
Man Sues Dollar Tree, Claims Post-Traumatic Stress After Being Bitten By Rat

Man Sues Dollar Tree, Claims Post-Traumatic Stress After Being Bitten By Rat

A Philadelphia-area man claims he’s suffered “mental anxiety and anguish and severe shock to his entire nervous system” and has been unable to work after he was bitten by a rat while shopping for ribbon at a Dollar Tree store in March. So of course he’s filed a lawsuit. [More]

Vomiting Phillies Fan Sentenced To At Least 30 Days In

Vomiting Phillies Fan Sentenced To At Least 30 Days In Jail

For better or worse — and for most of my life, it’s tended toward the latter — I am a Philadelphia Phillies fan. That being said, I was just as horrified as everyone else when a drunk jerk at a Phillies game intentionally vomited on an 11-year-old girl back in April. Thus, I’m happy to report that he is now behind bars… and that he’s really from New Jersey. [More]

Philadelphia No Longer A Total Buzz Kill For Marijuana Consumers

Philadelphia No Longer A Total Buzz Kill For Marijuana Consumers

The city that brought the world the “blunt” has decided to chill out on folks who toke. As of yesterday, possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana has been downgraded to a relatively minor offense. [More]

United Leaves Sleeping Passenger On Plane For 4 Hours

United Leaves Sleeping Passenger On Plane For 4 Hours

It’s been a rough few weeks for United Airlines. First, they try to incinerate an Olsen Twin, then they left a blind passenger on board after they’d let everyone else off the plane. Now, Continental’s betrothed is having to explain how they managed to not notice a sleeping passenger who remained on board her plane for four hours after it touched down. [More]

Intentionally Vomiting On Children Is Not A Good Way To Express Love For The Phillies

Intentionally Vomiting On Children Is Not A Good Way To Express Love For The Phillies

Oh Philadelphia, we know you love the whole “we boo Santa” image, but we must say that intentionally vomiting on an 11-year-old girl is a bit much, even for you. [More]

Soda Tax Failing In NY, Big Joke In Philadelphia

Soda Tax Failing In NY, Big Joke In Philadelphia

Several states and cities around the country consider taking part in the latest trend of levying a “soda tax” on high-calorie beverages. But in New York state, the measure looks certain to die a quiet death in the state house, while the folks in Philadelphia are looking at a loophole that could render the whole “combatting obesity” thing nonexistent. [More]

Video: Drexel Shaft Demolished, In Beautiful Slo-Mo

Video: Drexel Shaft Demolished, In Beautiful Slo-Mo

This is a slow motion video of yesterday’s demolition of the Drexel smokestack in Philly, set to “Hide and Seek” by Imogen Heap. It is sad. Bye bye, factory economy, hello, glass tower economy (affordable office space now available).

Yep, Trying To Trade Sex For World Series Tickets Is Illegal

Yep, Trying To Trade Sex For World Series Tickets Is Illegal

We know you really want to go see the Phillies/Yankees World Series, but you’ll have to find some way to pay for it that doesn’t include sex acts. One Philly fan found out that hard way when an undercover cop answered her Craigslist ad.

Philadelphia's Public Libraries Not Closing After All

Philadelphia's Public Libraries Not Closing After All

Lovers of books, free Internet access, and community gathering spaces, rejoice. The Philadelphia Free Library will not be closing on October 2nd, as previously threatened.

Philadelphia To Close All Public Libraries October 2nd

Philadelphia To Close All Public Libraries October 2nd

UPDATE: Philadelphia’s Public Libraries Not Closing After All

US Airways Employee Helps Roommate Smuggle Gun Aboard To Avoid Checking It

US Airways Employee Helps Roommate Smuggle Gun Aboard To Avoid Checking It

The AP is reporting that the employee charged with smuggling a unloaded handgun and ammunition aboard a US Airways flight was trying to help his roommate avoid checking it.

Blind Traveler Asks Too Many Questions On Delayed U.S. Airways Flight, Is Dragged Off, Jailed, Told He's Faking His Blindness

Blind Traveler Asks Too Many Questions On Delayed U.S. Airways Flight, Is Dragged Off, Jailed, Told He's Faking His Blindness

As 61-year-old Belgian interpreter Nicola Cantisani, who is blind, sat for two hours waiting in the Brussels-bound U.S. Airways jet on the tarmac at Philadephia airport in early April, he wondered why no one was telling passengers about the reasons for the take-off delay. When he requested a glass of water he was shooed away by the crew. When he tried to ask the captain exactly why there was a delay, Cantisani was asked to disembark.

Newly Bought Clothes Mysteriously Escape Your Luggage And Return Themselves

Newly Bought Clothes Mysteriously Escape Your Luggage And Return Themselves

Ah yes, the Philadelphia Airport. You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. A baggage handler has been charged with two counts of theft after a woman noticed that $550 worth of clothes (with the price tags still on) had mysteriously wandered out of her luggage.


Two Philadelphia newspapers, the Inquirer and the Daily News filed for bankruptcy Sunday. [NYT]

This Burger King Sign Is Both Disappointing And Anti-Social

This Burger King Sign Is Both Disappointing And Anti-Social

[January 13, 2008. Philadelphia, Pa. Image via Time Doctor]

Comcast Says FiOS HD Is "Mundane," Verizon Says They Kick Comcast "In The Teeth"

Comcast Says FiOS HD Is "Mundane," Verizon Says They Kick Comcast "In The Teeth"

The Philadelphia Inquirer says that Comcast is upset that more than 250 of Verizon’s HD “choices” are “mundane” and to count them is “misleading and irrelevant to consumers.”

America's 10 Most Stressful Cities

America's 10 Most Stressful Cities

Forbes magazine has put together a list of America’s most stressful cities and as a product of Chicago, the winner of the dubious distinction of being America’s most stressful city, I have this to say: “Yeah, so? Shut up and let me eat my hot dog in peace for once, goddamn it. No, I’m not yelling. Why are you always saying that I’m yelling? It’s not like you never yell! Pass the sport peppers before this gets ugly.”

Comcast: Fire Destroyed Your Cable Box? Pay Up.

Comcast: Fire Destroyed Your Cable Box? Pay Up.

Here’s one more thing to worry about when a fire destroys your home — Comcast.