UPDATE: Just hours after Walmart pointedly announced it would offer its own mega-sale in response to Amazon’s Prime-member only deal day happening on Wednesday, the online retailer released its own barbed statement, reminding consumers they could avoid missing all the deals by simply signing up for a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime. [More]
christmas in july

Target’s Black Friday In July Promotion Is Back To Annoy Us
Sure, Amazon is creating a new shopping holiday that they claim will be even bigger than Black Friday to honor their 20th anniversary, but we can be thankful for one thing: they are not actually referring to it as “Black Friday.” Many other retailers do regardless of what time of year it is, and Target has brought back their annual summer Black Friday promotion. [More]

Reminder: Hallmark’s Ornament Launch In July Is Not Christmas Creep
We take a firm stand against Holiday Creep, which is when retailers start to merchandise and decorate for a given holiday months in advance. The offending holiday is usually, but not always, Christmas. Every year around this time, we hear from exasperated shoppers who walk by a Hallmark gift shop and see their display of new Christmas ornaments, leading our readers to wonder what this world is coming to. Yet Hallmark’s Christmas displays aren’t what they seem. [More]

Best Buy Hops On Black Friday In July Bandwagon
We’ve noticed an awful lot of “Black Friday” sales recently, and developed a hypothesis that it’s a more inclusive variation of what used to be called “Christmas in July” sales. Now we’ve spotted another major retailer honoring this new holiday: Best Buy. [More]

Chicago Tickets Man In June For Shoveling Snow Into Street In March
It’s one thing if the city immediately gives you a ticket for improperly shoveling your snow into the street; you could take photos to challenge the citation and document your side of the story. But when that ticket comes in June, what are you supposed to do? [More]

Survey: 13% Of Adults Have Already Given Into The Christmas Creep
It’s July 23. Have you begun your holiday shopping yet? According to a new survey, it’s likely that more than 1 out of every 8 of you is answering yes to that question. [More]

Kmart Launches Christmas Site In July
You know “Christmas in July?” Kmart does. They sent a mailing out to customers today about their new site, Christmas Lane. It promises “the best deals for Christmas, 5 months early.” To us, that’s more of a threat than a promise.

July 10: The First Christmas Catalog Has Arrived!
Paul over at Network World has the dubious distinction of reporting the season’s first Christmas catalog, which he and his wife received on July 10.