
Target CEO Issues Apology, Explains Support Of Anti-Gay
Politician To Employees

Target CEO Issues Apology, Explains Support Of Anti-Gay Politician To Employees

We recently wrote about Target being on the hot seat with some people after the company donated $150,000 to be used for the campaign of a Minnesota gubernatorial candidate who is vocally against gay marriage. Today, in a memo sent to employees at Target HQ, CEO Gregg Steinhafel explains the company’s actions and issues a semi apology. [More]

Target Angers Some Gay Customers With Support Of Conservative Politician

Target Angers Some Gay Customers With Support Of Conservative Politician

For years, Target has made a significant effort to reach out to the gay and lesbian community, sponsoring pride marches and AIDS walks, as well as offering domestic partner benefits to its homosexual employees. But the retail chain now finds itself in hot water after it donated $150,000 toward the election campaign of a anti-same-sex marriage gubernatorial candidate in Minnesota. [More]

10 Stores With Cheap Generic Drugs

10 Stores With Cheap Generic Drugs

Cheap generic drugs are good for when you’re between jobs, between insurance, or if you’ve just got a prescription drug plan that is costing you too much money. You might find, as Wise Bread did, that a generic version of your medication actually causes fewer side effects in addition to being more cost-effective. [More]

Target Sells Shirt Featuring Leaning Tower Of… Roma?

Target Sells Shirt Featuring Leaning Tower Of… Roma?

A month ago, Target had huevos on its face after failing European history by selling a shirt featuring the flag associated with (still dead) Spanish dictator Francisco Franco. Well, now Target is in danger of failing Architectural History and Common Sense 101 with a shirt that manages to lift up the Leaning Tower of Pisa and transplant it to Rome. [More]

Does Your Baby Need Designer Diapers?

Does Your Baby Need Designer Diapers?

Do you look at your baby and say, “I love him/her so much, but why can’t he/she be more fashionable?” Well, the braintrust at Pampers has come to your rescue with a new line of colorful poop-and-pee-absorbers designed by Cynthia Rowley. [More]

Up-To-The-Minute Coupon Codes For Hot Sales

Up-To-The-Minute Coupon Codes For Hot Sales

The deal aficionados on the FatWallet message boards have various discussion threads devoted to providing the most current coupons for a slew of stores. Rather then dig for them, here’s a master list of their official store coupons and clearance threads. Members routinely get rid of dead coupons and post new ones, so this is definitely one to bookmark: [More]

Which Political Figures Are Okay To Feature On T-Shirts?

Which Political Figures Are Okay To Feature On T-Shirts?

When we reported earlier this week about Target pulling a T-shirt off its racks because it featured the flag associated with the reign of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco (who is still dead), many were quick to point out that there are plenty of other — perhaps more controversial — political and historical figures that have been featured on clothing without causing an uproar. [More]

Target Thinks That 2 Is Basically The Same Thing As 10

Target Thinks That 2 Is Basically The Same Thing As 10

So, um, how many bottles do I have to buy to get that $5 giftcard, Target? Is it 2? Or 5? Or maybe 2? I think I need to lie down.

Retailers, Manufacturers Agree To Reduce Amount Of Lead Used In Handbags

Retailers, Manufacturers Agree To Reduce Amount Of Lead Used In Handbags

As part of a $1.7 million settlement, over 40 major retailers and apparel manufacturers have agreed to cut back on the amount of lead used in handbags and other accessories. [More]

Save On Drugs By Making Your Pharmacy Price-Match

Save On Drugs By Making Your Pharmacy Price-Match

What made Jules sicker than her strep throat was the price Kroger wanted to charge her for a 6-pack of generic Azithromycin. $38.72! “That’s highway robbery!” she told the them. Then Jules stumbled onto something most people don’t know that could save them serious money on prescription medication: you can price-match your pills. [More]

Target Says You Are Buying Crap You Don't Need Again

Target Says You Are Buying Crap You Don't Need Again

Target’s first quarter profits were up and things are looking better for the retailer’s troubled credit card division. The secret to their success? Consumers are buying more “discretionary merchandise,” which is retailer speak for ” various bullsh*t like video games and cheap designer clothes that you don’t technically need to survive.” [More]

Kindles To Be Sold At Some Target Stores Starting April 25

Kindles To Be Sold At Some Target Stores Starting April 25

Now that the iPad is upon them, Amazon has finally made a deal to unleash their popular Kindle e-reader to the bricks-and-mortar retail market. Amazon has made a deal with Target that will have Kindles in some of their stores as early as this Sunday. [More]

Duo Busted For $80,000 Target Gift Card Scam

Duo Busted For $80,000 Target Gift Card Scam

We at Consumerist have always warned of the downside to buying gift cards, but we never thought to tell you not to buy gift cards with stolen credit cards and then use those gift cards to buy $80,000 worth of electronics at Target. Because that’s exactly what a pair of gentlemen stand accused of doing at Target stores in Long Island. [More]

Survey: Everyone's Shopping At Walmart, Even If They Don't Want To

Survey: Everyone's Shopping At Walmart, Even If They Don't Want To

With the economy continuing to circle the bowl, it’s not surprising that customers are turning to Walmart’s cheaper prices for just about everything. A new survey has the box store biggie as the most frequently shopped-at store in all U.S. regions, even though consumers don’t necessarily consider themselves loyal to Big W. [More]

This Bottle Of Salad Dressing At Target Only Expired Five Months Ago

This Bottle Of Salad Dressing At Target Only Expired Five Months Ago

Paul Newman (who died in 2008) may have still been alive when this bottle of salad dressing was manufactured. Bridget in Minnesota told Consumerist that sge purchased it at her local Target. She got a refund from the store, but she’s still a little alarmed that they would sell her such a thing. [More]

Target Ignores Its Own Ban, Lets Petitioners Annoy Shoppers

Target Ignores Its Own Ban, Lets Petitioners Annoy Shoppers

Target has a ban on any sort of petitioning or fund-raising activities in front of its stores, even in California, but G says that yesterday he went to the Target in Vallejo, CA and ran into a group of petitioners at the entrance (see photos). [More]

Target Wants To Scan My ID To Buy Canned Air

Target Wants To Scan My ID To Buy Canned Air

If you’re buying beer or renting a car, you probably understand why someone would want to see a photo ID. But Consumerist reader GyroMight was perplexed when he went to pick up some aerosol computer duster at Target and had to fork over his license to make the purchase. [More]

Target And Are Not The Same Company, So Just Deal
With It

Target And Are Not The Same Company, So Just Deal With It

Reader Patricia is angry and somewhat baffled by Target’s insistence that Target and are not the same company and its not a Target store’s problem if the website is messed up and tells you to drive 25 miles to buy something that isn’t in stock. [More]