
Arbol Cafe Responds To Tipping Controversy

Two weeks ago, we made note of a word war going…

Philadelphia Cafe Keeping Server's Tips For Themselves?

Philadelphia Cafe Keeping Server's Tips For Themselves?

There’s a war of words going on in the comments of a restaurant review in Philadelphia’s City Paper. Someone claiming to be a server has outed the Arbol Cafe for confiscating server’s tips. In response, someone claiming to speak for the cafe defended the practice, claiming that they need the tips to pay for their renovation.


Man (and Comcast employee) gets laptop and XBOX back after unleashing mobs of vigilante internetters on the thieves. [Philly Daily News] (Thanks, Markus!)

The Vast Majority Of Philadelphia Parking Tickets May Be Invalid

The Vast Majority Of Philadelphia Parking Tickets May Be Invalid

A CBS investigation has revealed that parking tickets stemming from 85% of the parking meters in Philadelphia are invalid. Pennsylvania law requires inspectors to certify each parking meter for accuracy once every three years, but the single inspector working for Philly’s Licenses and Inspections Department, the city agency in change of certification, has visited less than 15% of all parking meters—but he has found the time to certify some meters 8 times while others go completely unchecked. As a result, thousands of parking tickets are invalid under state law.

Comcast Dings Your Credit Report For Moving With Their Precious Cable Modem

Comcast Dings Your Credit Report For Moving With Their Precious Cable Modem

Comcast told reader Marcus that he could just take his cable modem with him when he moved from the Philadelphia suburbs into the city. Then he checked his credit report and found out that he was a cable modem thief.

Couple Paints "FU FAA" On Roof To Protest Jet Noise

Couple Paints "FU FAA" On Roof To Protest Jet Noise

Fed up with a change in flight patterns that made them sleep in bed at night with earplugs, one Philly couple decided to paint “FUCK YOU FAA. NO FLY ZONE” and a symbol for “no planes” on the top of their roof. Note: in real life, it says “fuck” but the newspaper photoshopped it to just say “FU.” Homeowner Michael Hall said they had tried to lodge complaints with the FAA noise-complaint hotline over 20 times, but whenever they called, an answering machines would apologize for not being able to take their message as the mailbox was full.

Police Blotter On Demand? Comcast Helps Catch Bank Robbers Thanks To Bored People

Police Blotter On Demand? Comcast Helps Catch Bank Robbers Thanks To Bored People

Comcast has issued a press release claiming that they’re helping to solve crimes with something called “Police Blotter On Demand” a trial program launched in the Philadelphia area.

Verizon FiOS Sets Another House On Fire

Verizon FiOS Sets Another House On Fire

UPDATE: $1800 For FiOS House Fire Family Is Just An Advance, Says Verizon [More]

US Airways Cancels Your Flight, Treats You "Like Dirt"

US Airways Cancels Your Flight, Treats You "Like Dirt"

We’re adding to our collection of complaints about US Airways and Philadelphia International Airport. If we collect them all, we may win a set of steak knives!

Philadelphia Mayor Cracks Down On Tax Evaders, Finds Out He Is One

Philadelphia Mayor Cracks Down On Tax Evaders, Finds Out He Is One

Philadelphia’s mayor, John Street, also known as the “iPhone Mayor,” (because he camped out for an iPhone) told Philadelphia he was cracking down on tax scofflaws… only to find out that he is one.

Avoid Checking Valuables At The Philadelphia International Airport

Avoid Checking Valuables At The Philadelphia International Airport

According to evidence the Philadelphia Inquirer calls “anecdotal,” there seems to be a theft problem going on at the Philadelphia International Airport. Recently, quite a few baggage handlers were fired by US Airways for cooking the overtime logs in an attempt to get paid for work they never did.

Avoid US Airways' Trans-Atlantic Flights

Avoid US Airways' Trans-Atlantic Flights

Even your ever-skeptical columnist was shocked at what I found: a near-collapse of the day-to-day operations of US Airways’ Philadelphia-based trans-Atlantic service. Even by this summer’s reduced standards, the operation that US Airways runs between Philadelphia and Europe is shocking.

US Airways Cancels 530 Flights, Lets Passengers Sit On Tarmac 6 Hours With Overflowing Toilets, No Water

US Airways Cancels 530 Flights, Lets Passengers Sit On Tarmac 6 Hours With Overflowing Toilets, No Water

Burt Cole spent six hours on a plane on the tarmac to find out hours after that his flight was canceled. “On the runway for six hours, with only one engine going, so the air conditioner was only half working,” said Burt. “The toilet started overflowing. They were out of drinks on the airplane. This was U.S. Air. I hope they’re watching.”

US Airways Firing Lots Of Baggage Handlers At Philly Airport

US Airways Firing Lots Of Baggage Handlers At Philly Airport

US Airways is interviewing and firing baggage handlers at Philadelphia International Airport after it noticed they were falsifying overtime records.

Philadelphia Mayor Gives Up iPhone Wait After Being Confronted With 200th Murder Statistic

Philadelphia Mayor Gives Up iPhone Wait After Being Confronted With 200th Murder Statistic

John Street, the iPhone loving mayor of Philadelphia, has giving up the wait after a guy with a mohawk asked him, “How can you sit here with 200 murders in the city already?” The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on its Web site.

Mayor of Philadelphia Camps Out For An iPhone

Mayor of Philadelphia Camps Out For An iPhone

NBC 10 in Philadelphia had some people camped out for an iPhone when what did they see? Wait, is that… the Mayor? It was:

Donning a white baseball hat and warmup suit — complete with an iPod strapped to his arm — a casual Philadelphia Mayor John Street patiently sat on a lawn chair on a South Philadelphia sidewalk, hoping to get his hands on the new Apple iPhone Friday morning.

Snakehead Found In Can Of Green Beans

Snakehead Found In Can Of Green Beans

It is a symptom of our curious existence that while processed vegetables and fruits give us the constant convenience of food that has been cleaned and prepared, the truth remains that mechanization and automation of the processing is imperfect, and the price we pay for never having to pull a bean from a garden is that, occasionally, there will be a decapitated snakehead on our dinnerplate.

No Sopranos For You: Comcast Says Switch To Digital Or Lose HBO

No Sopranos For You: Comcast Says Switch To Digital Or Lose HBO

“I guess the thing that bothers me is, the service is bad and rates keep increasing,” said Alan Letofsky, one of many customers who recently received a notice from Comcast saying they would need a digital-cable box to keep HBO, which telecasts The Sopranos. “We just don’t want to give any more money to Comcast.”