The Raiders of the Lost Walmart are the brave mall explorers who scour the nation’s clearance racks for the most comically overpriced retail antiquities. Here are some of their latest discoveries. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Discover That PS2 Memory Cards Are Finally On Clearance
Back in 2012, one of the brave explorers for the Raiders of the Lost Walmart discovered a rack of memory cards for the PlayStation 2, still on the shelf and still priced at $20-$30. That was three years ago, though: Sony is up to the PS4 now. Surely Walmart has noticed that PS2 accessories aren’t really flying off their shelves. Well, one Raider’s local Walmart has moved them to the clearance aisle… still marked at $30. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Need A Laptop GPS In 2008
The Raiders of the Lost Walmart are a band of fearless retail archaeologists who comb the world’s retail stores for the most ancient and obsolete gadgets and software. Today’s discoveries do still work, as in you could add them to your compatible computer or PlayStation 2 and use them. The question is, would you want to? [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Find Great Deal On AC/DC Rock Band Tunes For PS2
2009 doesn’t seem that long ago, but it’s a very long time when counted in game console years, which are much shorter than dog years. That’s how long this copy of AC/DC’s songs for the game Rock Band has waited for its forever home. If you still have a PlayStation 2 and don’t mind wasting $25 or so, could you make room for it? [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Shopping For Games For New PlayStation 2
Sure, the PS4 is now on the market, but not everyone keeps up with the hottest and latest consoles. For those people, especially if they have no idea what year it is, Walmart offers copies of decade-old PS2 games at comically high prices. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Still Have A PS2, Need Games For It
I still have a 25-year-old NES in my basement, ready at a moment’s notice in case I feel like playing Dr. Mario or Duck Hunt. At some point, still owning it passed from “uncool lady keeps old crap around” to “cool retro gaming.” Has the Playstation 2 passed that point yet? Walmart seems to hope so. [More]

The End Of A Gaming Era: Sony Says The Last PlayStation 2 Has Shipped
As someone who can still remember the unbridled glee that greeted whichever new gaming system arrived in our household of three brothers and one sister who wanted to be a part of it all, it just feels right to note the final journey of Sony’s Playstation 2. The company says the very last PS2 has shipped and there will be no more — zip, nada, nary a one — after delighting gamers everywhere for over 12 years. [More]

Sony Cuts PlayStation 3 Price
Poor Sony. Despite telling Reuters on July 6 that they had no plans for a price cut, they’ve cut the price of the Playstation 3 by $100.

Puerto Ricans Can Buy XBox But Can’t Get One Repaired
What is it with companies that sell warrantied products in countries or territories where they don’t have customer service repair facilities?