
Walmart Wins: Top 10 Most Valuable Retail Brands

Walmart Wins: Top 10 Most Valuable Retail Brands

Interbrand Design Forum– part of a global brand consulting firm– has ranked the top retail brands and guess what? Walmart is most valuable. [More]

Sale At Target Means You Pay $2 Extra

Sale At Target Means You Pay $2 Extra

Consumerist readers are on to you, Target. After reading the site for awhile, people are moving the sale cards over to see what the price used to be before it went “on sale.” [More]

Large-Footed Man Upset That Target Stopped Selling Size 13 Shoes

Large-Footed Man Upset That Target Stopped Selling Size 13 Shoes

According to reader Dave, Target has stopped carrying size 13 men’s shoes. This makes Dave sad. 13 doesn’t seem really crazy-insane large to us, but apparently Target isn’t selling enough of them. If you want big shoes, you have to order them online. [More]

Target Pulls Lead-Tainted Valentine's Bears

Target Pulls Lead-Tainted Valentine's Bears

The AG of California recently pointed out that some of Target’s Valentine’s Day plush bears contained unacceptable levels of lead. A nonprofit consumer watchdog group tested the bears and turned the findings over the California AG, who in turn wrote Target a strongly-worded letter. Target has responded by pulling the toys while they investigate. The company says the Chinese-made toys passed testing. [More]

Target Stops Selling Farmed Salmon. Also, Target Apparently Sells Salmon.

Target Stops Selling Farmed Salmon. Also, Target Apparently Sells Salmon.

Target has announced that, due to love of the planet, they have decided to stop selling farmed salmon. Salmon farms, according to Target’s press release, produce “pollution, chemicals, parasites and non-native farmed fish that escape from salmon farms all affect the natural habitat and the native salmon in the surrounding areas.” They’re switching to “sustainable” wild salmon. [More]

Artist Transforms Target Shopping Cart Into Furniture

Artist Transforms Target Shopping Cart Into Furniture

I haven’t been to Target in a while, but it looks like they’re starting to upgrade their shopping carts. Maybe they should convert the old ones to stylish chairs and lamps, the way this artist did, and sell them. [More]

Think Carefully Before Buying Diapers At Target

Think Carefully Before Buying Diapers At Target

Reader Sarah was shopping for some diapers when she noticed something strange about Target’s pricing. Yes, the well-documented insanity continues in the diaper aisle… [More]

Secret Credit Card Backdoor Numbers To Get Your Credit Increased, APR Changed, Etc!

Secret Credit Card Backdoor Numbers To Get Your Credit Increased, APR Changed, Etc!

Want your credit line increased, APR lowered, or your declined credit card application approved? Begging and pleading with customer service not getting you anywhere except front row seats to your personal puddle of shame? Then give some of the “backdoor numbers” a shot. [More]

Target To Sell $99 "Video Game Setup" Services

Target To Sell $99 "Video Game Setup" Services

For a mere $99, Target will go to your house and set up your video game system for your dumb ass. Why? Margins on products are very thin. The margin on services, especially stupid ones, is very high. [via Kotaku]

RELATED: Best Buy Optimization Is A Big Stupid Annoying Waste Of Money

Target Testing "Warehouse Club" Style Deals

Target Testing "Warehouse Club" Style Deals

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune says Target is testing out “warehouse” style deals in space usually used for seasonal merchandise. Examples mentioned include: “supersize jugs of laundry detergent “;”bulk-size packages of batteries”;”bins of $1 neon-colored flip flops,” and “packs of athletic socks for $7.” [More]

Target Is Out Of Shampoo, So Just Dye Your Hair

Target Is Out Of Shampoo, So Just Dye Your Hair

These Target substitution cards are introducing an entirely new genre of in-store comedy into my otherwise sad and dull life. [More]

Target Gives Ellen's Zhu Zhu Pet-Loving Son His Job Back

Target Gives Ellen's Zhu Zhu Pet-Loving Son His Job Back

Ellen wrote us last week that her son was one of the Target employees fired for buying Zhu Zhu Pets too early but wasn’t hired back. [More]

Not All Fired Target Employees Who Went Zhu Zhu Crazy Got Their Jobs Back

Not All Fired Target Employees Who Went Zhu Zhu Crazy Got Their Jobs Back

Target fired employees for prematurely buying Zhu Zhu Pets, then hired them back. Ellen says her son, a former New Jersey Target employee, got the former treatment, but not the latter. [More]

Target Unfires 7 Workers For Buying Zhu Zhus Before Customers Could

Target Unfires 7 Workers For Buying Zhu Zhus Before Customers Could

7 Buffalo Target employees fired for buying Zhu Zhus, this year’s hot robotic rodent toy, during their shifts have been reinstated. A failure to communicate seems to have been the culprint: [More]

Disney Princess Shrink Ray Hits Mattel Dolls

Disney Princess Shrink Ray Hits Mattel Dolls

Shopping for toys at Target, Anthony noticed an interesting change in a small, inexpensive doll that his daughter enjoys. The princesses have been affected by a toy shrink ray–the dolls are smaller, the mold used to make them is different, and they come with fewer accessories–for the same price, naturally. [More]

Target Calls Cops On Breastfeeding Shoppers

Target Calls Cops On Breastfeeding Shoppers

The AP says that police were called when Target employees tried to throw a couple out of the store because the woman was breastfeeding in the electronics aisle. The husband, a Detroit police officer, says they were told by the security guard that the act was “against the law.” [More]

Target Pays New Jersey $375K To Settle Fraud Charges

Target Pays New Jersey $375K To Settle Fraud Charges

Target has agreed to pay New Jersey $375,000 to settle charges that it sold baby formula and non-prescription drugs that had expired, and that it charged higher prices on some products than what was displayed on the shelves.

DVD Price War: Harry Potter, Star Trek For $10

DVD Price War: Harry Potter, Star Trek For $10

Walmart announced yesterday that it will be slashing prices to below wholesale on 10 of the most popular DVDs that will be released soon, says the LA Times. Target announced that it will be matching Walmart. Amazon has not yet responded.