Depending on where in the country you are, you’re most likely dealing with the aftermath of a winter storm, preparing for a winter storm, or sneering at your friends in other regions saying, “What’s snow?” While local governments handle ice melt and snow removal for the roads, you’re in charge of clearing and treating your own driveway and walkways. What’s the best equipment to use? [More]
shovel ready

Digging Out From A Snowstorm: Know Your Shovels
Need a new shovel, or an additional one? You can save a lot of time, effort, and pain by choosing the one that’s right for you. Our colleagues over at Consumer Reports did the heavy lifting, evaluating different types of shovels and what kinds of people and snow they’re most appropriate for. [More]

Ames True Temper Replaces Broken Decade-Old Shovel
As consumers in modern America, we often cynically assume that “Lifetime Guarantee” is just a something companies slap on products with no basis in fact, like “New and Improved!” or “With Calcium.” But there are companies who take the lifetime warranty concept seriously, and will replace a ten-year-old shovel after its handle breaks just as garden season begins. Matt discovered that a shovel he picked up at Home Depot a decade ago carried such a guarantee…and the company replaced his broken shovel even though all proof of purchase was long gone. [More]