Longtime commenter, and honorary Consumer Reports labcoat owner, GitEmSteveDave needs help. He wants to sing a parody version of Rebecca Black’s “Friday,” except about “Black Friday.” He’s a gifted an enthusiastic singer… the one thing he’s missing are the lyrics. [More]

Write A Black Friday Parody Of Rebecca Black's "Friday"

Banks Impose Surcharge For Using The Word 'Bank'
As usual, parody news site The Onion has managed to produce fake news that tells the truth better than actual facts can. This week’s radio newsflash: not satisfied with charging us fees to receive statements, use tellers, use ATMs, have accounts, and transfer funds, banks will now automatically charge us seventy-flve cents to use the word “bank.” That sentence cost me $1.50. [More]

Get A Free Inhaler From Coal Cares
May is Asthma Awareness Month and you can celebrate it with a free asthma inhaler courtesy of Coal Cares. They’ve put together a fun and informative site to help teach kids that inhalers are cool, and so is coal! [More]

Domino's Pizza Ads Smack Of Desperation
Does Domino’s seem a little desperate lately? A little too eager to prove that they’re listening to your negative tweets about the pizza quality, and not putting boogers in the pies? Like that commercial where they talk all those customers who think they’re complaining about the ingredients inside a focus group room, but then they’re actually in the farmer’s field where the tomatoes come from! Because absolutely nothing happens in the process between getting that tomato to the local pizzeria. Nope, they just send it via pneumatic tube. The comedians at UCB have noticed the earnest tone and made a lil parody video to skewer Domino’s for daring to try to change. Free salad topoff via helicopter, anyone? [More]

"Quatro Zany" Is Like "Four Loko" But Really For Adults This Time. Honest.
UCB’s The Brig sticks a key in Four Loko’s can with this new parody ad for Quatro Zany, “The new alcoholic energy drink totally not targeted toward kids.” It’s got everything adults want, like vodka, sugar, espresso, Adderall, and pixie sticks. And for when you’re on-the go, a convenient no-drip baby nipple! [More]

Parody: TSA's New List of Banned Carryon Items
The holidays are here so that means it’s time for the TSA to release a new list of items that you think would bring holiday cheer but actually need to be banned to protect national security. UCBComedy’s The Brig parodies TSA policies in this new sketch that is probably more disturbing (warning: blood n’ candy canes) than uproarious. [More]

College Library Parodies Old Spice Commercials To Coax Students From Dorm Rooms
I’m a college librarian by training. One of the challenges in the profession right now is convincing students who have grown up with instantaneous access to information from home that a library has something to offer them. Brigham Young University’s Harold B. Lee Library reached out to students by producing a video that shows off library resources and looks awfully…. familiar. [More]

Introducing The Snuggie D-Lux
The Snuggie D-Lux solve a big problem for male Snuggie fans: if the fleece robe has completely covered your front, what happens when you need to access your man parts? Removing the robe could leave you feeling cold, isolated, and remind you that we’re in a recession. But now there’s the Snuggie D-Lux, the robe with three sleeves! NSFW, the D in D-Lux stands for something naughty. [More]

Try New Tylenol Cheesesteaks
Curing a headache shouldn’t be a headache. That’s why there’s new Tylenol Cheesesteak Rapid Release pain-relievers. It’s a delicious Philly Cheesesteak whose savory juices have been doused in the Paracetamol you love, but without the hassle. Plus a cheesesteak! [More]

What To Do When A Company Pulls Your Fair Use Video From YouTube
Last week Constantin Films got YouTube to pull almost all the Angry Hitler parody clips by using the website’s Content ID tracking system. The process is automatic, and YouTube immediately takes down a video once it’s been tagged. However, that also means you can use this system in reverse to get your clips back up, at least for as long as you’re in dispute with the copyright holder. Whether you do this or not will depend on how willing you are to risk a potential lawsuit later on. [More]

"Brownie Husband" Brings Emotional Eating To Delicious New Level
Tina Fey’s new fake commercial for a product called “Brownie Husband” is delicious and gross. (Whoever made the prop should get a special award.) It captures in one ridiculous product all the promises advertisers make about filling your emotional needs, with just a microwave and a vacuum-molded plastic tray. It’s also kind of food porn-y. Watch it below. [More]

Learn To Love Your Messed Up Toyota With This Parody
Funny or Die wants to help Toyota out of this awkward situation it’s found itself in, so the site has posted a helpful video of a cheerfully steely spokeswoman who likes to point with both hands. It’s like she’s shooting good news in your face! Pow pow! And really, it’s true that you can have an awesome garage party without ever needing to take your Toyota on the road, so maybe you should stop being so pessimistic. Video below. [More]

If Wall Street Ran The Airlines
The Baseline Scenario has written a pitch-perfect article that pretends financial industry types are now speaking for the airline industry. It’s filled with appeals to the free market, and lots of threats about how the American Way of Life will collapse if we can’t let passengers sit for more than three hours on tarmacs. [More]

Fake Steve Jobs Rants About The Decline Of American Quality
While reading articles about the iPhone and AT&T this morning, I came across Fake Steve Jobs, which I haven’t read in a long time. On Saturday Fake Steve Jobs had a phone call with an even more fake Randall Stephenson of AT&T, and the fake conversation reaches a brilliant, hilarious Network-level rant against big business about halfway through. [More]

Microsoft's Launch Party Video Is Surprisingly Offensive!
Okay, now we get the appeal of hosting a Windows 7 launch party. There’s lots of f[bleep]g involved. Lots and lots of it at the skeevy white guy’s party, it sounds like. Watch the clip below to see how much better you can make a corporate video by adding a few well-timed bleeps.

SNL Gold Skit Original Ad Revealed
Here at Consumerist, we love gold. Precious, glowing, brilliant, sexy gold. You might be familiar with the Kristen Wiig crazy Monex gold skit on SNL, but have you seen the original Monex commercial it was based on? We present here both the original and the parody for your viewing and comparing pleasure.

Jake Hunts For A Good Laptop
Funny or Die has a pretty funny, nsfw parody of the current Microsoft “You find it, you keep it” commercials. Jake’s in the market for a decent laptop that can meet his needs, which include a big screen, the ability to go online, and enough cash left over for some subscriptions to certain adult websites. It’s basically what the real commercial would look like in a world without TV censors.