We are now living in a dystopian holiday hellscape, where every special holiday food short of fruitcake has been commodified into a limited-time offer at a fast food restaurant and/or a flavor of candy. Until now, when Starbucks has brought us the Fruitcake Frappuccino. [More]
this exists

Starbucks Devises Fruitcake Frappuccino, Mercifully Only Sells It For 4 Days

Why Is There A Giant Novelty Candy Industry?
There is something missing in your life. You may not realize it right now, but you are suffering from a severe lack of giant pieces of novelty candy. When we say “giant,” we mean “26-pound gummy bears.” [More]

Burger King To Offer $1 “French Fry Burger” Because Why Not
Because customers were apparently too tired — or had never thought — to lift up the bun on their hamburgers and insert a few french fries for added fun and flavor, Burger King has announced it will begin selling a $1 “French Fry Burger” starting Sept. 1. [More]

Can’t Decide If The Mac ‘n’ Cheese Martini Should Be Gobbled Or Slurped, Don’t Care
Am I hungry? Am I thirsty? Am I confused as to my state of bodily need when faced with an item that is both food and drink? Yes. I am bewildered, befuddled and totally flabbergasted by the fact that a Mac ‘n’ Cheese martini is a thing that exists in the same world and same plane of reality that I currently exist in and on. [More]

Slumber Soundly In Vermin-Infested Hotels With This Bed Bug Sleeping Cocoon
Most of us are about a kajillion percent sure, or we should be, that the pillow where we lay our heads each night isn’t crawling with vermin. But what if Yelp fails you, and you end up at a hotel where things might be a bit dicey? Perhaps you just don’t trust the look of that roadside flophouse or maybe you’re paranoid — in either case, SkyMall has just the thing for you. [More]

At Carl's Jr., A Cheeseburger Made Of Ice Cream
Not to be outdone by the Choco Taco, the fast food geniuses at Carl’s Jr. are testing a new product that busts right through the line between dinner and dessert: the Ice Cream Brrrger. It is exactly what it sounds like. A chocolate ice cream “patty” inside a sugar cookie bun, with red, yellow, and green icing meant to simulate cheese, ketchup, and lettuce. [More]

Millions Of Women Are Joining Shoe-Of-The-Month Clubs
Would you like to have a new pair of shoes in your favorite styles sent to you every month, at a discount, without having to visit stores to try them on, or slog through online catalog pages trying to find just the right pair? Millions of women think that this is a great idea, and have joined online shoe-of-the-month clubs like JustFabulous, ShoeDazzle, and ShoeMint. [More]

It Has Come To This: Scented USB Drives
Add another body to the pyre of useless USB port innovations, Maxell’s “AromaDrive,” a line of scented flash memory sticks. [More]

Tomato Thieves Terrorize Florida Trucking Industry
These tomato thieves aren’t just naughty bunnies nibbling in your garden, but a sophisticated band of crooks taking advantage of the high price of produce right now to take in $300,000 hauls, reports the NYT. [More]

USB Typewriter Turns Ancient Object Into Something Almost Useful
If you’re a computer user of a (cough, cough) certain age, you may think the IBM Model M is the only real keyboard and everything else is a poor imitation. If you’re of an even hoarier vintage, you may wax nostalgic for your trusty Underwood. Well, wax no more! The USB Typewriter is here, and it will take your century-old doorstop and turn it into a keyboard for a newfangled computer faster than you can say Jack Robinson!

Apparently There Is A Meat Vending Machine In Spain
Spain is a magical place. How do we know this? Because they apparently have a meat vending machine. [More]

The 100-Layer Lasagna
This is Garfield’s version of heaven on earth, New York restaurant Del Posto’s 100-layer lasagna. It’s 50 sheets of pasta with 50 layers of sauce, requires three kitchen stations, and is served with a unique spatula. To try it you’ll have to order their $500 Collezione grand tasting menu, but then the chef comes and carves it at your table. Yes, carves the lasagna.After all, if we’re going to have an obesity epidemic, the least we can do is be creative about it. (See the monstrosity for real here)
Behind the Menu: Deconstructing the Hundred-Layer Lasagne [New York via thekitchn]

Cashmere Toilet Paper Cheaper Than Wiping With "Luxury Knitwear"
Just in case Charmin isn’t doing it for you anymore, UK retailer Waitrose has come up with what it calls a “super soft cashmere loo roll,” designed to “put a smile on your face.” Um, no matter what we’re using when we’re doing our duty, it’s unlikely to make us smile.
Waitrose says the product — which is really just plain old paper with some cashmere extract tossed in — carries the same “stamp of quality” as the “finest luxury knitwear.”

Don't Forget The Tofurky Soda
Just thought we’d remind you about this in case you thought it was a gag — or a bad dream.

Just In Case Your Hands Are Jealous Of Your Butt
Reader Ashi has just alerted us to the existence of this product and asked the question: “Ummm…What the f*ck?”

Commemorate Gandhi's Legacy With $25,000 Montblanc Pen
This week marked the 140th anniversary of the birth of Indian independence pioneer Mahatma Gandhi. And to commemorate a man who chose a life of poverty and shunned material goods, Montblanc has created a limited-edition pen with an 18K gold nib and a price of just $25,000.