The marketing for the NutriMost Ultimate Fat Loss system claimed that users could drop 40 pounds, or more, in just 40 days, and without having to fret about calories. However, the Federal Trade Commission says that this $1,900 program is not backed by any science, actually requires a starvation-level diet, uses before-and-after examples from people related to the company, and forces customers to sign agreements that prevent them from saying anything bad about the program. [More]

NutriMost ‘Ultimate Fat Loss’ System Slammed With $32 Million Judgment For Overblown Weight Loss Claims

Best-Selling Author & Convicted Liar Kevin Trudeau Makes Pitch To Supreme Court
Two years after being sentenced to a decade in federal prison for repeatedly defrauding American consumers, best-selling liar Kevin Trudeau is hoping that the U.S. Supreme Court will take a different view of his case than all of the previous courts. [More]

$6.3 Million In Refunds Going Out To Buyers Of Book Written By Convicted Liar Kevin Trudeau
More than two years after “author,” infomercial pitchman, and professional liar Kevin Trudeau was sentenced to 10 years in prison for repeatedly making bogus weight-loss claims about his book The Weight Loss Cure “They” Don’t Want You to Know About, some of the hundreds of thousands of people conned into buying the book will be getting their money back. [More]

Chick Fil-A: Lose Weight By Eating Chicken Nuggets Every Few Hours
There are a lot of spotlight-chasers who have made headlines for proving that yes, you can lose weight eating only [pick a fast food chain], but those “dieters” also tried to change things up with their weight-loss plans — a chicken sandwich for lunch, a burger for dinner, self-loathing for dessert. But some poorly worded healthy eating recommendations from Chick fil-A suggests that you eat some of the chain’s chicken nuggets every few hours. [More]

Diet App Claims To Help You Watch Your Weight By Scanning The Molecules In Your Food
It’s a new year, and you know what that means: new diet plans — or at least, you might be promising yourself to stick to a new diet plan. But it isn’t easy, which you know if you’ve ever sat staring longingly at the last piece of cheese on the plate, wondering whether it will totally screw up your resolution to finally lose just five more pounds. A new app and its connected smart device claims it can do just that, scan your food and let you know whether or not it’ll lead you from your chosen diet path. [More]

Researchers Who Probably Hate Pizza: Living Alone Is Basically Terrible For Your Diet
Living by yourself can be great — it means you have the option of never wearing real pants at home, guilt-free Netflix binges on sunny days and the ability to eat your meals in front of the open refrigerator by picking through whatever it is you happen to have in there. On that last note, researchers say living solo has a downside: it means you eat like crap. [More]

Study: Which Commercial Diet Programs Are The Most Effective?
The world of commercial diet programs can be overwhelming, with this, that and the other company all flashing before-and-after photos and promising their regimens are the best. While we’ve all seen the “results not typical” disclaimer flash on the screen below weight-loss winners, how effective are these programs when it comes to really losing the weight and keeping it off? [More]

Study Shocks No One By Revealing That We Snack A Lot At Work
Anyone who works somewhere with other people around know that it’s pretty much impossible to avoid snacking on the job, what with all those horrible free cupcakes and the endless parade of homemade baked goods. It is anathema to those trying to eat things that are not laden with sugar and fat. Which is why no one around here is surprised to hear that a study finds workplace snacking is the downfall of dieters. [More]

Jenny Craig Beats Out Weight Watchers For Top Spot In Consumer Reports Health Ratings
Our more body-conscious colleagues over at Consumer Reports Health have just released their ratings for a variety of diet programs and have rated Jenny Craig the highest, far ahead of runner-up Weight Watchers. [More]

Is A Footlong Sub Still A Footlong Sub With Only 6" Of Bread?
Ron has a problem that truly speaks to the dilemmas of our day. He wants to get a $5 footlong at Subway, but on a 6″ roll to save carbs and calories. The sandwich artists at his local Subway insist that this is not possible, and that he needs to pay more than the price of a $5 footlong because he is really ordering a six-inch sub with double meat. It’s an exquisite kind of fast-food logic where you pay more and get less. [More]

Does Diet Pepsi's Skinny Can Send The Wrong Message?
PepsiCo has chosen New York Fashion Week to roll out its new “skinny” Diet Pepsi can, along with a campaign that says the container is a “celebration of beautiful, confident women.” That hasn’t gone over very well with advocates for people with eating disorders who called the campaign “thoughtless and irresponsible.” [More]

HCG Diet Products Are Fraud, Says FDA
There are tons of diet pill pages on the internet prosthelytizing the wonders of the miracle diet drug HCG, or “human chorionic gonadotropin.” You have the usual “before” and “after” pictures where you get to play that fun game of trying to figure out if they’re actually two different people, and the promises of losing 30 pounds in 4 weeks. Only problem is that HCG doesn’t work for weight loss, and an FDA exec says they may even be illegal and fraudulent. Quelle surprise! [More]

Professor Drops 27 Pounds In 10 Weeks On 'Twinkie Diet'
In an attempt to prove that caloric intake is the main factor in weight loss, a nutrition professor at Kansas State University has been subsisting on mostly Twinkies and other snack foods for 10 weeks. [More]

Drink Water Before Eating And Consume Fewer Calories
Drinking two cups of water before eating results in consuming 75 to 90 fewer calories per meal on average, a new study finds. [More]

Hagrid-Sized Humans Can't Ride New Harry Potter Attraction
If you visit the Harry Potter theme park this summer and happen to see a relatively large person poking himself with his brand new wand and muttering reduccio!, don’t be confused. He was probably just told he can’t ride the Forbidden Journey dark ride at the park. [More]

Infomercial Pest Kevin Trudeau Jailed For 30 Days For Urging Followers To Annoy Judge
Kevin Trudeau, a diet and disease cure-all peddler who has a rich history with the FTC, just earned himself a fat 30 days in jail for encouraging his fans and followers to email a U.S. District Judge. Last Wednesday, Trudeau posted a request on his website asking supporters to email the judge who is presiding over an FTC civil suit against him. The idea, apparently, was for Trudeau’s happy customers to convince Judge Robert Gettleman to go easy on the pitchman. Instead, it had the opposite effect. [More]

Would You Try The Taco Bell Diet?
A direct answer to Subway’s Jared, Taco Bell’s new spokeswoman Christine says she lost 54 pounds in two years in part by substituting the restaurant’s lighter fare for her usual fast food splurges. [More]

NutriSystem To Be Sold At Walmart
The diet that allegedly shrank Dan Marino‘s ass will now be available in stores for the first time — and those stores will all be Walmarts. A 14-day starter pack will retail for $148, says Reuters.