If you’ve seen a guy around town wearing a Batman suit paired with a Captain America mask, you might want to give police in Salamanca, NY, a call. [More]
mixed messages

Police On The Lookout For Guy Who Stole Beer While Dressed As Batman/Captain America

Lyft Dismisses The Idea That It Even Wants A Buyer At All
A day after Uber reportedly shrugged off the idea of acquiring ride-hailing rival Lyft, the latter company says it’s not on the market, you know, anyway. [More]

Newspaper Tries To Cancel Blizzard With Fun Headline Graphic, Just Confuses Subscribers
On the one hand, is it fun to try to spice up the front page of a newspaper? I’ll leave that to the design experts, but sure, whatever floats your boat. However on the other hand, using a big red CANCELLED graphic over a headline about a blizzard is awfully confusing. Just ask the readers of the Sun Journal in Lewiston, ME. [More]

Man Uses “I Wasn’t Robbing Anyone, Cashier Just Handed The Cash To Me” Defense
We’ve all had that weird experience when suddenly, the cashier will just force you to take a bunch of the cash from the cash register. And then, because that’s so weird, the instinct is to just flee, right? Wait, that’s not normal, you say? Weird. But that’s what one guy accused of robbing a local grocery store is claiming. [More]

P&G Apologizes For Unintentional Neo-Nazi Codes On Laundry Detergent In Germany
When you’re a global company, you’re going to have global problems. But perhaps there could’ve been a few more eyes/brains on a packaging campaign for Ariel laundry detergent from Procter & Gamble in Germany that featured a large white soccer jersey with a large “88” on them. See, because that’s a neo-Nazi code, if you’re in the know. [More]

Tobacco Companies Say Kids Shouldn’t Smoke — So What’s With Fruit-Flavored Cigars?
Tobacco companies have insisted in the past that they don’t think kids should smoke and aren’t marketing to them, but we can’t imagine as many adults go for fruity- or candy-flavored cigars as the younger set. Those are just as bad for your health as cigarettes, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and middle and high school kids just love’em. [More]

Your, Um, I Mean, You're Gonna Like This Shirt
There is a tiny chance that this “Your Single Tunic” from Wet Seal totally intends its misuse of the word “your” as some sort of ironic wink meant to mock the plight of dating in the grammar-destructive text message age. But yeah, odds are this shirt did not display the message it intended. [More]

Even Women With Insurance Put Off Mammograms
A new study reports that even women with insurance are putting off getting mammograms, says CBS News. The study looked at health insurance claims from women and found that nearly 50% of those 40 and older had not had a yearly mammogram — and nearly 40% of those over 50 didn’t even have one every two years. [More]

Target Ignores Its Own Ban, Lets Petitioners Annoy Shoppers
Target has a ban on any sort of petitioning or fund-raising activities in front of its stores, even in California, but G says that yesterday he went to the Target in Vallejo, CA and ran into a group of petitioners at the entrance (see photos). [More]

Play Doh Ads Make Crying Out For Help Fun
These Play Doh ads from Singapore don’t seem to be aimed at kids. Then again, the message “safe no matter what you make” seems to be aimed directly at parents of kids who play with Play Doh, which leads us back to our initial thought, which is wtf kind of kid requiring parental supervision is shaping eerily realistic looking bottles of pills and razor blades for fun? Play Doh, the fun sad toy that tastes like tears!

It Depends On What The Meaning Of "All" Is
This looks like a great place to find good deals—except when it’s not. Derek, who snapped the photo in his mall over the weekend, notes that “At least they made sure the disclaimer was large enough for all to see.”

This Discount Store Enjoys Messing With Its Customers' Minds
Shelley just sent us this photo of a store she saw in New Jersey this afternoon. We particularly like that the neon signs in the window are just as contradictory as the roof signs. It’s like a decorating theme.

"Comcast Treats My Bank Account Like A Cookie Jar"
Of all our random corporate screw-up stories, this is one of the funniest, if only because it’s so random and so persistent. Oh wait, Kelly’s out over $100 now and Comcast keeps debiting her account whenever they feel like it. Maybe that’s not that funny after all.