Did you have plans to fly, er, anywhere involving the eastern half of U.S. this weekend? If you’re not already in the air, and you you didn’t already rebook with a travel waiver, now’s the time to get on that, because cancellations are rolling in. [More]

How To Find The Best Tools To Dig Out From Snowstorms And De-Ice Your Property
Depending on where in the country you are, you’re most likely dealing with the aftermath of a winter storm, preparing for a winter storm, or sneering at your friends in other regions saying, “What’s snow?” While local governments handle ice melt and snow removal for the roads, you’re in charge of clearing and treating your own driveway and walkways. What’s the best equipment to use? [More]

Traveling This Weekend? Airlines Offering Travel Waivers Ahead Of Winter Storm
Planning on traveling by plane in the next few days? The winter storm rolling across the country this weekend might have something to say about that. Ahead of the storm’s arrival, most U.S. airlines are issuing travel advisories and weather waivers for customers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic who might find their plans ruined by snow, ice, sleet, wind, etc. [More]

Car Owner Tries To Drive Vehicle Away During Snow Emergency Tow
When you live in an occasionally snowy urban area and own a car, snow emergencies are an inevitable occasional annoyance. They impose different alternate-side parking rules so plow crews can clear heavy snow accumulation from the sides of roads, towing vehicles that remain in the way. One woman in St. Paul, Minnesota tried to rescue her car, then learned that you can’t actually drive a car hooked to a tow truck. [More]

Massachusetts Man Selling Snow From His Front Yard Because Why Not?
Mother Nature has created plenty of headaches for snow-weary residents of Massachusetts, but one man is turning Gaia’s frozen bounty into an opportunity to make a few bucks off those warmer states. He’s selling the snow from his front yard for $89 for six pounds, shipping it to sunnier climes. Taking snow lemons and making snow lemonade, right? [More]

Broken Skylights Turn A Dead Mall Into A Pastoral Snowscape
In Thailand, when an abandoned mall lost its roof, it filled with water, which attracted mosquito larvae, and then neighbors stocked it with fish. In Akron, Ohio, an abandoned mall lost its glass skylights, which meant that in the winter the building filled with snow. Here is your post-apocalyptic winter wonderland. [More]

If You’re Flying Anywhere Near The Northeast Today Or Tomorrow, Call Your Airline Now
If you watch TV, read newspapers, or consume any news source at all on the internet up to and including Facebook and Twitter, you’ve probably heard that there’s a monster snowstorm bearing down on the northeast. And that means bad times at the airport: over 2000 flights for today have already been cancelled, along with nearly as many tomorrow. [More]

Choose The Right Shovel Before The Snow Actually Falls
Remember, the best time to shop for a snow shovel is before you actually need a shovel. Just grabbing the cheapest one at the closest store can create a lot of extra work for yourself in the long run if it isn’t the right shovel for you, your abilities, and the type of snow that you typically get. Know your abilities and know your shovel types. Maybe even buy more than one for different surfaces. [Consumer Reports] [More]

Hungry Buffalo Residents Steal Chips Off Doritos Truck Abandoned In The Snow
Just like a lovely sea creature perched upon the rocky shoreline, a Doritos truck abandoned in several feet of the snow that’s currently blanketing the Buffalo, NY area proved too tempting to resist for some hungry residents. After its driver apparently left it behind when Mother Nature dumped six feet of snow on it this week, people were spotted brazenly boosting chips from the back of the rig for their own eating pleasure. [More]

Old Man Winter’s Latest Storm Effort Has Canceled 4,500 Flights… So Far
Yes, winter happens ever year. But goshdarnit if people aren’t completely fed up with Old Man Winter’s blustery temper this season, which has already seen thousands of flights canceled. Including those canceled over the weekend in preparation for this latest bit of blizzarding, at least 4,500 flights have been ditched and thousands others delayed. [More]

“Saving” A Shoveled-Out Parking Spot: Your Hard-Earned Right Or A Jerk Move?
Readers who’ve only lived in warm climates or areas with ample parking don’t understand the special hell that is going through the effort of digging your car out of a plowed-in curbside parking spot, knowing all the while that said spot will soon be occupied by someone else’s car. That’s where some people employ the controversial practice of using chairs, traffic cones, handmade signs, trash cans, and apparently ironing boards, to “save” their shoveled-out spots for later. [More]

Brave Florists Pioneer Valentine’s Day Deliveries By Tractor, Drone
By gosh, it is florists’ sacred mission to get their blooms into the hands of their customers this Valentine’s Day, come hell or high snow. We heard about two pioneering petal-pushers who tried innovative new ways to get flowers out this week. One plan succeeded, but the other failed due to government intervention. [More]

How To Build An Urban Igloo With Cat Litter Buckets
Look outside. Do you see snow? If you do, you’re also seeing the building blocks of your future fun. When you find yourself bouncing off the walls of your home with cabin fever after all the snow has finally stopped falling, simply grab a couple kitty litter buckets and make yourself an igloo. [More]

3,250 Flights Canceled Today, Another 4,000 Delayed
As ice and snow once again socks the Southeast and makes its way northward, thousands of flights are being canceled or delayed, leaving travelers around the country stranded and unsure of when they will be able to fly again. [More]

Digging Out From A Snowstorm: Know Your Shovels
Need a new shovel, or an additional one? You can save a lot of time, effort, and pain by choosing the one that’s right for you. Our colleagues over at Consumer Reports did the heavy lifting, evaluating different types of shovels and what kinds of people and snow they’re most appropriate for. [More]

Hurry And Pick Up A Top Snowblower Before The Snow Comes
If you live in a part of the country that gets snow, you might be thinking about buying a snowblower…um, sometime in the next few hours if you live in the Northeast. Fortunately, our bundled-up colleagues over at Consumer Reports has already done the heavy plowing for you and picked out the best machines on the market. [More]

Chicago Tickets Man In June For Shoveling Snow Into Street In March
It’s one thing if the city immediately gives you a ticket for improperly shoveling your snow into the street; you could take photos to challenge the citation and document your side of the story. But when that ticket comes in June, what are you supposed to do? [More]

More Than 2,000 Flights Canceled Today & Tomorrow Because Of Snow
Remember when you looked forward to lots of snow? Neither do we. [More]