A New York man who keeps receiving parking tickets is stumped. Not because he claims to be a perfect parker, but because the license plates linked to the tickets were destroyed. [More]
parking tickets

Someone Is Using Fake Parking Tickets To “Rickroll” North Carolina Drivers
When you get a parking ticket, you’re probably ready to curse The Man and all the rules he uses to cage you and bring you down. But if you recently got a parking citation in Asheville, N.C., you might be chuckling instead, after The Man turns out to be Rick Astley singing “Never Gonna Give You Up” and you realize you’ve been “Rickrolled.” [More]

Thousands Of D.C. Residents Won’t Have To Pay Parking Tickets Issued During Winter Storm
There’s perhaps nothing better than hearing you won’t have to pay a parking ticket. Thousands of Washington, D.C. residents will be filled with that happy feeling after the mayor said she’ll void more than half the citations issued last Friday during the winter storm that pummeled the East Coast with snow. [More]

Kentucky City Allowing Motorists To Pay Parking Tickets With Canned Food For A Month
Residents of Lexington, KY now have another option along with searching through their couch cushions to come up with payment for parking tickets: the city will allow motorists to pay for their citations with canned goods throughout the month of November. [More]

San Francisco & L.A. Block App That Helped Drivers Dispute Parking Tickets
Fixed is a smartphone app that tried to help drivers dispute parking tickets, but that aspect of the service is no longer usable in San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Oakland after those cities blocked the company’s access to their parking enforcement websites. [More]

Local Official Thinks It’s Uncool To Pay $25 Parking Ticket In Pennies, But Affirms Man’s Right To Do So
A Pennsylvania man who was rebuffed when he tried to pay a $25 parking ticket he owed to his borough entirely in pennies should’ve been able to use those coins, a local official said, but really, it was kind of rude for him to do so. [More]

Court Tosses Truck Owner’s Parking Citation Because Of A Missing Comma
It pays to read everything carefully — or rather, you might not have to pay a fine if you’re as sharp-eyed as one Ohio woman. She ended up having a parking citation tossed by an appeals court, all because she noticed there was a comma missing in the local law. [More]

Woman’s Car Mistakenly Booted 4 Times Because Someone Else Has Identical Vanity Plate
A driver in New York City has repeatedly gone out to her car and found she couldn’t drive it because once again her vehicle had been booted due to hundreds of dollars in unpaid parking fines. Problem is, this driver says she’s never been ticketed and that she’s being punished for the bad behavior of someone else who had the same vanity license plate number. [More]

Philadelphia, Where They’ll Ticket You Before You Even Leave The Car
This is Reason #516 why I don’t have a car… While we understand why Parking Authority agents have to be coldhearted when someone comes rushing up to an expired meter, crying, “Please don’t ticket me! I was just coming out to put in more money…” we also think there has to be a few seconds of grace period between pulling up to a parking meter and being ticketed. But apparently not here in Philadelphia. [More]

Even An Impassioned Plea About Bees In Your Car Won’t Stop You From Getting Ticketed
The law is the law, but there are times when you simply have to disobey the rules and hope those charged with enforcing the law will make an exception. Alas, the parking-industrial complex is so jaded that not even a tale involving a bee attack and a possible hive in your vehicle can get you out of trouble. [More]

Colorado Lawmakers Have Magical License Plates That Prevent Them From Getting Tickets
Okay, so the license plates given to state legislators in Colorado aren’t actually magical, but they are invisible, at least on the state Dept. of Motor Vehicle database, thus allowing some scofflaw lawmakers (scofflawmakers?) to get out of hundreds of dollars in parking and speeding tickets. [More]

Because Of A Typo And A Parking Scofflaw, I Can’t Go To Washington D.C. Anymore
Reader Cliff doesn’t have $17,000 worth of erroneous toll violations like the motorist whose story we shared yesterday, but he does have a lot of parking tickets, and they aren’t his. [More]

Watch As City Changes Parking Signs Then Issues Tickets To Cars That Had Been Parked Legally
Finding a parking spot in many major cities can be a pain in the butt, as you not only navigate the streets but have to be mindful of “No Parking,” “No Standing,” and any other number of signs that regulate where, and for how long, you can deposit your car. So once you find a spot and check all the signs, you should be good, right? Not if the city comes by and changes the signs on you. [More]

Team Of ‘Robin Hoods’ Feeds Parking Meters, Gets Sued
The city of Keene, New Hampshire claims that the problem isn’t the “Robin Hood” brigade of people who feed parking meters in the city in order to save drivers from tickets. No, they can fill meters with coins all day long and the city government claims that it won’t mind. The problem, claims the city, is that the merry band of meter-feeders are harassing and stressing out all three parking enforcement officers and being nuisances while they save residents from tickets. So the city has sued them. [More]

Hero Or Fool: Man Pays $200 To Appeal $26 Parking Ticket
Here in Philadelphia, parking tickets tend to appear out of nowhere, the Parking Authority’s army of ninja ticket-writers leaving their citations in silence. Many people just fork over the cash, even when the violation is bogus. But not one man, who was willing to spend money to prove his point. [More]

Chicago Woman Claims There’s No Way She Racked Up Record $105K In Parking Tickets
If there’s a car in your name racking up parking tickets but you haven’t been driving it or parking it, should you have to pay? A Chicago woman who claims her ex-boyfriend registered a $600 clunker in her name insists she shouldn’t be on the hook for the whopping $105,761.80 the city says she owes for the car, which sat in an O’Hare Airport parking lot for three years. [More]

Driver Films Officer Ticketing His Car Even Though Minutes Are Left On Meter
Usually, when someone whips out a camera during a dispute, the other party is reluctant to be filmed. But a man in California who claims to have been ticketed for an expired parking meter — even though there was still time left — found a willing subject in the parking enforcement officer who wrote the ticket. [More]