Both Burger King and Wendy’s have been attempting to revamp their look and their menus in recent years, but it looks like whatever Wendy’s is doing is working slightly better as the fast food company edged out Burger King to become the second-largest burger chain — and the #3 overall fast food joint — in the country. [More]

When Is Dinner Time Not Dinner Time?
When is “dinner?” Josh had a Subway coupon with the words “Dinner Time” on it, but no time restrictions in the fine print. He went to use the coupon around 1:00 PM at a local Subway franchise, and their cash register wouldn’t accept it. He feels that Subway owes him a dollar, and now refuses to go back. Is he overreacting, or does Subway need to define when “dinner” starts? [More]

Get Your Cheap Eat On: Subway To Offer $2 Sandwiches In December
Not in the mood for an entire $5 foot-long sub? The holiday season has brought yet another gift, in the form of a deal: Starting tomorrow and going through December, you can grab a $2 six-inch sandwich from Subway. [More]

Subway: Cheaper To Order Footlong, Throw Away Half Of Bread Than Ordering 6-Inch With Double Meat
Aaron is trying to lose weight by cutting carbs out of his diet. When he eats at Subway, the first thing that he tried doing was ordering a 6-inch sub with double meat. Then he noticed something. It would actually be cheaper for him to order a footlong and just throw away half the bread. [More]

Subway Ad Serves Up Birdbaths Of Hamburger Grease And Hypocrisy
Subway’s “Eat Fresh” campaign is all very well and good, but fast food is fast food. Sure, you can order a six-inch turkey sub loaded with vegetables and no cheese or mayo with a side of apple slices. Or you can get a footlong tuna salad sub that has more fat than a Big Mac and fries. Which do most customers choose? Yet Subway’s latest ad slams burger chains for the unhealthiness of their food, showing kiddie pools full of burger grease. [More]

Five Guys Opened Four Times As Many New Restaurants As McDonald's In 2010
With surveys like Zagat’s and Consumer Reports’ putting Five Guys among the best-tasting burgers available, it’s perhaps not surprising that the chain is the fastest-growing hamburger shack in the country. In fact, a new report says that new Five Guys eateries outnumbered new McDonald’s by greater than 4:1 in 2010. [More]

You Can Have Gelato With Your Footlong In A Subway Cafe
Subway is testing out a more upscale version of its traditional sandwich shop. Dubbed Subway Cafe, the new restaurants would go after customers in office buildings and similar locations. [More]

Is A Footlong Sub Still A Footlong Sub With Only 6" Of Bread?
Ron has a problem that truly speaks to the dilemmas of our day. He wants to get a $5 footlong at Subway, but on a 6″ roll to save carbs and calories. The sandwich artists at his local Subway insist that this is not possible, and that he needs to pay more than the price of a $5 footlong because he is really ordering a six-inch sub with double meat. It’s an exquisite kind of fast-food logic where you pay more and get less. [More]

Would You Berate Someone For Eating On Public Transit?
Public transit smooshes together people from all walks of life. In this video, a person from the “don’t eat on the subway” class of society comes into contact with the “I’m hungry and I’m going to eat my noodles” class of society. The woman from the first group keeps asking the woman from the second group to stop eating, at one point saying that “animals eat on the subway like that,” and the woman from the second group and her friend take offense. Then the train lurches and punches start flying. The noodles appear to stay intact, thank heavens. [More]

Subway Tops McDonald's To Become Largest Fast-Food Chain
Subway’s Jared may boast about how fit he is, but in the battle of the corporate mascots, he’s now much bigger than arch-rival Ronald McDonald. Subway is now the world’s largest fast-food chain, with 33,749 restaurants. McDonald’s trails by over a thousand, with 32,737 restaurants worldwide. [More]

At Subway, 'Any Purchase' Only Means A Sandwich
Maggie stopped by Subway on Valentine’s Day for a free cookie promotion. Mmm, cookie. While the promotion ostensibly was for a free cookie with any purchase, Maggie wanted to purchase a one cookie to get her free cookie. According to the Subway franchise she visited, this doesn’t work. [More]

Casey's General Stores Sues Subway Over "Footlong" Exclusivity Claim
Last spring, we wrote about Subway sending out cease-and-desist letters to sandwich shops that dared to use the term “footlong.” Now, Casey’s General Stores, a regional convenience store chain, has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging the fast food Goliath’s claim to exclusivity on the word. [More]

Top 10 Cities With Highest Fast Food Saturation
We’ve already talked about the place in the lower 48 states farthest away from a Big Mac, but what about those cities where you couldn’t swing a cat (not that we’d ever recommend swinging a cat or any other animal) without hitting a fast food joint? [More]

Should A Kid's Meal Have 973 Calories?
McDonald’s may be the fast food chain most are associating with the recently approved kid’s meal regulations in San Francisco, but when it comes to calories in meals targeted to youngsters, the Golden Arches is nowhere near the worst. [More]

Subway Says Your Sandwich Is "Cheating"
A Subway sandwich artist told Chet that the sandwich he’s been ordering for years is “illegitimate.” [More]

NYC Transit Fares Increase As Service Continues To Decrease
Life in New York City has just gotten a little more expensive, as the MTA board has voted to increase fares on subways, buses and commuter trains for the third time in two years, all while cutting bus routes, train service and laying off thousands of employees. [More]

Subway Recycles Its Packaging Into High Fashion
Sure, Lady Gaga can go out in her dress made from red meat, but that seems like a waste of good protein. And you never know what kind of diseases the meat might pick up. Meanwhile, the folks at Subway recently showed off a line of nearly ridiculous but more eco-friendly dresses on the runway in Chicago. [More]

Has Your Subway Been Tessellating Your Cheese?
Earlier this summer, Subway made headlines when it confirmed to Consumerist that it would begin tessellating the cheese in its sandwiches as of July 1. But, say some readers, the sandwich artists at their local Subways have yet to start arranging the triangular cheese slices accordingly. [More]