“Coneing” is a “trend” where “people” have their “friends” YouTube them grabbing an ice cream cone from a fast food place by the top of the ice cream instead of the cone. The “comedy” arises out of the shocked reactions from the unsuspecting fast food workers seeing the customer get ice cream all over their hand on purpose. But here’s a video of McDonald’s manager who was hip to the game. He totally “coneblocks” an attempted coneing. [More]

Chase Sends You New Credit Card, Then Cancels It Before It Arrives
Reader Danny writes in that he was approved for a new Chase Ink credit card, but by the time it showed up in his mailbox, it was already canceled. [More]

The Tush Turner Is Perhaps The Stupidest Infomercial Product Ever
You need no better sign that The Empire is on the wane then the “Tush Turner,” a swiveling seat cushion that makes it easier to get in and out of your car without all that “contorting.” Just sit your ass down and spin in and out. And maybe with the few extra seconds it gives you you’ll be able to escape the Visigoths hunting you down as fuel for their war machines. [More]

Hobby Lobby To Couple: Only Women Can Carry Bags
A Hobby Lobby employee asked Joe to leave his Maxpedition Versipack–I was going to call it a man purse, but it’s so aggressively utilitarian that I think it gets a pass–at the front counter before he shopped in the store. That’s unfriendly but not that weird, considering the loss-prevention strategies some stores use. However, they let his wife continue with the exact same bag attached to her hip, I guess because women can’t steal. [More]
Buy The Two-Pack And Save -$.53!
Jared spotted this dubious deal at his local Walmart. You can get a bottle of Old Spice high endurance body wash for $2.97, or the two-pack for $6.47. There should be a bulk discount, right? Nope, you’ll actually pay $.53 more if you buy the bundle instead of the two individually. Hey, that plastic wrap is really, um, convenient, and there’s a convenience premium. Yeah, that’s the ticket. [More]

Xbox Bans Man For Living In "Fort Gay." Except, That's Where He Lives.
UPDATE: Microsoft admitted they made a mistake and has updated their training policy.
Ok, now this is getting redonkulous. Xbox has been suspending gamers for some time for mentioning or otherwise referencing their sexual orientation in their gamer profiles, but now they’ve gone ahead and banned a guy because he said he lives in “Fort Gay.” Huh huh, Beavis indeed, but there is a real town called Fort Gay. It’s in West Virginia, and that’s where the guy really lives.

Yelp Reviewer Gives 1 Star For Restaurant That Hasn't Opened Yet
As with any community-sourced online content, Yelp’s reviews can vary widely in quality. Still, this may be one of the most ridiculously self-entitled and clueless reviews anyone has ever posted about a restaurant: [More]

United Removes Passenger From Flight After He Asks Whether A Meal Will Be Served
Over at JoeSugarman.com, Joe writes that on his way home from a seminar in Austin, he settled into his first class seat–he’s what United Airlines calls a 1K traveler because he flies over 100,000 miles with them every year–and asked the flight attendant, “Are you serving any meals during our flight?” A few minutes later, he writes, “two armed Austin police officers boarded the plane, looked at me and said, ‘Sugarman, follow us.'” [More]

The New York Times Doesn't Want You Accessing Its RSS Feed Via An RSS Feed Reader
Update: Apple apparently realized that losing 30% of revenue on sales of the Pulse News Reader wasn’t worth playing along with the Times’ weirdness, and put the app back up for sale before the end of the day–with the newspaper’s feed still included as a default. [More]

Don't Buy Your Crack With Monopoly Money
If there’s one thing every crack dealer hates, it’s being paid in Monopoly money. A 33-year-old man in Wichita, KS, was pulled over by officers last week and found bleeding from the head. He told police he’d just been tricked by his angry crack dealer into coming over to his house, whereupon the dealer pistol whipped his face. According to the police report, the victim told them that “a couple of weeks ago he bought several hundred dollars of crack-cocaine with Monopoly money and now the dealer was ready for pay back.” [More]

Advice: Do Not Shave Your Privates While Driving
Much is said about distracted driving. Don’t text, don’t talk on the phone, don’t eat soup. Apparently nobody bothered to tell one Florida woman not to shave her privates while driving. Clearly, this was our mistake. [More]

Your Dying Words Better Be Your PIN, Or Verizon Will Bill Your Corpse
Don’t become too preoccupied with raging against the dying of the light — you have to remember to tell your PIN to someone before you die or Verizon will never stop billing your corpse. [More]

Dear UPS: Please Stop Leaving My Packages In The Middle Of The Road
Reader Alisha is vexed by a UPS driver who thinks a road to a working farm is her driveway. She’s afraid her stuff is going to be run over by trucks full of cows or god knows what. [More]

Make Your Own Zhu Zhu The Fad Robot Hamster Toy
If you have kids, you’re probably biting your nails down to the quick worrying how you’re going to find–much less pay for–this year’s super hot fad toy, Zhu Zhu the Robot Hamster. But don’t be so stupid! The thing about fad toys like Zhu Zhu is that they’re about 30% fun, 30% marketing, and 40% media hype. You can bypass all that nonsense and make your own in less than 20 minutes, and for a fraction of the cost. [More]