with no income. We were able to help her by providing an executive customer service contact at the company where she could send an e-mail, then call the president’s office directly. She made her case and provided proof to someone with power, and her service was back on later that day. [More]

DOJ Tweaks Verizon Deal To Buy Spectrum From Cable Companies So Consumers Still Have A Few Choices

DOJ Tweaks Verizon Deal To Buy Spectrum From Cable Companies So Consumers Still Have A Few Choices

As we wrote earlier this month, Verizon Wireless’ proposed purchase of billions of dollars worth of wireless spectrum from Comcast, Time Warner Cable and other cable companies that aren’t using it anyway, could result in fewer cable and Internet provider options for American consumers. Well, it looks like the Dept. of Justice was listening to at least some of the concerned voices, as it has given its approval to the deal — but not without some significant changes. [More]

Verizon’s Deal To Buy Spectrum From Cable Companies Could Mean Fewer Cable Options For Consumers

Verizon’s Deal To Buy Spectrum From Cable Companies Could Mean Fewer Cable Options For Consumers

It seems like it’s been oh, about eight months since Verizon Wireless announced its proposal to buy billions of dollars worth of wireless spectrum from cable companies who aren’t using it anyway. At first glance, it seems like a not-horrible idea, as Verizon Wireless doesn’t compete directly with the likes of Comcast and Time Warner Cable. But with regulators nearing a decision on the deal, several high-profile folks have come forward to voice their concerns about how Verizon might be sacrificing the growth of its FiOS business in favor of its wireless network. [More]

Time Warner Cable Keeps Calling Me At 5:30 A.M. Because It Has No Idea How To Read A Mailing Address

Time Warner Cable Keeps Calling Me At 5:30 A.M. Because It Has No Idea How To Read A Mailing Address

More and more of us are going wireless-only when it comes to personal phones. Which means that the cellphone number you had in New York will follow you to Texas, or Montana or anywhere else in the country. Apparently the folks at Time Warner Cable haven’t quite absorbed this idea since they continue to call a customer at 5:30 a.m. because he still has an East Coast area code. [More]