Yesterday, RadioShack announced that it would be opening at the early hour of 8 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning, causing employees to complain about losing their holiday and many shoppers to ask why anyone would ever want to go to RadioShack at 8 a.m. ever. Now the Shack is changing its mind on that plan, but rather than simply opening later, the retailer will be closing for a few hours during the afternoon. [More]

RadioShack Revises Thanksgiving Plan, Will Give Workers Five Hour Break To Spend With Families

Mall To Stores: Open At 6 PM On Thanksgiving Day Or We’ll Fine You
Last year, the Walden Galleria near Buffalo, New York welcomed shoppers at midnight on Black Friday. This year, they’re moving that start time back by six hours, and other malls owned by the same company, Pyramid Management, will be opening at dinnertime on the holiday as well. [More]

Best Buy Also Has Better Things To Do Than Eat Turkey, Will Open At 5 P.M. On Thanksgiving
We’ve been here before; it’s all so familiar! Ah, yes. That’s because we just wrote earlier today that RadioShack will open its doors at 8 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, and yesterday that Target would open at 5 p.m. and so on and so forth. Best Buy is here to join the club of businesses who have better things to do than gorge on holiday feasts and snore off into a happy slumber, and will be open from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Thanksgiving. [More]

Most RadioShack Stores Will Be Open Thanksgiving Day At 8 A.M. Because That’s The World We Live In Now
You’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do, and in the fiercely competitive world of retail that apparently means eschewing the whole Thanksgiving thing and opening like it’s just any other day. In an attempt to boost sales, RadioShack has joined the ranks of the un-Thanksgiving, and will be open from 8 a.m. to midnight that day. [More]

GameStop Decides To Give Employees The Day Off For Thanksgiving
GameStop is well known for often getting the jump on new video game releases by opening stores at midnight, so you might expect that the chain would be throwing open its doors as early as possible on Thanksgiving to get out ahead of the Black Friday competition. But today, the retailer announced that its workers won’t be enjoying their Thanksgiving dinner in between dealing with customers. [More]

Retail Experts: Sorry, But Stores Will Open Even Earlier This Thanksgiving
In 2013, we were scandalized that retailers rolled back their opening times, kicking off the Black Friday festivities as early as 6 A.M. on Thanksgiving Day. Not everyone found this idea horrifying, though, because retailers reported record Thanksgiving weekend sales last year. In their desperation to boost sales somehow by the end of 2014, experts in the industry say that America’s retailers are going to ignore that whole idea of a Thanksgiving holiday again this year. [More]

Now Let’s All Address Stacks Of Thanksgiving Cards
Okay, everyone, did you get your Halloween cards addressed two weeks ago like marketers wanted you to? Good! Put those aside for the next seven weeks or so, because it’s time for your next occasion that requires cards: Thanksgiving. [More]

Plan Your Thanksgiving Centerpiece Before Labor Day
I feel conflicted. On the one hand, the gradual creep of the beginning of “fall” means that we get Pumpkin Spice Lattes before Labor Day, and…well, that’s pretty much the only advantage I can think of, but I like lattes. Stores have to fill shelves with something now that back-to-school season is over in most of the country, but it’s still August. That is far too early to be thinking about Thanksgiving decorations. [More]

Pizza Hut Wants To Hire Back Manager Who Refused To Work Thanksgiving
Earlier this week, a Pizza Hut manager in Indiana was all over the news for taking a stand against his bosses’ demand to open the restaurant on Thanksgiving — and losing his job in the process. Now the folks at Pizza Hut HQ are finally talking about the subject and say it was all a big misunderstanding. [More]

A Whole Bunch Of Stuff To Make With Your Inevitable Thanksgiving Leftovers
Unless you are celebrating Thanksgiving with a group of ravenous piranhas, you’ll likely have food left over from your Turkey Day feast. Sure, you can spend the next week making delicious turkey and stuffing sandwiches, but there’s a lot of variety to be had from those ingredients stored in plastic containers in your fridge. [More]

Sears Hometown Store Owner Refuses To Open On Thanksgiving Day
A Sears Hometown franchise owner is standing up to her corporate overlords and refusing to open on Thanksgiving. Opening their doors at 6 A.M. on Black Friday? Sure. No Brown Thursday at her store, though. [More]

Pizza Hut Manager Walks Away From Job Rather Than Open On Thanksgiving
A 10-year employee of Pizza Hut claims he was given no choice but to leave his job when faced with the company’s demand that the restaurant open on Thanksgiving. [More]

Retailers Try To Win Over Employees Who Work This Thanksgiving
The Thanksgiving barrier has been breached by retailers, and the previously untouchable holiday is now just another day on which to have a big sale. In an attempt to win over employees who may not be too thrilled about having to eat Thanksgiving dinner at noon so they can make it to work on time, some stores are providing perks to workers who sacrifice their Turkey Day in the name of doorbuster deals. [More]

Keep Entertained While Trapped With Your Family This Weekend
Don’t want to spend Thanksgiving weekend watching football with cousin Sally or you can only listen to your brother’s new Tuvan throat singing album a few dozen times before it starts to sound repetitive? Then it’s time to take your phone/tablet/laptop/Omnitool into the room that used to be yours before your mom turned it into her office/photography lab, and binge-watch your way through the weekend. Thankfully, the good people at have put together this handy list of older TV shows that will help you pass the time. [] [More]

Harvesting Cranberries For Your Thanksgiving Sauce Is “Kind Of A Fun Job”
Perhaps you think cranberry sauce is somehow grown in a can and plops out just when you need it for Thanksgiving dinner. Or maybe some kind of berry fairy goes along picking cranberries from a bush and leaves them on the doorstep when it’s time to make the sauce. Only one of those things are true. Okay, neither is. Cranberries have a backstory and it doesn’t start in a can or on a bush. [More]

Map Combines Airport Delays And Weather So Your Travel Misery Can Have Company
Because you can’t turn a corner on the Internet or TV news without someone telling you how awful the holiday travel will be this year due to the horrendous, scary and otherwise inconvenient weather, it can be a bit of a bummer to be at an airport right about now. But you aren’t alone — your travel misery can have company by way of FlightAware’s MiseryMap, which combines weather and airport delays to get the complete, miserable picture. [FlightAware] [More]

Butterball CEO: No, Our Turkeys Are Not Full Of Butter
Earlier today, we looked at the creation stories of more than a dozen famous company names, but we didn’t mention the curious moniker of the turkey company whose name has become closely associated with Thanksgiving. [More]